The Doors of Earth

Dear Friend and Reader:

As many of you know, yesterday Mercury stationed retrograde and the day before that we had a very impressive Full Moon in Cancer. Today there are three trines shared between minor planets in the earth signs: Icarus is trine Sedna, Astraea is trine Asbolus,and the Sun is trine Logos. Doors are opening.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

We covered the Cancer-Capricorn axis of incarnation in this article here, but I will sum it up for you just in case. With this Full Moon being where it is (Cancer) and the Sun being where it is (Capricorn) the energy touched upon by the zodiac is that of birth (Cancer) and rebirth (Capricorn). Now we are experiencing three aspects in the earth signs. Alice Bailey tells us that the earth signs are all about the soul reborn. Confused? Think of corn, or wheat and what it grows out of, becomes, and reseeds…

Now this effect is emphasized by the three trines taking place in the earth signs.

Icarus in Capricorn is trine Sedna in Taurus. Icarus suggests the height of experience when caution is thrown to the wind. Harmonizing with Sedna in Taurus suggests the doorway through which each of us comes to experience the robust pleasures of life on earth in all of its gamey glory. I’m talking about red meat and hot sex or, for the more reserved, dark chocolate and fast horses.

Then we have Astraea in Capricorn trine Asbolus in Taurus. We have been discussing Asbolus in the current altercation in Gaza. It has yet to end. But as Asbolus was rising in the Palestinian chart, and as Eric has noticed on multiple occasions during session the quality of Asbolus to be prominent in the charts of survivors, perhaps we should think of this particular trine as the survival of justice. After all, each of us must go through many tests to find out what our personal balance is and in an earthy sense, the body tries to maintain homeostasis in every environment. These facts, coupled with this aspect in particular, suggests our own state of evolution. In other words: this aspect is the doorway of balance in the name of survival.

The Sun in Capricorn is trine Logos in Virgo. Logos is decidedly about scientific breakthroughs and the Sun is the Will to be. This particular doorway seems to suggest the breakthrough of a new way of life, or perhaps the dawn of a new method for living.

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