By Sarah Taylor
After a period of hard, often thankless, work, there is a time to take stock and see what’s next; it brings you into a sense of divided allegiances; the possibility exists for a courageously creative solution.
This week’s tarot reading comprises three minor arcana cards: the Seven of Pentacles, the Three of Swords, and the Knight of Wands.

First, this indicates that the prevailing flavour is one that is focussed on practicalities — the minutiae of life rather than larger archetypal themes that are more personality- and character-driven. Here, we have expression through experience and action.
Second, we have a balanced reading in terms of the qualities that you are able to bring to the experience and action: each of the cards comes from one of the four suits. This means that it evokes physical reality (Pentacles), mental activity (Swords), and creativity (Wands). It also means that what is absent — Cups, emotions — are being asked to be acknowledged consciously. It is up to you to actively bring Heart into the events unfolding in and around you.
Looking at each card more closely, from left to right, the Seven of Pentacles is associated with that point in a time of toil where it is useful — perhaps even essential — to step back and look at what has been accomplished if you are going to be informed enough to take the next step. The Seven acknowledges that what you have gained has been against the odds. The figure is resting for a moment in a landscape devoid of greenery, save for the leaves on the vine he is tending, which seem to be holding on by the barest of margins. What nurtures them is the devotion of the figure — you — alone.
It has probably seemed thankless at times; it may be that you have wondered why you have persevered — to what end? This card always reminds me of the vineyards that are planted in the more arid regions of our planet: the risk is high, the rewards are great. Resources such as water are scarce, the weather can be a fickle partner, turning its back when its blessings are needed the most.
And yet, here the figure is — here you are — looking at the fruits of your labour. Perhaps you’re looking at them wondering whether it has been worth it. Perhaps you are ignoring the single pentacle at your feet. You have the Ace. It’s right there. Are you going to pick it up and take responsibility for it — to own your achievement and to move forward with it?
The complexity added to this is the Three of Swords, which seems to be about matters of the heart, but is really about an idea that causes conflict. There is a belief that is being activated that seems to want to pull you in two or more seemingly opposing directions. The Three of Swords is traditionally a card of divided allegiances in relationships, but my invitation to you is to see relationships in a wider context, which includes — nay, starts — with the one that you have with yourself.
Where do you feel divided? Where is it that you feel that the tension is so strong that something’s got to give? Where is it that your ideas put limits on your mental flexibility? Where is it that you punish yourself with your thoughts — the ones that say ‘should’ and ‘need’ and ‘must’, or ‘shouldn’t’, ‘cannot’, ‘must not’?
Where is it that you can withdraw those self-inflicted daggers with compassion, undoing what it is that they have created, so that the wounds heal behind them? Here, it is your thoughts that determine the state of your heart, and not the other way around. To see this as an emotional issue is to miss the idea that it is your belief about something that is placing restrictions on your capacity to move freely — either in an outer expression or an inner experiencing of yourself. If you can unfetter yourself from any further wounding, there is the capacity to experience a sense of wholeness — a harmonising and an alignment of how you think about yourself, about others, about life.
The key lies in the final card. It seems like the Knight of Wands is charging to the rescue: his horse is pointing towards the first two cards; he is fiery enthusiasm incarnate; his wand is raised before him, expressing self-confidence and a crusading spirit.
Wands are erotic energy. This is the creative drive that is sparked deep within and which licks to the surface. We either bring it into awareness and channel it — whether through sex, art, procreation, any form of self-definition — or we deny or suppress it, in which case it makes itself known in ways that often take us by surprise.
The Knight’s presence in this reading is suggesting that the solution to a sense of stuckness and frustration with something that has been so hard-won is to adopt a creative spirit. This spirit is prepared to act rather than to wait; it is youthful and therefore prone to hot-headedness — which is useful to keep in mind — but it is also enthusiastic, sexy, vital and emanates from your creative core. It reinvigorates what you have felt has been depleted in the struggle simply to keep going.
What is likely to stymie the Knight is the Three of Swords: what you tell yourself, how you perceive limitations in the form of opposing thoughts or beliefs, of conflicts over real-estate. The Knight’s path is cleared through the harmonising that I wrote about further up. Withdraw those swords, and he can get to where he is needed: that of demonstrating that the game is not over, that you have more than you think, that it is time to take it and to move forward.
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: Seven of Pentacles (Saturn in Taurus), Three of Swords (Saturn in Libra), Knight of Wands (the airy element of fire)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
Thank you, each and every one of you, for your deep, heart-felt sharing. Yes, we are all in this together, and I firmly believe that that isn’t just a ‘nice-to-know’ realisation, but one that feels personally necessary. My wish is that I can navigate these waters with a growing sense of my own active participation in what is unfolding. And to have the acceptance that everyone brings their own point of view, and the freedom of that is more important than any particular outcome I feel I need to have happen.
trinity – I hope your foot heals *soonest*! 🙂
— S
“…what is absent — Cups, emotions — are being asked to be acknowledged consciously. It is up to you to actively bring Heart into the events unfolding in and around you.”
I read this last night, but could not seem to grasp it comprehensively until now, and after my experience of today.
I spent a good part of my day clearing out research and development files, contracts, invoices, and receipts from my old business I started in 2003 that I completely closed down almost two years ago now. I thought regarding this particular transition in my life I was physically and mentally through letting this past go, but my emotions (cups) runneth over in tears, not even knowing exactly what i felt, but were more so needing expression was clear.
This was a sign for me today of a necessary, final release in this cycle of change, before I was able to fully move on – And I now realize is especially important, as also is represented in the Pentacle Ace, for better understanding growth, it is ok, (best, in fact) if when coming in/from the space(s) where the forward direction is still not quite defined.
“It has probably seemed thankless at times; it may be that you have wondered why you have persevered — to what end?”
Three of Swords; A piercing of the heart- a decision, an action a leading towards, a mental release turning to change.
Seven of Pentacles, contemplating your direction, the labor of, achievement in, the process of decision, a choice represented in the physical sphere. I feel is speaking of our faith and courage in process to us.
I notice the Seven figure’s stance, each work boot is purposefully placed in each aspect representing in color (both mental and physical card realms) are similarly working together the exact same colors of the vehicle (the horse), The Knight of Wands courageously rides that carries him over all obstacles, in adventure, in creative expression, is also promised by the Ace of Pentacles at our feet there.
Sarah thank you for your reading. Everyone, each of your comments here, sincerely all! I truly believe our next cycle is upon us…
Thanks so much sweetheart! Good luck with your quieter days at home – all sounds good!
Thank-you Lizzie. I am finally able to start hobbling around still glowering at the damn turkey! In a strange kind of way I feel that I was meant to be immobilised as I also had minimal media working, so I could download some internal lessons. Good luck with your job. I’m sure you need not worry about your creativity being stymied!
I cannot fully explain how closely this reading aligned with a conversation I just had, but it’s truly amazing. Thank you!
Good luck with your foot, dear Trinity! I really feel for you, as I did something similar some years ago. But looks like you’ll deal splendidly with it, on every level.
And I thank you. jinspace, and everyone, for their comments. Sarah’s piece plus comments makes me realize, once again, that what I’m experiencing is the same for many, and it seems to be an important part of a kind of birthing process, a kind of reckoning with past stuff in order to let go and move on. As the new comes in for many of us, it’s not what we expected, doesn’t feel riight (or alternatively, it’s just the same old…). My biggest fear is being robbed of my creatibvity as i plunge into a new (and sought after) job. As I mentioned elsewhere, yesterday, the Bach remedies can really help. Mustard for black clooud depression, Gentian for discouragement, Sweet Chestnut for despair, Hornbeam for that not wanting to get out of bed and go to work feeling, Walnut for change/transition, breaking with the past.
Good luck to all! ((())))
Sarah – Lizzy has put it perfectly for me, too. This reading crystallizes my position and my feelings, and feels like the gentle green light I’ve been trying to give myself. Thank you! (And thank you, Lizzy!)
Thank-you, Sarah! This reading speaks to me on so many levels, including issues related to my last week’s discussion of all the “can’t” messages that were drummed into me over the years – & a host of “shoulds” to boot. I’ve been rounding up a few of those & hopefully tossing them.
I believe I’ve been choosing (at least often) to “pick it up” (the wand at my feet) – take satisfaction in what I have accomplished, be prepared to build upon it, bit by bit.
I’m a little torn between wanting to get back to my art & the necessity to do all that’s necessary in harvest/food preservation/preparation for winter, which are part of the sustainable life I have chosen. That’s where patience applies – & keeping in mind that the more hands-on tasks are of great value also.
Perhaps I can see the Knight as my Sagittarius sun, who has always managed to keep shining & help me find the good, the lesson, the something-useful no matter how bad things have been. I believe he & I have learned not to gallop off after illusions anymore,
& to turn that energy in more constructive directions.
The biggest test of that would be the opportunity for finding a new partner relationship, & that is entirely unlikely at present. It’s not as though I’ve nothing to do in the meantime –
& it’s obviously not time for that test. “Never” comes to mind, but I know better than to say that.
I did a 3 card reading a while back and got the Knight of wands. A little later I was charging around my place early in the morning furiously chasing off a persistent bush turkey that was trying to get in my house and slipped on a wet paver after the 1 day of rain in ages and broke my right foot. Echoes of Chiron in Pisces connecting to Saturn!
I am located at the Seven of Pentacles. Taking a step back to pause and reflect before moving forward.
what lizzie said–this reading is so on target, that feeling like all i’ve worked for is for naught. going to light a candle and get back to it. there’s something about this reading that feels like blues music–work, pain, and strong creative/erotic energy all together.
I can’t thank you enough for this remarkable piece, dear Sarah. It describes so exactly where I’m at right now. You’ve given me wonderful tools to work with, to help me through. Thank you. xxx