The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, June 3, 2012

By Sarah Taylor

This week’s tarot reading follows on from last weekend’s reading, which featured the King of Pentacles, the Nine of Pentacles, and the Five of Pentacles. I concluded the reading with this observation:

“It is up to us to turn within and find what has been calling to us, inviting us into an encounter that has the ability to transform our lives in ways that might not be immediately visible, but which renew our connection to ourselves and each other.”

Judgement, The Hermit, Nine of Pentacles -- RWS Tarot deck.
Judgement, The Hermit, Nine of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot deck. Click on the image for a larger version.

Here, we have just such a moment. The first two cards give the reading a broad theme: this is soul work that we’re doing.

The major arcana in tarot (the 22 cards that stand in addition to the Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles) are focused on the overarching matters of individuation, a word from analytical psychology which describes the process of becoming uniquely oneself — in other words, to separate from family, friends, expectations, societal norms, and previously unquestioned ‘must bes’, ‘must dos’ and ‘must haves’. When a reading has one or more major arcana cards, we know we are facing one of those encounters that have the ability to enable us to become more of who we really are, and to listen to and follow our soul’s calling.

There is a collective nature to this too: none of us is separate from the world around us — nor from our past, nor our future. What we say, what we do, what we think, and how we feel have more impact on our world than we can perhaps imagine. And the same goes for how others’ actions, beliefs and feelings can affect us — most particularly our families of birth and our ancestors.

And so we have a seeming contradiction: to be uniquely ourselves, and yet to acknowledge that we are connected and interdependent with everyone and everything. If we look deeper, however, the contradiction disappears. We are being asked to show our true colours, to come forward and be accounted for, to express ourselves in the way we know best, but which we perhaps hold secret from others. It is through this expression that we enrich creation.

The Hermit is the central focus of this reading. He stands there, showing us the way with his small light. Or is it small? For the light that he carries in his lantern is a star: Venus — also known as the Morning or Evening Star, depending on when it appears in our sky. The Hermit is associated with going within; he is guardian to us when we are conducting a process of soul-searching. Here, he is being directive: he holds his lantern up to Judgement, while turning his back squarely on the Nine of Pentacles. In one aspect, he mirrors the woman in the Nine of Pentacles, but whereas she is looking at a hooded falcon — all dressed up and nowhere to go — the Hermit’s head is bowed towards his source of light. An offering up of himself; an invitation, humble as it is. “Here. Follow this.”

The Judgement card often has connotations of doom and punishment with its symbolic associations with the biblical judgement at the end of the New Testament. However, I think that it simply comes down to this:

Stand up and be counted.

Stand up for who you are, and stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself, and stand up for others. Stand without shame, naked in your truth. Trust that there are angels in our midst. This is a moment of rebirth. What is it that you will choose to create?


If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.

12 thoughts on “The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, June 3, 2012”

  1. Thank you, all, for your inspiring responses! The tarot is nothing without our participation in it; this column would be nothing without your presence.

    Huffy – Everything that I have read recently is about a state of flux. Wading through the thick of it sounds just about spot-on to me.


  2. My crazy 12th house sun (and the rest of those celestial buggers) is happier than its been in years and years. 🙂

    And I would say precisely for this reason: “Stand up for who you are, and stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself, and stand up for others. Stand without shame, naked in your truth. Trust that there are angels in our midst. This is a moment of rebirth.”

    I shall have to make an effort, though, on the naked part… I am *this* close to starting a nudist camp on my rather exposed balcony.

    I love The Aeon and The Hermit in this deck:

    Thanks for this, Sarah. Messages repeated mean messages go in deeper and deeper…

  3. Isn’t this interesting in light of the venus transit.

    Sitting under a tree yesterday (this is not the page for ideas for sexual rev – forgive me, I was thinking about that) and the feeling I had was of venus grossing the sun changing the quality of the light so that everything the light touched was touched like with the breath of the lion in the lion the witch and the wardrobe. Eric said to think of fukushima, and I was thinking that healing light with a concentration of millenia in that place.

    I cannot speak for others. In my own surroundings this week I have seen both tremendous support and tremendous unawareness. I have stood up repeatedly. Any sexual liberation needs first of all to be a human one from where I am standing. Two way vision, moving forward into readiness for anything. eyes open, hearts fully engaged.

    ‘And so we have a seeming contradiction: to be uniquely ourselves, and yet to acknowledge that we are connected and interdependent with everyone and everything. If we look deeper, however, the contradiction disappears. We are being asked to show our true colours, to come forward and be accounted for, to express ourselves in the way we know best, but which we perhaps hold secret from others. It is through this expression that we enrich creation.

    The Hermit is the central focus of this reading. He stands there, showing us the way with his small light. Or is it small? For the light that he carries in his lantern is a star: Venus — also known as the Morning or Evening Star, depending on when it appears in our sky. The Hermit is associated with going within; he is guardian to us when we are conducting a process of soul-searching. Here, he is being directive: he holds his lantern up to Judgement, while turning his back squarely on the Nine of Pentacles. In one aspect, he mirrors the woman in the Nine of Pentacles, but whereas she is looking at a hooded falcon — all dressed up and nowhere to go — the Hermit’s head is bowed towards his source of light. An offering up of himself; an invitation, humble as it is. “Here. Follow this.”

    The Judgement card often has connotations of doom and punishment with its symbolic associations with the biblical judgement at the end of the New Testament. However, I think that it simply comes down to this:

    Stand up and be counted.

    Stand up for who you are, and stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself, and stand up for others. Stand without shame, naked in your truth. Trust that there are angels in our midst. This is a moment of rebirth. What is it that you will choose to create?’

    venus, rebirth.

    Thank you sarah

  4. On the go… so sorry for the typos and iPhone auto correct, Nine of “penniless”. Although is probably fitting, in our understanding this way in the end is filled with emptiness.

    Sincerely, visioning true prosperity “Venus” to all.

  5. Dear Sarah,

    Thank you for this reading.   It is amazing how so relates to our current astrological climate, collective world view and yes, also personally. 

    I had a dream earlier this week that I posted regarding Len’s poignant article “Making Sense from Senselessness” briefly image here- it was the whitest of tennis shoe heels, (i think i knew as my wedding shoes) that were shown to me being sprayed (cleaned) off by a strong fire hose.   Main point was they were already gleaming, shiny clean!   So bright was that light to illuminate as in your reading Sarah, this resonnated for me.   

    Btw, ‘Be’, thank you  for you interpretation, of “Diamonds” and “high Healing” made me laugh, and I agree, it is about rebirth for me, for all right now!   

    As to specific direction is still unfolding, yet I am realizing now maybe not the point of destination now, but more so as  the reading illustrates so well it is in the calling, present moment which is herald for celebration now…our being directed to realizing the light within as shown in the Hermit Card and our swiftly moving away from from Nine of Penniless which is so of the past now.

    As so intuitively addresses in this reading:

    We are being asked to show our true colours, to come forward and be accounted for, to express ourselves in the way we know best, but which we perhaps hold secret from others. It is through this expression that we enrich creation.”

  6. Your spreads of the past 6 weeks have been uncannily accurate for me. You could say “I’m in the flow” :>) and wink. This is just a quick check in to tell you I love you and your incredible sensitivity and wisdom. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  7. Hi Sarah– Thanks for another fascinating reading. I’ve been thinking about last week’s reading for many days since, considering what you said about a cycle of obligation that starts well but becomes a trap that throws one off balance. Applies to many things; but the words you quote above, about really considering what is calling us as we dash about on our busy paths, invites deeper thought. Yes, the Hermit. Standing still, looking into the light– which he carries– which illuminates.


  8. Thank you dear, Sarah, for this wonderful reading, that matches the amazing astrology of these days. Right now I’m wading through the thick of it – and find it hard to break on through to the other side. But your reading is so inspiring.

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