By Sarah Taylor
Today, we continue the story of Swords — those thoughts and beliefs that we hold to, the ones that no longer serve us and yet keep us trapped, and the ones that can serve to liberate us if we choose the path of “conscious rebellion.”

At centre, the Three of Swords. If this card describes anything, it describes a lack of clarity, and the sorrow and doubt that come from that. This card is often used to describe an emotional entanglement — however, here, what’s emphasised above all else is that the entanglement is one of perception.
A figure stands, head bowed, in front of what seems to be a door. Except this door dwarfs him, is boarded over (thought upon thought), with no handle in sight — the only way through being ‘over’, towards the stars and the light sources behind it. Two light sources, to be precise.
I wonder if these light sources are The High Priestess and the Princess of Swords themselves? I wonder if it is their combined presence that leads ‘over’ what it is that you feel that you are up against — mainly in the machinations of your own mind? I wonder if their wisdom — ancient and young — are what give you a precious light so that you can re-establish contact with a path that, heretofore, has appeared to be barred to you?
The High Priestess is associated with the Moon, which feels particularly relevant given that yesterday we celebrated the New Moon in Leo, replete as it is with the potential for relinquishing the old and seeding the new. It is a ‘new’ that is deeply connected with light: Leo is ruled by the Sun, the illuminating centre of our planetary experience.
Your inner Sun, too, is the illuminating centre of your own experience, and its light gives shine not only to who you are at your source, but also to who you have been, who you now realise you are not, nor have ever been (no matter how hard you, and others, have tried to convince you), and where it is that you can go that aligns most clearly with what lies at the heart of you. Leo, after all, is also heart.
But what of “heart” in a reading that, on the surface, doesn’t seem to be directly associated with heart-based cards? Ah, but there is heart, and there is the expression of Heart as an impassioned cry of one who feels and senses deeply, and then acts on that conviction with ardour and precision. It can look like rebellion; it can feel uncompromising. That’s what heart can look like: compassion in action — a “heart warrior” — as one wise group of people taught me earlier this year in Colorado, as we formed a circle, knelt at each others’ feet, and owned our projections and our truth.
And being a Heart Warrior isn’t always easy. Stepping up to wield the sword of courage, insight and personal truth will often meet with strong resistance. What makes it more complex is when we find that the resistance is ours as well as others’. Where do we end? Where do they start? What is our truth — our heart-felt truth — when it is challenged and obscured by our own doubts and lack of clarity as well as the doubts and lack of clarity of those around us? What of those who claim to be holding to their own truth? What of those especially who claim that we are misguided, that we are wrong?
Let them have their truth, but not at the expense of your truth.
This is where the two outer cards come into their own; this is where you have the ability to come into your own. This is Heart. This is the attending to your heart, what lies at the very depths of you: your knowing, your wisdom. It may feel young, but when it comes from heart, it comes from something as timeless as it is wise.
The High Priestess embodies that timeless wisdom through the powers of her intuition. The Princess of Swords, in her highest expression, enacts that wisdom in a way that breaks through the bonds that tied her in to the invisible agreement to “know her place.”
Yes, she is rebellion. She’s a rebel with a cause. And that cause is you.
You may have your doubts and your sorrows, you may be faced with a wall of uncertainty, but in the words of Alanis Morissette in Wake Up, amidst the conflict, “there’s an underestimated and impatient little girl, raising her hand.” That hand first frees herself. Then both hands are available to free others through the expression of her compassionate truth.
That wall you might be feeling? Yes, it really is a doorway. Maybe it’s time to find a way past it and reunite with your Heart Warrior.
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: The High Priestess (Moon), Three of Swords (Saturn in Libra), Princess of Swords (the earthy aspect of air)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
Orion B – My feeling is that a card is emotionally charged with the history you bring to it — in other words, the Three of Swords gives you that “Tower” feeling because your particular experience means that you know both of them so very well. If you can go into your week as undefended against them as possible — and seeking whatever support you need to do this — then you make space for other experiences to come in too. In fact, you can ask for that space if it helps. The other two cards are perfectly situated for that.
With love,
oh GOD,
3 of Swords
Why this card is like the Tower to me
Its going to be an awful week I knew it
But thank you for this reading
“That wall you might be feeling? Yes, it really is a doorway. Maybe it’s time to find a way past it and reunite with your Heart Warrior.” Poetry. And isn’t all Poetry Truth? Walking forward, in beauty, poetry, life, goodness and truth. Thanks for the hand. Very much today. xoxo
Thank you, everyone! 🙂
starrynight3 — The Four of Swords usually means taking a break — time-out to soothe the soul in some form of spiritual and/or meditative practice, and you can take that as broadly as you need to.
The thing with the Four is that although the time-out isn’t obligatory, it is advised: the implication being that *not* taking it will have its consequences. Much like a soldier at the frontlines who wants to continue fighting, but is asked to step away from battle to tend to physical, psychological, emotional, and/or spiritual wounds that, if ignored, would have an adverse effect.
Thanks Sarah. Love your readings. Will you give me an idea of what the 4 of Swords entails? I recently had it come up in a reading as outcome and haven’t been able to grasp it’s meaning or symbolism. Could use some help!
Thank you, so describes this Leo’s path of late. That little girl is waving both hands in the air, dancing to the song of her heart.
Good reminder to operate from the heart – thank you
An inspiring and timely reading Sarah, thank you!
I just one of those silly online quizzes. It was supposed to indicate my Jungian archetype… mine was the Rebel! Loved it! I’m about ready to step into a new phase of my life, and it’s taking the rebel in me to make it happen! Thank you for more confirmation that I’m on the best path!
Woohoo :)) Rebel With a Cause!!
Lovely, Sarah … heart-felt! Thank you.
Thank you so very much, dear Sarah.