The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, July 22, 2012

By Sarah Taylor

Emotions are at the forefront of this week’s reading: all Cups, all receptacles for whatever we choose to put into them (and what we choose to put into the relationships that we have with ourselves and those around us).

Four of Cups, Ace of Cups, Five of Cups -- Thoth Tarot deck.
Four of Cups, Ace of Cups, Five of Cups from the Thoth Tarot deck, created by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. Click on the image for a larger version.

I have used the word ‘receptacle’ with some deliberation, because this is about receptivity rather than action. Or, rather, that receptivity — receiving — comes first, and action second. By receiving I mean either something from your environment or, more likely, something from your intuition. This is not a time to react as much as it is to feel deeply into what your body and heart are telling you, and then to move outward from that feeling, keeping in contact with it, letting it guide you.

Anyone who comes to this reading might be forgiven for falling into a state of ‘Cups overwhelm’ looking at the three cards. What to make of them? What are the different strands of the narrative that they are weaving? Is it an everything-all-at-once reading where you have little space in which to step back? Or is it that you simply need to give yourself the space to see what it is that they are telling you?

I think these questions are not just about the cards, but also the situation that the cards reflect — namely, do you value yourself enough to know and act with the understanding that things need not be rushed by the fear that you are going to miss out on the main chance?

The heart takes its own time. We might not be privy to all that happens in the wings, behind the scenes, out of earshot, when we take to the stage in the love stories of our lives. When we are out there performing, it asks for faith that we are being supported by a cast and crew that can be neither entirely apprehended nor fully controlled. That voice that whispers to you from the shadows? You can either ignore it, in which case it might feel that you’re out there alone under the spotlights. Or you can listen to its direction and see if that has the effect of easing your way around, so that you know what to do when something, or someone, new comes along.

Take a look at the Four of Cups. There is love that feels good, but which has yet to show its depth — if, that is, it has any. This is love that is focused on the material plane. It is exciting and rather lovely to look at. The seas around the four cups are clear and tranquil. The sky, nevertheless, is grey and muted. There is a sense of something not being clear, an inability to reach up and experience a sense of infinity. Likewise, as much as the sea is blue, it gives no feeling of profundity. It is like a swimming pool rather than an ocean. This is love that needs to prove its mettle. It might well be up to the task, but it takes a different form of love to love through stormy weather, to love into the unknown that lies beneath the surface.

And then the Five of Cups. Disappointment. The waters have become grey, striated with rusty lines under a hot and parching sky. It feels metallic. The cups are empty. There is nothing to give, and the lotus flowers are starting to lose their petals. The promise inherent in the Four of Cups has subsided, and the resulting picture is hard and incapable of nurturing life. What is left is something that people might say was once beautiful, but which now has little purpose.

When there is no striving for depth — which asks for faith — we cut ourselves off from the well of love that lies behind everything but requires different eyes, a dedication to the cause of love, and courage. The Ace is that well.

The Ace of Cups is love divine and eternal. This love is not subject to the limitations that we humans tend to put on what we believe love to be.

As humans, all too often we ask love to behave in certain ways, to be a certain thing for us. Not satisfied with that, we ask those around us — especially those closest to us — to fall in line with what we believe love is, shoring up our fragile assertions. And when we feel the disparity between our desires for love and the reality of our experience, we wield love as a reward, and love as a weapon. We say we are being loving when we are demonstrating every behaviour to the contrary.

The Ace of Cups is showing us something entirely different. It is pure flow, unwavering, undiscriminating, offering itself endlessly in the service of love. It has no master; it asks for no authority over others. It is its own authority, defined by two words: love is.

No matter how we choose to view love, or how we choose to work with the many different versions of so-called ‘love’ that we have on this planet, the Ace of Cups can show us that, in actuality, there is only one real love. And it is available to us without condition. This can be an uncomfortable thing to grasp, hierarchical creatures that we are, because then it means that we are no more, or less, deserving of love than anyone else. The Ace of Cups as unconditional love is the great leveller, operating outside of the bounds of what we may view as positive (Luxury) or negative (Disappointment). It recognises neither, only what is eternally real.

Trust that it knows more than you do, reach out for it, and draw from it; it is available to you right now.

If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.

11 thoughts on “The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, July 22, 2012”

  1. Thank you, all, for your lovely comments! I would write more, but I am nursing a cold (which always feels that much more disorientating when the sun is shining) and my mind is feeling as stuffy as my head. My apologies! 🙂

  2. Sarah, thank you for your reading.  It lifts and also connects to what was brought to my awareness and attention just today.

    The Sabbath.  The New Moon. The seventh day, the day after creation, it was perfectly complete.   Sabbath a time of worship…a time for taking in.   It is without projection, without judgement of self, or other (negative, or positive).   

    Sabbath is Rest.  Allowing the moment.  In realizing it is all beyond what we can predict, control, imagine, comprehend…could possibly ever fully know.   Accepting, is in rest that we are held, in it’s hands and it is all ok…to be.  Unconditional.  To receive.

  3. Confusion and fear, burningriver? Me too. Plus an overwhelming sadness that I struggle to beat back. Still, I’m trying to listen, trying to be patient, and am grateful for Sarah’s reading today.

  4. Thank you, Sarah, for this spread. (And I am so happy you are back.) For me, and I do not doubt, others also here in the US, I feel this spread is pertinent on at least two levels. The absolute sickened feeling in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras,because of the most recent massacre and violence that are being reported in this land have reached a crescendo of overwhelm, just as you mentioned about a first glance at the spread. And so you wrote “This is not a time to react as much as it is to feel deeply into what your body and heart are telling you, and then to move outward from that feeling, keeping in contact with it, letting it guide you.”
    Your admonition to let love take its time. To remain receptive to its flow. and The Ace right in the center. Yes. Without tapping into that never ending, bottomless well of warming, life sustaining pouring out of healing and nurturing —where do we go, what do we do?

    And for me personally today, again, I stand in confusion and fear–and you remind me to wait…”do you value yourself enough to know and act with the understanding that things need not be rushed by the fear that you are going to miss out on the main chance?” “The heart takes is own time,” Blessings and again thanks to you.

  5. Sarah, you always write well but this has it all. The cards speak but you make them sing.. utterly brilliant treatment of love’s true depths over against human attachments. Thank you for giving us some beautiful cards too! 😀

  6. That is quite a layout, and it confounds my usual elemental analysis. But there is still a rich symbolic equation here: 4+1=5. Or perhaps 5-1=4. The 4C is stable, but perhaps we are accustomed to that stability, it bores us. The Ace represents the potential for unlimited happiness. But since we seek that unlimited state, rather than being satisfied with our existing, stable state, we can only be left disappointed.

    Or to put it more simply, we imagine what might be, and compare it to what IS. We measure how much we fall short of our ideal, and that makes us miserable.

  7. Thanks to you Sarah. I have enjoyed this reading. It reminds me of two pieces:

    “The same night whitening the same trees.
    We, of that time, are no longer the same. …
    I no longer love her, that’s certain, but maybe I love her.
    Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
    Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms
    my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
    Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer
    and these the last verses that I write for her.” – Pablo Neruda

    “There are betrayals in war that are childlike compared with our human betrayals during peace. The new lovers enter the habits of the other. Things are smashed, revealed in a new light. This is done with nervous or tender sentences, although the heart is an organ of fire.” – Michael Ondaatje

    Also, yesterday I walked through my market just outside the town I live and I find on the floor this yellow flower and gave it to a woman I walked past. I think she was very shocked because she didn’t say anything. I kept walking feeling badly, then I just let myself go of that. Then it was like I was refilled later.

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