By Sarah Taylor
What would you be like — what would you be capable of — if you were to throw caution to the winds and love yourself fearlessly and fully?

What would your life be like? How would you want it to look — its details, its cycles of union, separation, grief, reunion, joy, separation, pain, merging, ecstasy — if you were to throw caution to the winds and love yourself fearlessly and fully?
How would you see others? How would you feel about them? How would you be if they approached you, open arms, their faces and hearts an expression of their silent desire that you do the same? How would you react if they were to shame, hunt or hurt you, either out of ignorance or malice? How fiercely could you love through it all, if you were to throw caution to the winds and love yourself fearlessly and fully?
How might your neighbourhood change, your community, your country, your world? What of polarisation, alienation, hatred, mistrust? How could all of these change if you were to throw every last bit of caution to the winds and love yourself fearlessly and fully?
Reading this, all of us, we can wonder to ourselves; we can turn over possibilities, theories, fantasies in our minds of what could happen if we were to do just that, and love ourselves fearlessly and fully. And wondering will not make the slightest bit of difference to how we experience life today, right now, on this planet. Wondering will change nothing.
Because fearless, full love cannot be contemplated, theorised, or fantasised. It will forever lie beyond the grasp of any analysis, any comfortable, safe, distant method of understanding.
Fearless, full love can only be lived — in every moment, in every interaction, in every relationship, in every corner of our world, both familiar and unexplored. Digested and absorbed into every cell of our bodies, and lived. Love as an act of compassionate rebellion against everything that tells us that we are not love, that you are not love, that this is not love.
When we have loved ourselves through our blackest nightmares, our wildest natures, our deepest insecurities, we break through the barriers separating us from others. Love as an act of freedom. Then we might see how the world can change.
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: Queen of Disks (the watery aspect of earth), Strength (Leo), Ace of Cups (the pure, limitless expression of its suit)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
Thank you so much for this amazing post, Sarah. I read the first half yesterday, and it stirred something deep inside of me that I went home and lived my life fully and fearlessly, it was so inspiring! In the meetings I had, the interactions with my partner, family, friends and myself, I just lived, sharing myself and my love freely, without fear, and what a fabulous day I had!! One of the free-ist days I can remember, it was like a relief! I just had to surrender to that great feeling of love for myself and others, and it was so liberating!
Today, I just had to make time to read the whole post and all the fantastic comments that it brought tears to my eyes thinking about how much we just hold on to so much through fear and social pressure. We hold ourselves back from expressing the beautiful, amazing beings we are and the sifling the creative forces within us, and who misses out? Our kids, our partners, families, friends, and communities, our chosen path, our work, and ultimately we miss out on our selves.
This post has truly changed me forever as now I have had a glimpse of my fearless self, felt that freedom of what it’s like to be my loving self to all I come into contact with, I can’t go back. I can’t squeeze all that fear and pressure back into me because it’s gone, and that space has been quickly filled with love, light and knowledge of what abundant beings we are!! The only way from here is to truly live!
Thank you Sarah, you are a genius!!!
In love and light to you and all Planet Wavers,
Om Shanti
I have recently chosen to do just this…. to fearlessly and fully love myself enough to create a life I love!!! Today was a major turning point for me in this choice…. SOOOOO appreciative of the confirmation that I have made the best choice for me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Yes. Beautifully put, dear Strawberry. Lovely. Hope you’re doing ok, sweetheart.
This is so inspiring, Sarah. I’d like to add that for me, the concept of loving myself fully, while powerful, is a little inaccessible. But I’m finding that allowing myself to open up & feel the full extent of the love that someone else has for me is a beautiful first step toward that. Even when we feel relatively “safe” with someone, & “know” they love us, it can be hard to let ourselves feel that much love, because of the vulnerabilities it opens up, especially if that person is a parent or family member. But staying with that vulnerability, & opening to that love is just a variation on loving ourselves. For me, nothing is real unless I can feel it, so when I can let myself feel the fullness of love another has for me, all those worries & fears show up in sharp relief as the nonsense they are, & the path to fully loving myself opens up.
I hadn’t realized how the two were connected until I read your piece. Thank you for sharing so beautifully.
Dear Sarah,
This was so appropriate for me today. I can’t tell you how much your words mean to me. Thank you so much.
Here is a post partly inspired by your words…
Warm regards,
Freedom. Yes! To be open to the powerful, life enhancing forces, insights, seed potential; to intuitively be inline with/to the portal of Soul Path in my life. From there.. joy, peace fulfillment, intimacy, compassion, nourishment, home, fertility and creativity flows!
Sarah what a brilliantly gorgeous draw. Thank you. When the Sun first entered Leo last week, I referred to the Sabian Symbol Degree and it’s interpretation here below. With Venus in Cancer, Mercury Leo, Strength in the center of your eloquence reading it seemed an appropriate time to share.
A basic symbol of Man: forceful, dangerous entrance into the Soul realm. Irresistible outpouring of self. Activity per se.
Per se: by, or in it’s self, themselves; Intrinsically -belonging naturally; essential. (Of a muscle) contained wholly within the organ on which it acts.
Oh my, Sarah – this is brilliant & perfect for me right now! I agree with Kate that it connects beautifully with Eric’s take on this time also.
There are SO many pressures (from internalized scripts to social expectations & the stresses of living through hard times) to live life “small”, to narrow our horizons, lower our expectations, to fear rather than love.
And oh, yes, it’s loving our selves freely & fearlessly that is both so very difficult & so essential.
Thank-you for this clear & beautiful reminder!
Demonstrably and tangibly inspired: powerful, clean, direct and SO appropriate Here and Now.
Most gratefully received. Now to integrate this with every step, every breath.
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthank you
Interesting step change this week. The swords vanish and in place I see this as a clear link to E’s post on working at the boundaries, pushing it… Living a life where we dare, where we live fearlessly. Great.
“When we have loved ourselves through our blackest nightmares, our wildest natures, our deepest insecurities, we break through the barriers separating us from others. Love as an act of freedom”. Yes!! Thank you so much for this, Sarah. There have been times in these last weeks where I have had a taste (just a glimpse) of what it means to love fearlessly and fully. A part of me desires it more than anything else, and another part draws back in fear because it is an angry and aching world out there, and I fear the consequences of having such an open heart. But I also know that if one is able to love in that way – great compassion for oneself and others is also in the mix – and great healing too. This is so very helpful.