The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, August 19, 2012

By Sarah Taylor

Yet again, Cups predominate in one of our Weekend Tarot Readings; it seems the flow of things is about heart — our feelings. Yet today there is a stabilising quality to the reading in the form of the Three of Disks; feelings that are based in, and then emanate from, the solid core of consciousness that can only reside within.

Six of Cups, Three of Disks, Princess of Cups -- Thoth Tarot deck.
Six of Cups, Three of Disks, Princess of Cups from the Thoth Tarot deck, created by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. Click on the image for a larger version.

If you’re a regular reader of Planet Waves, you will hear this idea time and again: so much of this world asks us to base our feelings and our sense of self-worth (our feelings about ourselves) on what goes on outside and around us. Time and again we are reminded here that it is only the ‘self’ that can give us worth.

The reason for this repetition is that excavating our idea of who we are is a process that is repetitive by nature. Like soil that is weed-bound, in order to ready it for harvest we need to dig it over more than once, to find what we missed, ensuring that we have created the groundwork for something that will bear good fruit. There is a deeply seated belief that runs through our group consciousness that tells us that we need to find stability from our relationships, from our jobs, from our possessions. This requires some digging.

Even those of you who feel liberated from this belief might do well to stay with it and dig some more: the truth, and what we tell ourselves is the truth, can be two different creatures entirely.

When you say that you don’t need anything or anyone in order to feel complete and content, are you speaking from the heart, or simply paying your heart lip service?

The reason I am focusing so much on this issue is because of the other two cards — the Six of Cups and Princess of Cups. There is something that is becoming available to you, and so much potential to harness it with maturity and boundless enthusiasm. And yet Cups are watery; if there is no strong, built-for-purpose receptacle to hold it, the potential will simply slip through your fingers. You are being asked to step up, inhabit your life, take responsibility for what is coming your way, and then meet it.

And what will you be meeting? The Six — erotic energy at its most constructive — is balanced by the Princess — emotional freedom — with the Three of Disks as the fulcrum. There is an opportunity for a form of relating with the heart (perhaps in a very physical, visceral way) that is governed by interdependence rather than dependence — where you can feel grounded and yet open, childlike yet centred in your own power.

It is probable this is an encounter that has been in your environment for some time. There has been a preponderance of Cups over the last few weeks, if not months, and the readings have had a palpable quality of integration (but isn’t it always about integration anyway?) — although it might have come in and out of your awareness, and, like Cups, might be difficult to apprehend fully or get a handle on. If you can’t, maybe it is time to stop trying and simply see what happens when you start moving with it, letting it guide you step by step.

However it manifests for you, it asks for that seeming paradox of letting go while remaining conscious that I wrote about last week. This ensures that the interplay between Six and Princess remains in balance, so that the seesaw doesn’t leave either one dangling in the air or pinned to the ground (or you, for that matter — not unless you want to be). It also requires the interplay of Cups (heart/feelings) and Disks (body/gut), so that the seesaw remains connected to the fulcrum and the full power of the cards is yours to experience.

Finally, this is a reading that is about being in the moment with whatever comes up to you and asks you to play. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel good and yet still remain centred? Does it ask you to give up nothing of yourself? Does the twinkle in its eye draw you to want to reciprocate? Well, then. Go out; open up; stay safe; have fun. This is a voyage of self-discovery above all else.

If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.

7 thoughts on “The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, August 19, 2012”

  1. P. Sophia – There is a Jungian perspective that says that, after a descent into the shadows (productive depression/sacrifice/The Hanged Man/Death/Ten of Swords/The Devil), there is a period of ‘blankness’ or ‘nothingness’ while we search for whatever it is that is waiting to make itself known to us. It is, in analytical psychology, a predictable part of a particular cycle of individuation.

    I’m not saying this is definitely the case for you, but in some ways it fits. If you feel that this might be of use, I’d consider buying a book I often recommend here (I might even have recommended it to you in the past, I offer it out so frequently!): Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Inititation for Women, by Sylvia Brinton Perera. The language is rich and complex, and full of metaphor, but sometimes all we have is metaphor to reach those unreachable places.

  2. “It does feel like something is brewing in these cups. … Everything is pregnant.”

    Absolutely agree with you on that one, DivaCarla! I am holding on to the flow as lightly as possible to try to avoid steering it with my own strong agendas.

  3. From time to time, Out of the blue, I feel a passing, fleeting sense of separation.  I have noticed more recently, lately, including even this evening, this feeling is now turned to a kind of blank, an openness just sitting with me.   Realizing now, in the past I often equated (without being conscious of doing so) this feeling of separation to quickly inserting, for better understanding, a feeling of loss, or even sadness-loneliness, as a holder for that space there.   

    I am wondering now if that feeling may be better interpreted.  What if that space is, as an invitation to be led, flowing, elsewhere.   Maybe insted of inserting a feeling, i am considering the perspective of my allowing, accepting the separateness as actually an openness to receptivity- rather, a gift, (not loss) and is therefore a call to receive.  

    Anyway, I am going to work from this new perspective and see where my intuition, spirit leads and takes me.

    Sarah, thank you for this reading that inspired me.

  4. These cups appearing and your readings are so potent, Sarah. It does feel like something is brewing in these cups. I feel like today’s reading describes my life right now, though I don’t know what it means. Everything is pregnant.

  5. Thank you Sarah,

    Your Sunday Tarot offerings are incredibly beautiful. They nourish my awareness, my heart, and path. Thank you for this.

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