What did we lose when JFK was killed? Eric Francis covers the assassination in the new edition of Planet Waves


In today’s premium members’ issue of Planet Waves, Eric takes a more personal approach to commemorating the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy — and the era of endless war it ushered in. To read the whole issue, which includes a full selection of astro-news briefs and this week’s horoscopes for all 12 signs, you may purchase it individually here. Or, sign up for a one-month free trial subscription here, and cruise along with the Sun through Sagittarius.

9 thoughts on “What did we lose when JFK was killed? Eric Francis covers the assassination in the new edition of Planet Waves”

  1. I have been saying for a long time that any kid alive during the 60’s is part of the “Assassination Generation.” Those violent abuses of the police during the peaceful protests and the assassinations of our leaders and MLK during that time taught our generation to shut up and be invisible; don’t be the “front man” in any protest against the government or you will be killed. Everyone that was young during those times tells me I am full of shit but I don’t think so; I see too many people afraid to speak up which may be why our country has been overrun by Corporations-as-people and the NSA, NDAA, and Patriot Act.

  2. Response to Debbie and a “new Profiles in Courage”.
    Maine Artist Robert Shetterly has been creating for many years a series of portraits: Americans Who Tell the Truth.

    Here’s the direct link to the galleries, showing portraits in alphabetical order.
    Click to see the enlarged image and read the quote. It’s inspiring.

    One of my favorites is Captain Paul Chappell

    Paul K. Chappell
    Army Captain, Peace Activist, Writer: b. 1980
    “When people in a democracy are not educated in the art of living — to strengthen their conscience, compassion, and ability to question and think critically — they can be easily manipulated by fear and propaganda. A democracy is only as wise as its citizens, and a democracy of ignorant citizens can be as dangerous as a dictatorship.”

    Here you are: a contemporary profiles in courage, by a courageous artist.

  3. Eric,

    Thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and for sharing your rational, perceptive, and important insights as to our current global plight. We did not get here by accident, but surely by design.

  4. Response to Debbie and a “new Profiles in Courage”.
    Maine Artist Robert Shetterly has been creating for many years a series of portraits: Americans Who Tell the Truth. http://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/
    Here’s the direct link to the galleries, showing portraits in alphabetical order.
    Click to see the enlarged image and read the quote. It’s inspiring.

    One of my favorites is Captain Paul Chappell

    Paul K. Chappell
    Army Captain, Peace Activist, Writer: b. 1980
    “When people in a democracy are not educated in the art of living — to strengthen their conscience, compassion, and ability to question and think critically — they can be easily manipulated by fear and propaganda. A democracy is only as wise as its citizens, and a democracy of ignorant citizens can be as dangerous as a dictatorship.”

    Here you are: a contemporary profiles in courage, by a courageous artist.

  5. Debbie writes:

    If I were JFK…you are the person I would go to in a dream to speak for me on this 50th anniversary of the coup that took place. Thanks so much to you and your staff for your excellent research, lucidity and fine writing. A new “Profiles in Courage” needs to be written with the ‘truth-tellers” of today being featured. It is particularly difficult to be heard amidst the noise these days, and you and crew are wonderfully relentless.

    Thanks again.

  6. Moll writes:

    Great article! Only in America could the three most progressive politicians of the times be murdered within 5 years of each other and the general populace buys the official doctrine that they were ALL kllled by lone gunman with no affiliation to any groups, who got lucky enough to evade security to carry out their crimes, but not lucky enough to evade the law. If this had happened in Russia, no one would have believed it.

    BTW, in case you weren’t aware of it, the image of the new president being taken into a room and shown a video of the Kennedy assassination was part of Bill Hicks’ comedy act in the early 90’s. He attributed it to ‘the corporate fucks who rule the world”….and died a couple of years later, of ‘cancer.’

  7. Val writes:

    The Reid move in the Senate is a disaster not a boon. It removes yet another check and balance from the rule of a corporate dictatorship. And, you’re right in that it seems like a small thing (get some judges on the benches…seems practical and innocuous, right?) but it will have a huge effect on our liberties, as it paves the way for easy control of the Senate. The 60-vote rule served a purpose…to give a committed, substantial minority a freakin’ chance to stop the majority when it was about to do something very destructive…a mechanism that the more democratic House did not have, as the “people’s house.” To remove this mechanism because of a temporary frustration regarding Republican obstructionism is short-sighted and remarkably dangerous for our Republic. It’s like taking safeguard controls off a nuclear reactor because those controls make the reactor less efficient. It’s a disaster.

  8. Thank you for these weekly horoscopes (I’ll read the rest after my workday completes)

    I read Virgo (my moon). I see how Mars in Virgo is insisting I get to know my Virgo Moon Energy. Fired up.

    I read Scorpio (rising). Yes. Completely accurate.

    I read Pisces (my sun). Yes, confirms the lessons I’ve learned the past couple of weeks, and gives extra insight and advice that helps them make sense.

    Eric, you are a genius and I love your heart. Thank you.

    Casual readers, you may want to subscribe to Planetwaves ;o)

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