This issue of the Planet Waves subscriber magazine looks at the charts of two people who passed away this week: one who struggled inwardly, and one who excelled outwardly. Eric considers their charts: both people had several planets on the cardinal cross, but each had other strikingly unique features describing how they encountered the world.
This issue also introduces a new feature: four sections of focused astrology for the week, broken down into the headings Sky, Emo, Ero, and Pol. You can read all this plus the Full Moon horoscopes for this week with a three-month subscription here. Or, check out today’s edition with a single-issue purchase here.
Brendan: Whee! Yes, isn’t it grand? I loooooove having that aspect (any aspect!) in common with Bill and Steve (and Angelina heh-heh – and you!) (Hey, and we’re both at 8 Aries – fun!)
At least now I have an “excuse” for why computers and technology in general just make so much sense without any particular reason. (in the days of tech support management when I could generally just tell the engineer what the problem was and how to solve it before they wasted their time “figuring” it out? lol!…oh and beta-testing software? ooooo – sexy…..! luv it!! heh-heh!)
Now just wish I could figure out how that FITS into some larger scheme of things today. It did for awhile at the advent of non-linear editing in Hlywd – but now we are onto something different…..not sure what that means for me — yet. I hope you continue to find outlet for that “talent”. It’s pretty cool stuff.
and ya….I prefer bubble baths, to be sure……..
Hi Aword and everyone!
I just checked my chart for Eris, and yes, she’s conjunct my moon at 8Aries51. I am truly in illustrious company.
Like Steve and Bill, I’m west coast born and bred. Computers have always been easy, and I have been to known to say that I’ve forgotten more software than most people will ever know…
I’ve also played and worked with radio for over 35 years now, most of it with non-microwave wavelengths. The continued use and adoption of increasing amounts of microwave transmitters around one’s body is indeed a concern that has not been addressed in any biomedical research that I’m aware of. Plenty of cellular phone tech studies have been done, but those were done before smartphones with their myriad of network connections came out. They are tested by the FCC before sale, but that only checks compliance with the technical regulations (and the existing radio frequency exposure standards), and not complete biomedical effects.
No one seems to want to revisit the exposure standards – it’s not in the industry’s best interests of course, and they wouldn’t be able to sell us all the geewhiz tech they do. There is a bit of a revolt brewing of course, but it’s because they keep raising the monthly rates for data, not over anything else. Nickle and dime-ing us all to death, which is what most people look at.
One other area in electrical matters: the cycles per second we have it delivered to us, that may be of special interest to JannKinz. The Americas has power come to us at 60 Hertz per second (between 110 and 120 volts AC). The rest of the world (like most all countries, with very few exceptions) have it delivered at 50 Hertz. This measurement of frequency is important because there are known biohazard effects to our cellular structures when exposed to 60 Hertz fields. This is why we don’t live near high voltage lines and subconsciously don’t like them or stick around the area when nearby. Fifty Hertz doesn’t do it, but the research is admittedly very limited, and no one knows if there is a solution at hand or not.
We’re bathing, daily, in an ocean of radio waves, some far more harmful than others, so the less we can partake of this particular bath, the better.
Hi Luv, ya – I’ve got that Eris exact conj Moon at 8 Aries. Mebbe got somethin to do with why I’ve always understood computers with little education in the matter.
Welll, 3s a crowd, so I can be humbled by the Gates/Jobs/Jolie company anyway (and that is trine Uranus on my midheaven…..maybe there’s hope for me yet.)
I’ve read along the way that Silicon Valley has far higher rates of some cancers than “normal” due to all the technology/radiation in the area (I try not to hang out around satellite dishes – so hard to do where I live.) and the cell phones – don’t use them in your car if possible; hold arms length away from your body when talking and use a wired headset. Keep the phone 3 feet away from your body as much as possible (like, don’t leave it on all night on the bedside table next to your head. Or buy a lead-lined case.
π Thx, E.
One can only ponder if there is any connection between wireless devices (cell phones, computers, printers, etc) and Steve Jobs’ pancreatic cancer.
My husband died of liver cancer in 1983. He had been a high voltage electrician for twenty years. Connected? I think so.
Yep, now that we have kids old enough to watch the boy, Dave and I have a date night every Friday night while the kids watch their super hero programs. Saturday is Family night so we stay home and watch movies with the kids.
A glass of wine sounds good, now that we are back home.
interesting ‘scopes this Friday.
from the sounds of it, those of you citified folks are in for some exciting, racy, passionately complex, turbulent times up ahead!
which would explain why I’m talking to myself tonight, you all have Dates! good on ya!
and good luck!
for me, I’m up for some stargazing (although it’s a little cloudy and/or bright), some photowork, and hey, maybe a glass of wine. Chianti.
nothing amiss here,
I’m thriving!
as always, I wish you peace.
Like Jan I too send my thoughts and condolences out to you and Leia’s friends and family. I have experienced two
friends that both felt it finally unbearable to be on the earth plane journey anymore. It is an extremely upsetting and unsettling time for those still here. I wish you all the very best and space to come to terms with such awful loss.
I also wanted to add to the cell phone mention. i could fill the page on the subject but will try and limit myself.
I am highly sensitive and am becoming very uncomfortable in this new high density wireless, microwave soup we are now swimming in – with stronger and denser amounts on their way. I cannot use or be near any wireless technology or any gadget that pulls it in. That aint easy in this always connected smart phone, ipadding 24/7 life everyone is hooked into.
Actually I too would love to use an iphone or ipad – I have always had apple/mac computers right from their beginnings almost but unfortunately soon as wireless technology took off into the stratosphere I found and my body decided that I cannot be near anything that transmits signals wirelessly. Shame in some respects but then again perhaps I am lucky and I am definitely learning to follow a more simplistic -do I really need this? – kind of lifestyle.
Eric you say you get a burning sensation when you hold the phone to your ear. I get it when standing near someone with one even if its in a bag or pocket. And not just iphones any smart phone or gadget that is feeding wirelessly from a tower. I am not the only one and know that other people have similar issues with electro magnetic radiation. However no one as yet will admit that there might be a health risk with this stuff. Too much money changing hands right now and too many people enjoying the thrill. If you dont feel any effects why would you want to stop using your wireless led gadgets?. I know I probably wouldn’t. Plus it’s still considered cranky or weird to be someone who has a reaction to emr from those who cant understand what its like to be affected by it. And the hush hush telecoms industries(governments too) who are making huge bucks promoting and developing this stuff dont really want there to be any negative associations now do they?.
Over past few years my health has been declining. I was at a loss (as were Drs) to figure out what was causing all the strange physical symptoms I was experiencing. Tingling on left side of my face and lips, headaches, visual problems, extreme fatigue and weakness and I gathered several auto-immune type labels from the medics – chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, yadda yadda.
I even eventually was given an MRI brain scan. This turned out to be the tipping point – a huge wallop of emr directly pulsed into my head. And it was this and the subsequent health issues that arose afterwards and still continue that brought me to conclusion that my being really doesn’t do well in electro magnetic radiating soups.
And as this soup gets thicker i am becoming more and more convinced about the dangers and disruptions it causes to the bio cellular level of everything not just us humans, but plants, trees, insects.
Many people will dispute this I am sure. They already do. The internet is full of backlash comments aimed at anyone who says they are ‘sensitive’ or get affected by electro magnetic radiation. And a lot of those comments are from people paid by the technological industries to protect their investments. Money rules when it can until the truth finally gets out. How long did it take to burn the wool from our eyes re dangers of smoking? And people still do it…
I am linked with a UK based charity who consist of scientists, doctors, people who know what they are talking about
regarding the health issues linked to electro magnetic radiation. They are working to bring awareness and fight the
corporations driving this stuff upon us without really doing researching properly long term effects of wireless radiation overload…Time will tell.
I will leave it there otherwise this will turn into a thesis. Just like to add to anyone with a brain π that even if you dont feel any physical affects from using your wireless gadgets I would still exercise some degree of caution until it really truly has been proven safe. No one really knows this as yet. Even if you cant feel it I bet ya $20 or Β£15 that your cells probably can…
Good book on subject that just helps you stay safer and aware is:
Radiation rescue by Kerry Crofton
Keep the light connected
(but make sure its coming along a wire π
On a related note, here’s a Twitter exchange from earlier in week. Ironic. I really wasn’t 100% sure the guy was for real or if it was satire.
This post entered my Twitter feed:
@Thrillist Turn your thigh into a desktop with this handy strap-on mount. http://bit.ly/r9Aorm
My response:
@kristinaAholmes And shoot wifi rays into my crotch? I’ll pass, thanks.
Out of left field, a random guy chirps in:
@Bernie_Graham No worries slap these on http://bit.ly/nxxFYK
And here’s a link for the company that makes these ridiculous x-ray/data ray safe breast petals and jock straps: http://www.rockyflatsgear.com/ .
Turns out Bernie Graham is an inventor and seems to have created the “Pivot Pad” that Thrillist advertised. He must have been trolling for people commenting on his product.
While a strap-on mount does sound compelling, a product for which I have to buy another (dubious) product just to keep cancer causing rays from permeating my body is a joke.
Like Jan, I really appreciate the closing paragraph about cell phone radiation. Our species is bent on adoption first, consequences later – and to me, this is one of our primary traits that is being called upon to change.
My sense is that there are more of us gradually waking up and asking the question: how might this technology, this action, this relationship affect me? What are the potential consequences if I/we make this decision?
Yet we still have a ways to go as a society. Though my mother and I are able to joke about it, I know she thinks I’m a little crazy suggesting I can feel cell phone rays burning my brain. Yes, mom, I not only can feel them but I know I’m not making them up!! There’s still an overall sense in our society of – “this story I am being told is true because ‘they’ say so.” “It can’t be harmful because they say it’s safe.” I’m hopeful that the current astrology will not only wake us up to the ways in which we allow ourselves to be deluded, but moreover to think more critically about the consequences our decisions may have. What are the potential outcomes if we tear down old growth forest, frack our land, build even more powerful cell phones, genetically engineer our crops, tap Alaska for oil, etc.
Instead of let’s do it and see, let’s think about it and then maybe do it, depending on the potential consequences for ourselves, other humans, and all the other amazing little creatures on our planet that suffer our foolishness.
Thanks Jan.
There is some evidence that the headsets magnify the problem. Consider that a cell phone has to have a three-mile radius — it has to be able to reach the nearest tower. So while you’ve got the thing against your head, it’s sending the signal three miles to get to the relay station. That’s a lot of radiation.
Eric, I send my condolences to you, Leia’s family, and the community of people who knew and love her. You’ve expressed the essence of her struggle so clearly, so poignantly. The decision a person makes to stop evolving in this lifetime, the ultimate choice to stop choosing, to jump off the wheel, is a decision that is so intimately personal and yet affects everyone. In my experience, the act, the decision, is a shock to the system of those left behind, no matter how understandable.
I applaud your sensitivity in acknowledging that optimism is one way to look through the glass. It’s a courageous and some might say ‘Fool-ish’ (like the Tarot’s Fool) place to stand. But for many, perhaps those who see more of the shadow, or see more ‘realistically’, the darkness is just too dark, and they would rather go than fight. Tower seems like the right metaphor. What times we live in…
Also, thank you for such a clear message of cellphones as the cigarettes of our time. I am going to attach my wired (not bluetooth) headphone with their radiation screen or use my speaker every time I use my phone. I, too, get the burning sensation, even when I use my headset…..