10 thoughts on “Current member edition of Planet Waves”

  1. Our constitution is based on the ideas of divided powers and of compromise. It’s a simple but effective mouse trap — until it’s badly abused, as it’s being now. If someone refuses to compromise, that can cause a lot of problems. As we are seeing now. The problem is that we cannot respond to a dictatorial uprising with dictatorship — though there are times in any organization that the CEO has to get a grip even if it’s at the expense of a little theoretical democracy. The tea baggers present a perplexing issue, given that they speak to the cynicism and bitterness that is endemic in a lot of Baby Boomers for whom the American Dream went sour. Ultimately, they are speaking to the self-serving aspect of human nature. That needs to be pointed out. That is the thing they have in common with ‘real’ Republicans…a philosophy of self-interest.

  2. Also, on a personal note, Uranus is squaring my natal Neptune, and Pluto is conjuncting my natal Neptune. So of course my ideals and beliefs are being challenged, and are in a flux these days.

    But I think Eric Francis is right in his observations. The Tea Party cannot be underestimated, and their sins are greater than those of the Democratic Party at this point. I don’t believe in the lesser of two evils, but I vote based on who will allow me to live a life where I can pursue liberty and happiness, and that changes based on the prevailing influences of the generations who wield political power.

  3. I am not an Obama fan, I am a third party advocate, and I’ve certainly had my share of grief with the Democratic Party, but I do have to admit that Obama and the Democratic Party responded gracefully during the government shutdown.
    The crisis coming from the Tea Party is particularly urgent, so I have to set aside my gripes with the Democratic Party, and do what I can to make sure there is a social safety net, and a career I can do. Once the Tea Party is reduced to a historical footnote, then I can refocus my energies on helping the Green Party (which still has integrity, even if most communities are not ready for their program yet, especially where I live) trounce the Democratic Party.

    When I watch shows such as the Tudors and Game of Thrones, I realize how difficult it is to be permanently loyal to one party or faction in the face of fluid circumstances. This is one of the reasons why I think the nature of politics needs to change, hopefully in a way that better reflects human realities.

  4. Best quote on the end of the government shutdown: ABC Political commentator Matthew Arnold, on Good Morning America, when asked by George Stephanopolous about any winners in the fiasco: “Anyone who tries to say they are the winners in this is like saying they are the sexiest person in clown school. They’re still a clown.”

    In the shutdown showdown, there were no funny clowns in the Congress that many likened to clown school. In the end, the polls showed most of us developed coulrophobia.


  5. Thank you, Eric, for a concise summary of many of the issues that are being buried beneath an avalanche of bullshit to further a subterranean agenda that is decidedly evil. My farmer friend says that if we address all of the issues of food and water, truly address those two areas, that the rest of the issues would also be resolved. Would that the precision and focus of Mars in Virgo will bring those to the forefront, as well as keep us focused on what has happened and what could happen.

    During the shutdown (which I felt directly when a client determined to not use my services because he is a government employee and had no income), the edgy feeling was virile for me. I kept wondering how to impeach all of the three branches of government at once. Unfortunately, I also wonder just what is left of our Constitution. It sure ain’t the one my father knew, and certainly not the one I studied in law school. (Whatever did happen to Sherman Anti-Trust Act, I ask rhetorically?) Also unfortunate is that even though Obama taught Constitutional law, it seems that the result is that he uses that knowledge to circumvent it.

    Again, thank you for the concise summary with the astrological illumination, and the advice to get wise to the agenda to be able to see what to do – other than despair.


  6. Yes, I’m with Strawberry and Len, thank you so much, Eric! And Strawberry’s right about Writers. Self-doubt can be a real curse but it’s also be the grit in the oyster that produces the pearl.

  7. I appreciate that, Eric. I spend a lot of time with writers, & in my experience it’s the ones who don’t have a capacity for doubt who turn out crap.

  8. Eric: Here’s a second to Strawberry’s citation of your horoscopes. This year you have taken horoscope astrology to a level unprecedented in horoscope history – and that is NOT hype, that is fact. The same carries over to your ability to cut through the flotsam to the heart of the issue, as you have in how you concluded the lead story this week. Because of you, we now know what is happening, and it is enough to make Neptune sober. We would all do well to mark your word because history is proving (and will continue to prove) you correct.

  9. Eric, with your horoscopes I always read for five signs (it would be six, but I’m a double Virgo in progression) and every time, one and often two of them resonate with a major significance to what I’m experiencing. But this week’s is unprecedented: all five sign readings hit me deep in my core. It’s like you’ve given me five distinct, HUGE puzzle pieces showing me how to put this intense-ass week together. I’m stunned, amazed, in awe, and very well set up to ride this eclipse energy like no other. Man, you are incredible. Thank you.

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