In this week’s premium subscriber edition of Planet Waves, Eric takes our understanding of the winter solstice astrology and our fixation on the end of the 13th baktun of the Mayan long count calendar to new depths. The lead article expands on his thoughts about Juno in this alignment by investigating Juno’s discovery chart, and is complimented by a mini-article on the yod (‘finger of god’) configuration present in the solstice chart.
You can read the entire issue, which also includes this week’s 12-sign horoscopes for our approach to the solstice and a slate of astro-news briefs, by purchasing the issue individually here. Or, shake off Mercury retrograde (it leaves its echo today) and prime yourself to begin the post-solstice new year with a one-month free trial subscription.
and for anyone with young kids, or who knows someone who does:
an article on how to help young ones understand and cope with news like this — in addition to turning off the tv and social media for them.
In the 1st entry of Pluto to Capricorn on 1/25/08, Jupiter was at 8 Capricorn 39. On 12/12/12 Pluto reached 8 Capricorn 39.
The 2nd entry of Pluto to Cap on 11/26/08 had Juno (connectivity) at 8 Capricorn 31.
The 1st entry of Uranus to Aries on 5/27/10 had the Moon at 8 Sagittarius 02, opposite the U.S. Sibly Uranus at 8 Gemini 55.
The 2nd entry of Uranus to Aries on 3/11/11 had the Moon at 9 Gemini 58, 1 degree past the U.S. Uranus in Gemini and opposite the Moon in the 1st entry chart of Uranus.
The 1st entry of Neptune (NEPTUNE!), into Pisces (PISCES!), on 4/4/11, had Venus at 9 Pisces 58 conjunct U.S. Nessus at 9 Pisces 02.
The 2nd entry of Neptune into Pisces on 2/3/12 had Pluto at 8 Capricorn 27 where transiting Pluto was one week ago on Friday, 12/7/12. The ingress chart for 2/3/12 also featured a t-square between Venus in Pisces opposite Mars in Virgo, squared by the Moon in Gemini. Today’s Sun at 22 + Sagittarius (as well as yesterday’s new moon) completes a mutable grand square with the 2nd Neptune ingress chart. Today’s transiting Pallas-Athene is conjunct the Neptune ingress Venus in Pisces.
Whatever motivated the shooter appears to be predicated on the energy distribution of the 6 ingress charts of the 3 most outer planets known as they each entered, then entered again, the signs they presently occupy.
Fe-911 is on this. See thread above.
that helps fill in the details.
Consider that the New Moon was conjunct heavy-hitters Pholus and Ixion — unmitigated, high-pressure release of evil. Quaoar involved — family patterns; the tapestry of the family.
Asteroid Child was on the Aries point in both November eclipses. It stationed direct between them on Nov 20-21 at 0 Aries 50.
The Moon occulted Pluto this morning, the 10th time in a series of 19.
The Moon was perigee (closest to earth, therefore magnified it’s influence) on the evening of 12/12/12 at 15 Sagittarius 45.(U.S natal Sibly chart ascendant 12+ Sagittariius, as is the US solar return ascendant)
Saturn is now at 8+ Scorpio as Pluto is at 8+ Capricorn and both quincunx the U.S. Sibly Uranus at 8+ Gemini. Trans. Jupiter will reach 8+ Gemini on 12/20. U.S. Ceres is at 8+ Pisces and she squares U.S. Uranus and is also conjunct U.S. Nessus at 9+ Pisces.
The U.S. progressed Sun is approaching the 8th degree of Pisces.
The U.S. Solar Return Venus is at 8+ Gemini, square Chiron at 9+ Pisces rx. SR Venus is sextile SR Mercury at 8+ Leo and they both quincunx SR Pluto at 8+ Capricorn rx., forming a yod with Pluto at the release point. SR Pluto opposes the U.S. natal and SR Sun in Cancer. SR Mars at 0+ Libra is on the Aries Point at the SR midheaven. SR Moon (28+ Capricorn) is conjunct the U.S. natal Pluto (27+ Capricorn). SR Vesta (28+ Taurus) is trine the SR Moon and natal Pluto. I hope this reflects the will of the masses (US people) to dedicate themselves to insure that our government puts and end to the bullying of the NRA and its gun-toting followers.
This is too weird: the road in front of that School is called Yogananda Street.
this has probably been mentioned in the FB discussion of the chart, but the Moon-Pluto conjunction just a few (three?) hours before the school shooting was an occultation, like all of the Moon-Pluto conjunctions since the spring.
I keep thinking there’s something about that, with the Moon often representing mother or one’s childhood/inner child, and Pluto the god of the underworld. and there they all are in the 12th house, with Mars the god of war and aggression, which is rising.
and ol’ Saturn, ruler of the rising sign, there at the top of the chart in Scorpio, the sign of death and transformation…. here the 9th, which i think eric once described as representing “the hidden psychological legacy of the mother.
but Pluto seems to have pushed through that Moon as it covered/occulted…
This is probably your best edition ever. Thanks Eric.
Thank you!
Here is the chart. The discussion is on Facebook. I started off hating the thing, and now I think it’s one of the most brilliant inventions on the Internet.
While I am here, here’s the 2012 solstice chart set:
and the Juno discovery chart set:
Please make sure those are accurate links…I am going from memory.
Thank you Eric. that would be great, I am not registered on facebook. What keeps coming back to me is this theme of Control (as you have talked much about recently) and these deep patterns. Which is why it is so important, to change our perspective and understanding in truly ‘letting go’. This and so many similar incidents that have been occurring recently are about this control aspect…gone ‘out of’ control, And this also relates to the whole medication addiction our society currently is abusing you touched on in your Monday edition, Used to control ourselves, our loved ones and even our children with regard to ‘you need’ ridlen to make you acceptable in our screwed up controlled environment. When it is really the personal, family, societal environment that needs to take responsibility and change.
Unfortunately, you have to be registered to see it and the discussion. I will ask Anatoly to make a chart page. Hold.
Is there a way to see it without being registered in Facebook? I tried the link but it doesn’t show it.
Discussion and chart are on my Facebook page.
Eric. I am looking forward to reading the edition. but at the moment i can’t get past the horrible, devastating incident at the Conn elementary school this morning. Over a custody battle? I heard it was the father. What a terrible result of personal insecurity and jealousy played out on the innocent. Unfortunately your warnings of this aspect. sadly are being felt deeply. There was another shooting up at a mall in The pacific NW yesterday as well.