In this week’s premium members’ issue of Planet Waves, Eric takes us on a tour of his roots as an astrologer to commemorate his 20 years practicing this healing art — and his upcoming 50th birthday and Chiron return.
This issue also contains your extended monthly readings for March for all 12 signs, special Planet Waves coverage of the protests in Ukraine and the brand-new concessions by the government announced today, all in the context of Ukraine’s astrology and the Uranus-Pluto square.
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What an experience! Glad you are “back” and Happy Birthday!
Oh and that Sun in Pisces and the Merc Rx? I woke up Thursday morning and within an hour my mind dropped out and I began having transient global amnesia. I could not remember the past few weeks nor retain any new information told to me. My family called an ambulance and I was admitted to the ER. There they did MRI, EEG, EKG, and a specialist neurologist checked me out. I was still unable to retain anything I was told; my mind was in a loop; question, hear the answer, forget, question again. My family told me I was fearful, weepy, and afraid. By evening I finally started remembering things I was told; I remembered the sounds of the MRI machine and being told not to talk; I knew I was in the ER and being moved to a closed room. I don’t remember the ambulance ride, the fear, or the many tests or answers people gave me over and over again.
By late evening, I was still looping when I got weepy and tired but I was remembering the past few weeks and things people told me. By Friday morning I was back to normal. My family (the kids especially) were amazing but very worried at first. No stroke, no blood clots or aneurysms, no heart problems just amnesia brought on by stress. I still had an upper respiratory infection (which has since gotten a lot worse) but I was able to remember.
I was sent home Friday and celebrated my 54th birthday yesterday; a day after being released. Talk about a Merc Rx moment.
No one can tell me astrology is BS; I have lived through too much of it to ever say that!
Eric, the synchronicities in this are amazing. You were in Flagstaff in spring 2007 and we had just moved back there (after a harrowing year in Prescott Valley) in Feb. 2007. Your birthday is the same day in March as my son’s birthday; the son I got pregnant with on the summer solstice during an eclipse while being certifiably infertile.
There’s a reason people come into your life and a reason they exit. Either way, they teach you something.
Enjoy your Chiron Return, Eric. I hope it teaches you as much as mine taught me.
Happy Birthday to you Eric. Great picture! I can almost see you inside there. Also there is a strong resemblance of you in your beautiful Mother’s face. All the best to you and may continuous blessings fill you today, on your special day, and always. Your spirit brings so much to us. I am sincerely greatful to have connected to you in this pass through.
It’s been a journey though Space, a journey through Time, and for sure it’s been “My Journey with Eric” these past years. With your guidance, the path has been far less rocky than otherwise.
Thanks, E.- and the very biggest best birthday wishes Space can hold.
Yes, indeed, very grateful you are in our lives, Eric. And I’d like to high five Flo Higgins for getting this snowball rolling 30 years ago.
Anatoly– wishing you all the best. It seems that the news is still incredibly frightening and volatile today, and the president has fled as the opposition police have taken over Kiev. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to maintain your own stability with such intense turmoil going on around you, but I hope you and your family are safe, and that Ukraine will find peace.
Eric, thanks for reminding us that these transformations are going on within and without. We all have an opportunity for a revolution, a shedding of an old skin, and we can choose to be the better for it, and to make the world around us better as well. I’m so glad to have met you and to be part of such a great group here at Planet Waves.
Oh baby! Too cute pics and an always inspiring story, E. Your accomplishments and talents are only outshined by your soul signature: you are love. I have you marked on my calendar for continual celebration these next few days. Until then, the planet and I will “thank our lucky stars” we found you!
Also, just to echo Lizzy’s comment: thinking of you, Anatoly. I hope you are ok.
I must confess I find it difficult to express what this article is making me feel. Perhaps this is due to the retrogradation of Mercury…but it may be that terms like “inspiring”, “humbling”, “moving” and similar are simply not adequate here.
Very best wishes for your 50th, Eric. I do hope your gig goes well, and wish I could be there to help with the celebrations.
Yes – wonderful to read your story, dear Eric. Thank you, Eric and team for another mindblowing edition. I so appreciated the piece on events in Ukraine (you’re in my thoughts, Anatoly), a country that has suffered so much tragedy, whether deliberate (Stalin) or accidental (Chernobyl).
And yes – amazing horoscopes, these words hit the spot for me “Yet as a person comes of age and attains both adult power and responsibility, the option to step out of that pain and turbulence opens up”. Yes.
Happy Solar/Chiron Return, Eric! I really enjoyed your story of coming to discover astrology. It’s fascinating all the little synchronistic threads that seem to foreshadow the arrival of some new reality. I hope you enjoy this milestone transition, for sure. Your work is truly awesome and extraordinarily unique in the world of astrology. Your site has been such an inspiration for my own writing/astrology endeavors. While I have not reached the Chiron return yet (in the midst of my first Saturn return), I can imagine it being an exciting time for those truly on path and “following their bliss”. Thank you for following yours!
Hi Eric,
After reading about your first 50 years I believe even Chiron will be impressed with you. I agree with Len about the March horoscopes. Mine spoke to my most intimate thoughts, the ones that I don’t openly share with anyone. I am looking forward to witnessing your musical debut, hopefully in person. So, “bust a string” ~ Mary
Wishing you all the best for your 50th, I loved that you shared so much of yourself in this edition!!! You hit a home with Aquarius, thanks for all the insight. It makes sense now!
A happy birthday to you, Eric! Reading about your journey to astrology made me review mine, and I think that you (yeah, youse!) have been my Patric Walker. With your horoscopes and forecasts, I began to see how my life fit into the universe at large. The diversity of viewpoints and information here is a tribute to your vision and skill.
Reaching 50 is a milestone, and one not to be forgotten. Welcome to the club, where anything goes here.
Happy almost birthday, E! You are an amazing person with a brilliant mind, and I know our readers will enjoy reading about the path that led you to astrology. Thanks for sharing part of your story. I’m so glad you were born.
Dear heart:
You will find 50 to be a BIG YEAR, as I did back when. In fact, I did it with your guidance. Thanks for doing the ‘do’ you do.
Planet Waves, your child — our collective child — it is truly the kind of hoodoo the world needs to get to the point of it!! Glad you’re in all our lives.
Eric: Thank you for sharing your journey with us. May you have the best birthday shindig ever! Oh, and not incidentally – the March horoscopes truly reflect your level of achievement – consistently the best horoscopes in the world.