In today’s premium membership issue of Planet Waves, Eric dives into the watery astrology influencing the major events of the last week, including the flooding in Colorado and the shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Two major astrological configurations — a grand trine in water signs and a square in the cardinal signs involving Uranus and Pluto — were linked and working in tandem. In fact, this week kicks off a season in which the astrology looks like it will build and build, well into 2014.
To read the entire issue — which features Eric’s Inner Space horoscopes for October (released early so you can get some momentum with them) and a full slate of astro-news briefs — you may purchase it individually here. Or you can make sure you have the best of Planet Waves by your side as this season picks up steam by signing up for a free one-month trial issue here.
Not so much ‘either/or’ as ‘both/and’….
From: Welcome to Scorpio, Welcome (soon) to Pluto in Capricorn
“Speaking of the New Moon, today (Oct. 28, 2008) is the Scorpio New Moon. It is closely conjunct three minor planets: Ceto (also called Cetus or Cetea), a sea monster; Echeclus, a centaur/comet; and Deucalion, the Greek equivalent of Noah. Ceto is described as “the personification of the dangers of the sea, unknown terrors and bizarre creatures.” It’s also the root of the word cetations, which include dolphins and whales. I’m not going to take this literally as a comet signifying flooding and monsters (or Flipper), but rather a surge of awareness and the fear that awareness will bring consciousness of what we don’t want to know. That is one of the risks of waking up and paying attention, isn’t it? And one of the most viable arguments against erotic awakening? In Scorpio, we have plenty of material just under the surface. It is the sign of “how we really feel about people, despite ourselves.” The truth is often deeper than we want to know, more passionate than we care to admit, and more complex than we can explain in a text message.”
They love themselves some fracking- stoopid auto-correct!
To add a little context, Weld County, Colorado, is one of a number of counties that has threatened to secede from Colorado to form a new State, because it and other rural counties do not feel well represented in the Colorado legislature. These counties are upset because Colorado added some very minor new requirements for background checks on gun purchases, and also new rules requiring the local energy coops to get 20% of their energy from renewables by 2020 iirc (Xcel is required to hit a lower level). Because of the overt burden these counties want to form the State of Northern Colorado, because neither Wyoming nor Nebraska would have them.
Point being, Weld county folks don’t like gummint regulations, and love themselves some tracking, as it contributes to the local economy, or so they believe. We’ll see how they feel now that they got “fracked over” by the flood. Of course, they might not notice.
PS- The rain we got on the front range is truly beyond description.
Many thanks to Eric and his crew for compiling news breaking as late as yesterday under one intelligible theme in the lead article that actually helps the reader to comprehend with compassion rather than feel confronted by current events. A great achievement.
Also, the “Inner Space Horoscopes” (found only on Planet Waves) are back again (has it ben a month already?) to take your comprehension of astrology to a different level with advice the reader can put to use immediately. An equally great achievement.