New edition is on its way — a little late

New edition of Planet Waves.
New edition of Planet Waves.

The new edition of Planet Waves will be on its way soon. My Syria coverage took longer than planned, but we have some thing that’s pretty thorough and includes a look at the astrology as well. The mailing is starting now (about 12:40 EDT) and takes a couple hours — so keep checking your inbox.

To read the full issue (you won’t read coverage of the U.S.-Syria situation like this anywhere else) you can purchase it individually here. You can also sign up for a free one-month trial membership here. Either option will give you the lead article, astro-news briefs hand-selected and written by our editorial team, and your 12-sign horoscopes for this week.

10 thoughts on “New edition is on its way — a little late”

  1. Kelly: Thank you so very much. This is huge. If this can be independently verified, it’s game over for the single rationale to attack Syria.

  2. Press TV: US journalist Silverman has evidence of hacked emails showing US involvement in chemical interview: (web link at the bottom)

    “Jeffrey Silverman said that he has read many anonymously hacked military emails between Anthony James MacDonald, a retired colonel who works for a Colorado-based defense contractor named TechWise, a DoD employee and others, revealing the role of TechWise and former DoD officials in planning the chemical attack in Syria.

    The emails “that all connect to the region” even show those involved congratulating each others for their success in a recent operation, then linking to “a Washington Post article that implicates the regime in Syria as having been responsible which obviously is not the case based on the information that we now have,” the journalist added ”

  3. Excellent reporting Eric. Ditto on the horoscope too. It isn’t easy to be the weird one, but yeah, sometimes saying what comes into your mind is what someone else needs to hear, for that particular moment. “Thoughts are deeds in the spirit world.” – Edgar Cayce (another Pisces I admire greatly).

  4. The trout in the milk regarding the alleged gas attack is: how do you have 400 children in the same place in the middle of the night? Plus an additional 1,000 adults? But the 400 kids part is the weird thing. This would have to be a densely populated city block or village, and a hell of a bombing — this is half as many as were lost on 9/11. This is particularly true given that nobody knows quite when it happened — very strange for a country in the midst of a serious war with journalists, reps from NGOs, humanitarian workers, military officers and many other people with recording equipment, cell phones and watches.

  5. …and not only are the horoscopes vivid and vital (almost living beings in and of themselves), the lead article is is the clearest, most easy to understand explanation of the Syrian situation (incorporating both impeccable journalism and creative astrology) you will find anywhere.

  6. Eric:

    Particularly accurate, as aword says, was my reading for Aquari. Boy, like NAILED it, bullseye, right directly on the money. It’s like you were reading my vibratory pitch from 3000 miles away.

  7. Eric, I did what I usually don’t and scrolled right down the page to my horoscope. While you normally “nail it” in terms of what’s going on, this time you are so letter perfect – as to my personal experience – that I am utterly speechless (well, save for this quick note of appreciation 🙂

    While my current life experience has pushed me beyond wanting confirmation from others re: my progress through life, I am nonetheless appreciative of validation. Thank you.

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