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Eric’s lead article in today’s member edition winds its way through the three esoteric archetypes for Virgo as described by Alice A. Bailey, finds its apotheosis in Betty Dodson (today is the 84th birthday for this pro-sex, pro-masturbation, pro-gender-queer activist), and even resonates with Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning’s natal chart.
You’ll have to buy the issue to get the full story, woven like a tapestry, and you can do that through a free one-month trial membership here, which will give you instant access. You can also check it out through a single-issue purchase here. Either method will let you read a selection of astro-news briefs by our editorial staff plus Eric’s extended September horoscopes for all 12 signs.
This has expanded my understanding of Virgo, & as the mother of a Virgo, I have seen much of the best of the sign, as well as some of the vulnerabilities, in my daughter. She is a tireless worker who excels in working with people, who lights up a room (Mercury conjunct Venus, rising in Libra), but who has at times burned herself out to weariness, trying to do “everything”, & as perfectly as possible, often picking up the slack left by careless colleagues. Now in her forties, she’s finding that balance, I believe, & drawing clear boundaries around how much she is willing to serve.
Where I live, harvest season is beginning, amidst a strange season of weather – no rain for weeks, & extreme heat & humidity following a cold, wet spring – the landscape/crops/gardens look unwell in places, & it seems the past few years have seen increasing difficulties in growing food. This is troubling to all of us here who rely upon our gardens, & work hard in them.
The agriculture industry, together with bio-science & governments, has tinkered with seed, soil, chemicals, & now weather, & it is my observation that all of us are seeing some of the negative consequences. I can honestly say that a year in which the goddess decides to remain in the underworld instead of bringing summer fruitfulness would not surprise me. I would hope that we may begin treating the planet with appropriate respect & gratitude instead, & in time. I wouldn’t see crop failure as some sort of punishment for our errors so much as simply this generous planet trying to right herself in spite of our depredations.
Virgo is on my 4th house cusp, & Neptune in Libra lives there. The “ideal” home/life has always been just out of reach, & one of my lessons seems to be to make where I am into that place, as much as possible, using the resources I have, however limited they may be at times. The current & upcoming transits energizing Virgo & Libra feel supportive of that effort.
For some reason the “Electric Slide” jumped into my head today, and a quote from our nerdy HR director at the time, “It’s amazing what can happen to you when you learn the electric slide.” All networking was done after hours, and it helped to have a few social skills. The quote was mid-80s but the slide began in 1976 per wikipedia. I can’t help but wonder what other excitement is around the next square (tomorrow, right?).
Full text of Betty Dodson’s message to Bradley/Chelsea Manning:
“Yes! I love and respect this very brave soul called Bradley Manning (who will soon be Chelsea Manning).
“The minute I saw you in your chosen identity as a woman, it was all just too perfect. I have always been aware that some of our bravest whistle blowers have been women! And talk about sticking it to Mr. Macho Army! You got them good shoving it right down their entrenched homophobia.
“All of the intelligent world adores you!”
— Betty A. Dodson
Dearest Len…
It was approximately 4 years ago that I was caught
In a rip tide off of cape cod ! I remember responding to your
Post saying if I had read my local weather report, I would have
Realized a storm was brewing! Same.rule applies to our astrological
Forecasts! Staying informed can help avoid the stormy seas of our lives!
Thanks Len!
Patricia Louise
len, you rock.
A free month trial membership – to read the best piece on Virgo you have ever read. What, please, are you waiting for? A supernova? Please read this now. Toast marshmallows later.