Yesterday’s solar eclipse is far from ‘over’; in an astrological sense, the processes it has initiated are only just beginning. In this premium membership issue of Planet Waves, Eric takes a closer look at five key asteroids directly involved with the eclipse — and offers readers horoscopes for all 12 signs focused on the event.
The issue also includes a full slate of astro-news briefs, and you can read it all with a single-issue purchase here. Or, sign up for a free one-month trial offer here and get Eric’s in-depth astrology writing delivered to your inbox as you prepare for the third — and final — eclipse of this season.
Yes, dear Mia. And 17 days after the building collapsed in Bangladesh, a survivor was rescued from the rubble. Over a thousand deaths. it seems that it almost always needs a tragedy to bring about change for the weak and undefended.
Be, yes! noticeable adjustment, rather profound relief/release – which did not (and does not) come without concerted conscious effort but it does seem the pieces had been laid out and sorted.
Right on time with the eclipse yesterday, carbon emissions hit the 400 mark, symbolic of countless other aspects of our world.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does that mean it never fell?
Let’s observe a moment of silence.
Strawberry ~ aword,
I keep learning and learning; thanks for sharing. I think you’re right about the Milestone observation aword; looking back to see how far we’ve come (how much smarter we are because of past experiences) must be part of the Saturn-Jupiter cycle as it relates to individual charts. For a couple of weeks in March, Jupiter was quincunx (adjustment) retrograde Saturn, and quincunx Pluto. Then in April, Pluto went retrograde too. Jupiter has been moving forward ever since – mission accomplished, we see the big picture. By the time the first lunar eclipse in late April happened, Jupiter was moving out of orb of the Pluto aspect and heading for that trine with Saturn (and opposition to Pluto). Did you get a sense of relief at that time?
You are right Strawberry, the number of “interactions” can overwhelm when trying to digest it all at one time. Maybe that’s part of why we have eclipses. . to speed up the process and nevermind the details for now. Jupiter (and all the rest of us) will be so glad when he gets out of Gemini!
Hi Be. Well, that explains a lot. I too, had dramatic life change initiate endMay firstJune 2000. I had looked at this a short while ago when conversation about Nessus was happening here at PW. HOWEVER, having another glimpse into my Saturn/Jupiter interests here,now by way of your comment — well…..ok – natal Nessus at 21.24 Taurus in a heavily Pisces/Jupiterian natal) Fair enough?
V/M from the ethers yesterday from the “x” full of his same ol’ Neptune(EXACT conj PoF btw) opposes Merc in the natal. I’ve had a lot of training this past decade for hearing/being different/ly (than I “was). A moment to measure? Or simply to keep moving on….I hear “Milestone!” in your words. More is brewing…..but “it isn’t mine”. (His taurean sun is conj his natal nessus… exact oppose mars …but we could go on and on and on…)
Definitely an eclipse-tical connection.
Thx for your add-on as always!!
…plus the nodes conjunct-but-opposite my own.
Be, this is staggering. Thank you SO MUCH for bringing this up. I’ve been working with this eclipse in terms of both last year’s May eclipse and that of ’95, but it’s this conjunction of 2000 that really rings my bell (and it shouldn’t be surprising; right now Jupiter is transiting my Saturn). I had 7 planets involved in a grand cross, 6 in two 4-degrees-apart grand fire trines, and 6 in a grand earth trine May 2nd that year. Plus the Moon trine my ascendant. Geezus. And that time was probably the most assertive I’d ever been, insisting that I live out a dream I’d had for years, and effectively turning my life on a dime, as it were. Definitely a hinge point in the course of my life. I have to look at this more. I can’t even begin to digest the interactions of these energies.
Thanks Lizzy! Sometimes, esp. after I realize I’ve made a mistake, I think it wise to keep my observations to myself. (Not sure that would ever stop me though, heh heh!)
Thank you, be, for this and for so many of the wonderful comments you have posted about this remarkable time.
You might connect this eclipse to the May 2000 conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus, the start point of a cycle that is part of a much larger cycle between Jupiter and Saturn. In May of 2000, 7 of the 10 (or 11) major planets were in Taurus at the time of the New Moon. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were in the sign of Taurus. Uranus and Neptune were in Aquarius, square (challenge) the Taurus group, and Pluto and Chiron were in Sagittarius in a quincunx (adjust) to the Taurus group. Because the 2000 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happened at 22+ Taurus, this eclipse could trigger some memory, either personal or political or both. It did for me because my chart has a planet at 20 Taurus.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 2000 started my transitioning period that would last 9 1/2 years. Only now am I able to make that observation and totally understand (Jupiter) the “why” of the slow but steady dismantling and restructuring (Saturn) of my way of life. When I say now, I mean today.
In two months, in a beautifully bizarre twist of fate, Jupiter will trine Saturn and they in turn will both trine Neptune. The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Neptune will be host to these three symbolic gods-of-antiquity who were father (Saturn) and sons (Jupiter and Neptune), and I suspect we will all breathe a little easier when it happens. The key words of the three Sabian Symbols are (Cancer) KARMIC READJUSTMENT, (Scorpio) STABILITY, (Pisces) RITUALIZED BENEFICENSE.
The next time Jupiter and Saturn meet in a conjunction it will be in 2020 at 0 Aquarius. We may get an epiphany-like understanding of what that one will be about at the full Moon in July, at 0 Aquarius, a few days after the water grand trine event.
“She has you held in her wisdom, and knows that you were born to love and live as you choose”. Thank you for this wonderful piece, Eric, my horoscope is so stunning too. Feels as if I’m moving into a new space that I’ve never occupied in my life. Hope and trust this is the same for many.
Your work is an inspiration — and I appreciate the combination of reason and heart your invest in what you write. Thank you.