6 thoughts on “Planet Waves FM : Denial and Awareness”

  1. This audio has inspired me to leap from a deep Neptunian fog into a warrior stance to create my first post at pw. Really amazing work Eric, this is the first time I’ve felt some clarity about these transits that are very personal and far too long-term for comfort. I have a natal t-square with Neptune as the apex at 28 sco, Mars conjunct BML at 2 Virgo and NN conj. Pallas at 2 Pisces. This has been going on forever, and this week, last Friday and Wednesday specifically, I’ve had some true moments of bright clarity within the fog, delusion, denial, confusion, excessive film viewing, etc…the focus pw has given this topic and this great audio have helped me recognize them for what they are. Thank you.

  2. Thank you Eric! I always enjoy these. You didn’t mention the Jupiter Sun opposition! 😉 It has really increased the polarization with knowing how to act with all the other aspects you talked about. But this was written about here this week too.

  3. you’re on fire today! feeling the energy in that broadcast. oh and congratulations on 14 years, well deserved…you really do have a gift.

    i even took some notes while listening. this neptune is inspiring but tough to see through. i’m having thoughts that might be authentic or might be crazy. i’m not sure yet. funny that you actually made me look forward to a chiron aspect of all things.

  4. ..and ya, keywords from my spirit/self journaling today were right in sync: internet/technology, healing (the dark aspects) of and with that technology, communicating differently……ya – no need for alcohol or other here, when Neptune calls, I’m there. ;x

    Really glad for your solid words/voice. Thanks again.

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