Neptune Transits The Freedom to Deceive, Early Summer Astrology and the Hobby Lobby Case


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Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored by our subscribers, Core Community members and astrology customers. Thank you for making this program possible.

In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at most of the astrology between now and when Mercury stations direct on July 1 — Venus square Neptune, and Sun trine Neptune, in particular. I put this in the context of “the freedom to deceive,” a strange metaphysical property of existence on our planet. By the way — I don’t mention the Cancer New Moon; I had other things on my mind. I will cover that in a post on the Planet Waves daily site.

My musical guest is the Massachusetts-based string and vocal quartet Darlingside.
My musical guest is the Massachusetts-based string and vocal quartet Darlingside.

Then I look ahead at the astrology of July, up till Aug. 1. These events put us onto a whole new slice of the orange, which really starts to take effect with Mercury stationing direct next week, but also with the changing emphasis into Leo. This includes Jupiter ingressing Leo, the Sun ingressing Leo, and the New Moon conjunct Jupiter.

After a music break, in the second half of the program I look at the implications of the Hobby Lobby case that’s about to be decided by the Supreme Court, probably on Thursday.

One of our most popular products is the All Access Pass — the You Can Have It All option — all of my mailings, horoscopes, readings and special projects, for one flat fee — less than the cost of many astrological readings. This week we are offering half-price the All Access Pass for six months. That’s half the year for half price! Something actually makes sense in the world. Learn more at this link.

As a gift to my Planet Waves FM listeners, here is a bit of premium content — my July readings from the Inner Space horoscope. Those went out to our subscribers and Core Community Members Tuesday morning.

The article from The Daily Beast is called Waiting for the Supreme Court on the Hobby Lobby Decision.

My musical guest is Darlingside.

The Planet Waves All Access Pass is available for the next six months at half price.
The Planet Waves All Access Pass is available for the next six months at half price.

6 thoughts on “Neptune Transits The Freedom to Deceive, Early Summer Astrology and the Hobby Lobby Case”

  1. I just wanted to chime in– Shelley, what you described about the Dominionist movement going to isolated communites to rally support reminds me powerfully of what Michael Moore pointed out in Farenheit 9/11 about the U.S. military recruiting in impoverished neighborhoods where kids had no futures. Why not, right? Give them some glory to believe in, tell them that this is their ticket to the promised land.

    Whatever our personal histories, I think it is our society as a whole that tries to destroy people’s sense of personal power. Thanks for your comments, and this podcast was great. Really interesting thing to think about– our culture of bullshit. And Eric, you are totally right– we justify “white lies” by saying it’s just easier, or it would be awkward to be so honest about something minor. Lying is easy. I lied my first time in that little penalty box in Catholic church– the confession booth, whatever you call it. I was six. It was my First Communion, the symbolic entry to the church. I was such a good little kid (not lying!!) and I couldn’t think of a sin to confess to the priest. So I made one up. Haven’t been Catholic since. Because there’s something fishy about a religion that makes you confess to a man in a dark closet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hey, the music was way cool, nice hook up’s with the indie realm.. keep it comin’.

    Seriously?, couldn’t you buy a brand new soul with that type of cash!?! Dude, you could have a seriously nice cross of Gold!…

    Hey,.. I found myself laying on the table in front of my computer, with my eyes closed, listening to you speak of that same ‘radio’ effect. It reminded me of the days (late ’90’s, early ’00’s) when I worked the graveyard shift at gas stations and listened to Coast to Coast AM radio, with Art Bell, and Mike Siegel. Very Soul concious cerebral effect.

    …Anyway, wanted to show throw some good vibe toward the format, and the content… I’m still bakin’ on this one.

    (Go eat your oats… ๐Ÿ˜› )

    (..Quaker??!, each their own I guess, ..maybe the world’d be cooler?..)

    Take care man. Get some rest and eat well.



  3. Amy, I don’t remember for certain if I had heard specifically of the wildlife and environmental destruction, but yes, those on the extreme edge of Dominionism–that sounds funny to say, that Dominionism has an extreme edge–that those on the extreme edge believe that the rapture must happen and the sooner the better because that will actually bring about Christian rule. It’s something to go through so the wicked will be judged.

    Another note, Dominionism is derived from a verse in Genesis where Adam is given dominion over plants and animals (and Eve). The the belief is that men who are baptized have the divine right to dominion.

    And I can totally identify with the feeling of not needing or meriting ambitions. I felt extremely guilty most of my life for even wanting to have them. I slowly began to follow my desires and this has gotten better. Truly, even really small things have made a big difference. Also, I can feel that I matter through the accumulation of small everyday interactions with other people.

  4. One of the other scary things about Dominionists (I think these are the same people; there may be differences) is the mission to bring about the Rapture, which for some means that killing wildlife and messing up the environment is a good thing. I mean… ๐Ÿ™

  5. Shelley: good god, that is frightening.

    I totally get the ‘nothing I do or say matters’ feeling. It is rampant in my brain. However, the conclusion I reached was that I must be careful not to do any harm, especially by deceit, and that it’s only me who doesn’t matter. This is perhaps fortunate, as it stops me wilfully hurting people in this way. Currently I am struggling with the sense that there is no authentic, unique me; that I exist to please others alone; that I have no real ambitions because I do not need or merit them. This battle I suppose I must continue to fight.

  6. Eric, I appreciate that your work at Planet Waves connects the issues we face in our inner world and personal relationships with the outer world and political sphere. It helps me to feel I have an influence on the bigger reality/dream we are all creating.

    The ease with which people lie has always bothered me, particularly because many donโ€™t see a problem even when discussing it as a philosophical construct, which I would think would be easier to get a handle on than the myriad of small ways we deceive each other and ourselves.

    I want to add a bit about how the leaders of Dominionist movement lie to their congregations to rally political support. As Michelle Goldberg revealed in Kindgdom Coming, they are able to gain followers by creating togetherness in areas of the United States that are cut off from a public gathering place or sense of community; these people then believe anything they are told.

    Some of the lies people Goldberg spoke with believed were that the Puritans were kind to Native Americans, that the government was going to round up Christians and execute them and that Nazism was a homosexual movement from which the current gay rights movement is descended.

    It would seem the leaders and followers have a firm understanding on the current Venus/Neptune energy. The followers actually scare me more. I mean, how far do you have to look to find a second opinion?

    Really, though, that is always the case, so this is another reminder to remain alert to the stories we tell ourselves and each other.

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