Cardinal Grand Cross, Hypocrisy Meltdown, Projection in Rape Culture and Rubin Hurricane Carter

Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter and his friend and co-defendant John Artis at the News International Justice Conference. Photo by Alf Sorbello Source: PerthNow .
Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter and his friend and co-defendant John Artis at the News International Justice Conference. Photo by Alf Sorbello Source: PerthNow .

In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I take one last look at the cardinal grand cross, one of the astrological focal points not just of 2014 but of our astrological era. If you want a personal take on these aspects, I would refer you to my phenomenal Spring Readings.

In tonight’s program, I focus on the phenomenon of projection implied by Mars retrograde in its opposite sign Libra, consider this in the discussion of ‘rape culture’, and look at the hypocrisy implied in this placement — which is now coming to a crux. I propose that we have to take the discussion deeper than the legalistic or moralistic level and deal with the reality of what people do and why.

In the program, I mention several resources. One is the The Danger of the Monster Myth by Tom Meagher.

Another is What That Game of Thrones Scene Says About Rape Culture by Tara Culp-Ressler.

Here is the full Rubin Carter interview with Travis Smiley. And here is my article about Mumia Abu Jamal, called Censorship by Execution?

I play the song “Hurricane” by Bob Dylan — one of his greatest pieces, and perhaps the most powerful appellate brief ever set to music. As the New York Daily News reported yesterday, “After Dylan played ‘Hurricane’ on virtually every date of his wildly popular 1975 Rolling Thunder tour, Carter’s incarceration became an unavoidable subject of national discussion. It also intertwined Dylan and the song permanently with Carter’s own life and campaign.”

Carter beats Giardello.
Carter beats Giardello.
Natal chart for Rubin Carter.
Natal chart for Rubin Carter.
Triple murder at Lavayette's Bar and Grill, Paterson, NJ.
Triple murder at Lavayette’s Bar and Grill, Paterson, NJ.

14 thoughts on “Cardinal Grand Cross, Hypocrisy Meltdown, Projection in Rape Culture and Rubin Hurricane Carter”

  1. I sat on a rock in the sea off Caesaria once and a guy came over to me. My friend’s boyfriend waded out to us after a moment and said to the guy – it is unkind to pursue her if she doesn’t want.

    I was surprised and grateful for his help

  2. I sat on a rock in the sea off Caesaria once and a guy came over to me. My friend’s boyfriend waded out to us after a moment and said to the guy – it is unkind to pursue her if she doesn’t want.

    I was surprised and grateful for his help

  3. I’m concerned that how I wrote polyamory as one facet of life is not well put:

    Better to say that the solution is not in ano one thing or philosophy or way of life but in an inherent awareness that may take many forms, may manifest in many ways, or is inherent in any form


  4. I’m concerned that how I wrote polyamory as one facet of life is not well put:

    Better to say that the solution is not in ano one thing or philosophy or way of life but in an inherent awareness that may take many forms, may manifest in many ways, or is inherent in any form


  5. Consciousness/humanity in the round:

    The works of Jung (Carl Gustav) are helpful too, Ursula le Guin’s Earthsea series and Annals of the Western Shore, the 3 Kung Fu series with David Carradine, the first Karate Kid, Kung fu Panda 1 & 2

    Probably where mercury is in the individual chart and astrocartography for places and cultures that will bring light/missing elements in a fashion particular to each

    etc etc!

  6. Hello Eric.


    From what I know of the times (Pisces to Aquarius shift, a Pisces with an Aquarius midheaven and Pallas on that midheaven, living with a fairly typical Aquarian these last 13 years) I’d say that some of the solution is a move to consciousness – not just aiming for self ‘consciousness’, but a two way/multiway multi faceted awareness. Minutely plotted
    – every detail but not rigid, so that each person is balanced in the present.

    I know you are heavily into sex and polyamory as your way in. It is one facet of life.

    With regard to rape – or any skew – it is a question of carefully building a whole consciousness – something each person has to will to do, perhaps with help (IMO the Dalai Lama is possibly the being on the planet most able to help anyone and any ill – who else has such a wide ranging knowledge in so many subjects (overview and detail) and has as his life’s work to help without a payback for himself).

    Aquarius lacks humanity in its raw state – clear, group orientated, (but not flesh and blood human): aesthete.

    Step by step humanising.

    And the bench mark in this case is surely that a well balanced integrated guy seeing a woman dancing on a table is going to be able to let her be! Even if he is sexually interested. ie it is an equal option.

    I spent years as a child indulging my anger and also using it to protect myself, and decades learning a more integrated fashion of being.

    I’m not talking about abstaining from anger or repressing it (or sex or anything), just that indulging a habit or a whim or an interest to the point where it takes over isn’t interesting either for the individual anyone else.

    This is one possiblility!

  7. Hello Eric.


    From what I know of the times (Pisces to Aquarius shift, a Pisces with an Aquarius midheaven and Pallas on that midheaven, living with a fairly typical Aquarian these last 13 years) I’d say that some of the solution is a move to consciousness – not just aiming for self ‘consciousness’, but a two way/multiway multi faceted awareness. Minutely plotted
    – every detail but not rigid, so that each person is balanced in the present.

    I know you are heavily into sex and polyamory as your way in. It is one facet of life.

    With regard to rape – or any skew – it is a question of carefully building a whole consciousness – something each person has to will to do, perhaps with help (IMO the Dalai Lama is possibly the being on the planet most able to help anyone and any ill – who else has such a wide ranging knowledge in so many subjects (overview and detail) and has as his life’s work to help without a payback for himself).

    Aquarius lacks humanity in its raw state – clear, group orientated, (but not flesh and blood human): aesthete.

    Step by step humanising.

    And the bench mark in this case is surely that a well balanced integrated guy seeing a woman dancing on a table is going to be able to let her be! Even if he is sexually interested. ie it is an equal option.

    I spent years as a child indulging my anger and also using it to protect myself, and decades learning a more integrated fashion of being.

    I’m not talking about abstaining from anger or repressing it (or sex or anything), just that indulging a habit or a whim or an interest to the point where it takes over isn’t interesting either for the individual anyone else.

    This is one possiblility!

  8. I did consider not to respond because I find some of what you write condescending; but to return to the subject of the discussion, which unfortunately is very current, it did not come across like you write below and to me the way it was put very much opens the door to a discussion of enabling along the ‘boys will be boys’ line, which for me taints your other writings.

    The blurring of the boundaries between sex and rape, and the excuses for the ‘boys’ (which very well know what is what) are a big part of what the rape culture is about. As opposed to what you write below, the radio piece sounded more like you have a somewhat self-righteous stand on it … which shows again in your alluded judgment on a woman’s behavior as response to my comment to dancing on a table. I wonder if you would have made the same comment to the idea of a man doing the same thing. I think all that points to a usually hidden hypocrisy I was surprised to discover here; and this blurring of the lines of what some people think are nuances of no, when there are no nuances, seems to further a more personal agenda that imo has to be entirely unrelated to the rape culture discussion. The way I heard/read what you said/wrote, that was not done sufficiently.

    Either way, I won’t be returning to your website again any time soon.

  9. I definitely appreciate the clarity you bring to this extremely difficult topic. As a young woman, negligence for my own safety resulted in a rape. There was no consent requested and no refusal given beyond possibly a weak effort to put a door between us. As a result, I am fairly certain that the young man who perpetrated the act has no idea that he raped me. In fact, it took me several years to see what had happened as a rape, and several more to see my own part in setting myself up for it. What I have come to understand about myself is that the repeated physical, emotional and sexual abuse I endured as a child caused me to have no concept of how to provide safety for myself as a young woman or even to be able to understand what being safe felt like. As a young woman, I couldn’t get to where I had never been. I had to learn to take responsibility for that. Even though none of my childhood abuse history was my ‘fault,’ I had to learn to take responsibility for all of it, in order to learn not to set myself up for perpetrators, in order to create safety in my life.

  10. I was clear that rape is a serious crime and moral violation and stated explicitly that the responsibility for volition (initiative) is on the part of the rapist.

    There is a difference between blame for an incident and responsibility for prevention, or between blame and for the solution to a culture-wide problem. I spoke to both sides of that equation. Responsibility for the solution must be equally distributed among all of us here. I said that blame (and legal culpability) is useful and satisfying on one level but it is not a solution.

    It is not merely that everyone has a responsibility not to be negligent, for their own self-preservation and the protection of others; or that we all have the potential to use our creative power in a productive rather than toxic way. We are, as well, all facing a serious problem in our communities and in society, one that affects everyone, and one that we all must use our intelligence to solve — if we are going to get everywhere.

    That is a balanced position, not a reactionary one.

    I have more thoughts about the naked woman dancing on a table, but I will leave it at this, for now.

  11. It is interesting how you first talk about the reactionary appearing to have the upper hand in the energetic expression of the time, and then, as to confirm it, speak about a woman’s responsibility for being raped. While there is much that can be observed, said, examined, analyzed and maybe explained about the relationship of the American male to the Feminine, one thing is blatantly obvious and needs to be said:
    When a man takes advantage of a woman – especially when she is in a vulnerable position like being drunk – she is a victim and not responsible for his violent behavior whatsoever, ever! If she decided to dance naked on a table, it is no invitation to rape, and a perversion indeed if she herself was made to believe that it is.

  12. Looking forward to listening to this after a hot, relaxing bath as I stretch to the 4 corners of this Grand Cross!

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