Syria Scam Derailed; Sept. 11 Anniversary

The Pentagon on Sept. 14, 2001 from an official Department of Defense photo, artist data unavailable. For full resolution click the photo.
The Pentagon on Sept. 14, 2001 from an official Department of Defense photo, artist data unavailable. For full resolution click the photo.

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Our musical guest tonight is Rosendale, NY-based Living With Elephants, who will be performing at Backstage Studio Productions on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013. The link takes you to the a collection of their music.

Margaret Brennan.
Margaret Brennan.

In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the astonishing events of the past 48 hours, including a diplomatic path of resolution suggested by Margaret Brennan, a CBS News reporter who questioned Kerry Monday morning about what it would take to stop the bombing proposal.

I describe the astrology associated with this, though I neglected one meaningful point — there will be a development over the weekend when Mercury in Libra reaches its square to Pluto, and then continues onto an opposition to Uranus and then a square to Jupiter. That is to say, I hope the whole deal doesn’t come unraveled — however — the longer this drags on, the less likely there is to be a bombing campaign.

After the music break tell the story of how I figured out that the official story of the Sept. 11 incident was a lie — from the above photo, reproduced in high resolution here. Give that a click and stay for a few minutes. Look at the photo at full size and see if you can find any hint of an airplane crash. Remember, an airplane is 100 tons of aluminum, titanium and plastic, full of people, baggage and fuel.

I don’t talk about the astrology — though I’ve covered that many times. I reference an article called Were it So, in which I tell the story of my discovery of how the official story of Sept. 11 was not true.

My personal favorite astrology-news piece on Sept. 11 is called History, Turning on a Phrase. Here is last year’s podcast going into detail on the Sept. 11 incident.

3 thoughts on “Syria Scam Derailed; Sept. 11 Anniversary”

  1. Eric,
    Thank you as always for a brilliant broadcast.

    On 9/11 I watched tv live as the second tower fell – I knew that the event was true (had/was happening), but I equally”knew” that what was being reported then and in the aftermath about how/who was not true. Gut feeling only, of course. And it was not as though the event were surreal, but rather, that it was super-real.

    I was already tapped into you/PW at that time, and I’m glad of it; you have then – and often since – given me a steady heartbeat with which to synch my perceptions of reality.

    It’s Margaret’s comment that puts something I experienced that day into the light. On that day, as I watched I strongly knew that my senses were correct. And I saw clearly for the first time that my life experience was based on an alternative OS from most of the people around me, family, colleagues, friends (I was in my office that morning and surrounded by a large sampling of people/reactions) — not only was my different experience of that moment OK, but it was a necessary habit to hone, that of disbelieving the spoon-fed story.

    Until PW, I have not had a community of role-models who search beyond the rhetoric, and advance the truth. Thanks for setting the stage, thanks for being my support group, thanks for reporting the truth, thanks for all you do.

  2. Hello Eric,

    Just a quick note re. your 9/11 broadcast: I too sensed on the day of that event that something really stunk about the whole thing. I distinctly felt at the time it was way too choreographed. (What can I say? I’m early Sag/Scorpio rising, and was going through the tail end of four years of Pluto transits at the time–and I know when my feelings are being manipulated.)

    When all the obvious evidence to break down the myth that was being projected onto the mass psyche started to emerge, I too had a tiny moment of feeling free/vindicated. But then came 12 years of discouragement as I observed the mass of American sheeple for the most part following the script they had been given.

    I guess we had to go through an entire cycle of time for this darkness to come into the light. Thanks for doing your (tremendous) part to bring out the truth. not
    Hopefully for all of us the people of the world have awakened to face the darkness in our midst. I have always seen it as the macrocosm of what I went through after four years of Pluto purging!

    And many, many thanks for all your broadcasts for which I don’t send notes of appreciation but send you a silent thanks–I never miss a one, as nobody does what you do, covering the breadth of topics you cover, with as much skill and clarity.

    With loving appreciation,


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