The Venus-Saturn Opposition

There was an unusual feature to this morning’s / last night’s Full Moon that I did not mention, amidst all the talk of centaur planets. Venus in Taurus made an opposition to Saturn in Scorpio at the exact moment of the Full Moon (it’s still exact within one degree). An astrologer would take note of such an aspect happening within a day of the Full Moon, and it would be pretty interesting if it were within a few hours. This one was timed to the minute, so the implication is that the two are so directly related as to be the same thing. If the Full Moon conjunct Pholus was a commentary on excess (or what in last night’s article I called pent-up, then explode), Venus-Saturn described caution and some austerity. Yet when aspects are extremely precise, their surface level meaning can sometimes reverse; hence with the Full Moon I was reading the potential resolution of pent-up/explode and with Venus-Saturn, the ability to make contact in an understated way. I took this into account in the horoscope interpretations I sent out to my clients last night, just ahead of the Full Moon. How to sort this kind of information out is really a matter of figure-ground contrast, which one does a lot of when reading astrology. It’s similar to what a musician does when composing, or what a designer does with page elements and colors. For the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), the Full Moon stood forward, since Gemini and Sagittarius were involved. For fixed signs (especially Taurus and Scorpio), the Venus-Saturn opposition came forward — and also for Libra and Capricorn. To get a more complete picture of how your interpretations for your sign work, I suggest you read all the signs on your cross.

Here is how they are arranged. Most people are familiar with grouping by element (such as water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces going together). This is another way to group the signs — the more meaningful and useful way, in my experience.

Cardinal Cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed Cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutable Cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

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14 thoughts on “The Venus-Saturn Opposition”

  1. Chiron – what a great name for a cat, Aqueryass. There’s something about a good purr that can put a healing feeling into almost any situation. My Chiron is in Virgo conjunct the MC. Probably why my proof-readery mind picked up on the Sagg abbreviation. And yet another connection – The Fool is my favourite tarot card too. Amazing!
    Glad you liked By The Rivers, Lizzy. They add a lot of joyous enthusiasm to their musical abilities and I hope they progress.

  2. Lots of smiles with my morning cup of coffee, thanks Geoff. Forgot to mention my cat’s name is Chiron – he found us about 8 years ago on the day that Chiron was conjunct my sun.

    Yes, Mars square Pluto! It has had for me a sense of throwing off the shackles, as it once again squares my 3rd house mars/Saturn conjunction with Pluto backing up against Saturn for one last kiss. The cardinal cross has been a wild ride.

    As for Aqueryass, yes shock value has worked well for me, I wanted to put that on my license plate (I drive a Saturn sky), but it didn’t fit. But, I choose the name because I love “the fool” card in the tarot, a questioning fool

  3. Thanks for the cute boy band, Geoff! Really nice brass section too….

    DivaCarla, this is lovely, “Today, blessed out in a dripping green world”. Storm on it’s way down south here too – just about to hit.

  4. Y’all are having so much fun! Can I play? The last 24 hours have been peaceful and lovely as rain soaked the seeds and seedlings in my garden. I am mutable Pisces, though Venus-Saturn was stronger for me. They opposed each other along my horizon. Saturn sitting on my Scorpio ascendant still in the orb of it retro pass over natal Saturn. Venus sat astride natal Nessus, activating all the weeks astrology in my personal chart. It was a helpful opening to do some personal excavation and cleaning of the family legacy. Today, blessed out in a dripping green world. Have a fan weekend.

  5. This Eric opposition was not common to all others, since in heliocentric this rendezvous Venus and Saturn trigone aspect was what took the advantage to divert the injury, channel it and take more distance to events outside or situation in our lives

    Beautiful day to all ♡♥♥☆★★★ 😀

  6. Cheers, Lizzy, good to hear from you again and keep posting those tracks. It always amazes me that virtually all the music links posted here are to my taste. It must be the Nep factor, Eric being a Pisces. Here’s a cute boy band from Leicester that I’m currently rather fond of.
    Aqueryass, I forgot to mention in my earlier dribble that I also have Scorpio rising. That’s what made our similarities seem so unusual. Of course, I never have sex in the kitchen. That would be an abomination in the sight of the lard.

  7. Ha ha! This made me roar, Geoff: “I could always get a life but that would be so boringly conventional for an Aquarian, don’t you think?” Always think of you when I post tracks I like on PW.

  8. Dear Aqueryass. Are you sure you’re not me? As a gay Aquarian (Hi Kosmic Mind, Congratulations on coming out at work. I hope all goes well) I almost chose that web name when I first signed up to PW. I still use it occasionally when people I either don’t particularly respect or who I know are anti-gay and despise astrology (Christian Nationalists) ask me what sign I am.
    Perhaps I should rephrase my opening question. Am I sure I’m not you? I suppose so. Life’s not *that* interesting. But I am 70, although not yet too mega-boney, and I dream of an all-encompassing love with extreme cuddly bits on the side. And, amazingly, I also have a cat who meows me awake for yet another plateful of kibbles with a side dish of strokes and human affection.
    What intrigues me about today’s astrology is the Mars square Pluto response to the recent Full Moon. The latter event had me sharpening my Viking axe and lunging at mealy-mouthed Baptist fundies who think gay kids should throw themselves under trains. That’s been happening a lot here in conservative England recently. It’s one of the signs of nouveau fascism sweeping through Europe. Why, it’s like Berlin in the early 1930s. (Keep the faith and carry on, KM).
    Anyway, I could say that the thing that annoys me most about this website is the caption below the pretty little signs of the zodiac to the right of this blog. The one for Sagittarius, in particular. Why is it spelled Sagg? There’s only one g in Sagittarius. You’ll have to excuse my Virgo midheaven on this one, of course. I could always get a life but that would be so boringly conventional for an Aquarian, don’t you think?
    Speak up, say your thing? Well you did invite, Eric. And hello again to Lizzy. Glad to see you’re still coping with the slings and arrows. As you said, maestro, if it wasn’t for the alcohol …

  9. Venus/Saturn spoke to me more strongly than the centaur’s last night thru my dreams, but as mentioned, the fixed signs, (Aquarius, Scorpio rising) received their message more prominently.

    I dreamt of a deep and total love, one full of admiration,eros,equality,respect,and wholeness. As I looked into my lovers eyes thru my dreamers eyes, my lover was an old man, and as I placed my hand on his knee, I felt his bones and all was well because we were one. In my dream I knew he was saturn.

    The scene exploded into the heavens and stars and ufo’s and then my cat decided it was time to wake me up for breakfast.

    It took me a long time to pull myself out of the dream state, and the only drug I ingested prior to bed was listening to Eric’s [planet waves fm] Sagittarius Full Moon: a proving moment :))

  10. Yea, I agree about the softening of Venus and Saturn via Chiron, along with a bit of Sagittarian optimism. Also, as Eric mentioned, the Full Moon came forward for the mutable signs, while Saturn/Venus was more prominent for the fixed signs. I definitely experienced this (as a Gemini). Interesting my Solar Return occurred just three hours after the Full Moon; so basically my coming year very much emulates this latest lunation. I guess I’ll see how Venus/Saturn plays out, though that Full Moon may take center stage.

  11. The impact was less explosive than I expected, it was softer, I suppose that is the influence of Chiron that you mention. And I had extra Chiron help with transiting Chiron just one degree away from my natal Chiron. I did prepare a piece of work yesterday that was something I had used last fall, but is now going to be used as a promotion for an event. I’m hoping it is small cause big effect and the piece attracts many sales to help two community organizations (11th house Jupiter conjunct the Sun opposite full moon conjunct Pholus, Venus in the 10th opposite Saturn conjunct Neptune).

  12. So it really was Night of the Centaur. I did see that and then forgot, once the horoscope was done…that Chiron definitely softened the impact of Venus-Saturn

  13. Good point about Chiron, thanks Jere. I think the dramatic intensity of the oppositions probably trumped the trine/sextile that Chiron was forming to Saturn/Venus, but for those of us trying to work the astrology and get in touch with all that centaur material, Chiron’s energy facilitated that. Sort of like accepting the shadow material as part of the whole, and forgiving ourselves for our extremes– and the extremes may have been exceptionally clear these past few days. I agree, very cool chart. And now with Mars returning to the Uranus/Pluto configuration, maybe we can use this to really create the changes we want in the future. As if this Full Moon let us integrate things we were ignoring or hiding from, and now we can move on to the next stage. Well, that’s what I’m aiming for, anyway. As a Libra, I’m feeling ready for this last pass of Mars!!

  14. Chiron was in EXACT aspect to Saturn/Venus as well. Also, Mars was pushing into vesta and Ceres.

    Very cool chart!


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