The Late Days of Sun in Gemini

The Sun is now at the end of its run through the sign Gemini. By some measures, the next major signpost of the year is the solstice, when the Sun ingresses the sign Cancer. Yet there is more to the late degrees of Gemini than meets the eye.

Part of my astrology collection, newly assemled for the first time in 10 years, with the bottom right shelf containing most of my books on mythology. The top right shelf contains most of my books on the centaurs and the minor planets.
Most of my astrology collection, together for the first time in 10 years, with the bottom right shelf containing my mythology references. The top right shelf contains most of my books on the centaurs and the minor planets.

Before I go there, I want to remind those with birthdays this week that I’ve prepared an extended reading for you. It’s something that, if you like my approach to astrology, will speak to you personally. I consider Gemini one of the most significant zodiac signs — affecting all the others — and study it passionately. I reach deep into the story of the planets and come back with vital information that can help you solve problems, grow personally and vision your life more clearly. If you’re interested you can listen to a free preview here.

You can think of this week as being a cosmic reflection. The Sun comes face to face with many seemingly minor planets in late Sagittarius — though all of them are amplified by their presence near the Galactic Core — the supermassive black hole that is presumed by physicists to hold our entire galaxy together. Gemini is the story of the facets of the psyche. Some experience this as aspects of who they are, some experience it as distinct personalities within them. The reflection of so many planets opposed by the Sun is going to help you see what you have going on inside and what kinds of transformations you’re going trough.

The Galactic Core has what I would loosely describe as a spiritualizing effect. That is, it reminds us of the nonphysical dimensions, it’s a homing signal and a point of orientation as we make our way through the (seemingly) material world. Every problem you face, you can transform with a combination of self-awareness and choice. Everyone you know, all those you meet, no matter how casually, are on a journey and even if for a moment, you become a partner on that trip and they join you on yours.

The Sun’s last days in any sign can be mysterious, unpredictable and contain the possibility for unusual developments that can carry your life forward. Sometimes it’s as if a hidden door opens. With the Sun making its opposition to the Galactic Core, joined by many of the most interesting discoveries that represent the frontiers of astrology and the Solar System, mysterious and strange can take the form of beautiful.

10 thoughts on “The Late Days of Sun in Gemini”

  1. Nice collection Eric’s book on astrology.

    I come to found a rare book in a flea piwr even not €1 a large published astrologer in 1961, practical Astrology André barbault and also a small book of medical astrology.

    I have over a hundred book on astrology… ♡♥♥♥♡☆★★★

  2. I have a friend that had a birthday yesterday. She is a well read individual and highly educated. In reminiscing about the short trips we took to celebrate her birthday, all I could think of were the stories she used to tell everyone after we returned. They were so funny and full of color that great belly laughs were not uncommon. Her perspective and memories about what happened and mine were so different, sometimes I had a hard time believing I was there.

  3. WARNING: Gemini present, double the fun at twice the speed! What’s this? Mercury in Gemini on the mid-heaven- off the charts!

    Best to know when you are with one of my Tribe, the room gets crowded quick.

  4. Eric,
    Just read the link ‘Gemini, one of the most significant signs’ and it really covered a lot of personal bases for me as I have a Gemini Sun and Pisces Moon (could it get any more ‘mutable?’). Also have NN in Virgo. Again a lot of bases covered so the info really drew me in. Great writing on top of it as well.

  5. I really appreciate the idea of thinking of this week as a cosmic reflection – it just *feels* true. This Gemini season has been so full of buzzing, high-speed, kinda manic (in the informal sense, not the diagnosable sense) energy for me and I totally crashed this weekend. I think I’ll make some space for that unpredictable and beautiful mystery to come through. And breathing. Lots of breathing. Thank you!

  6. Hello says a Gemini….I do love the books…and am happy to hear that you like to get into the “stuff” Geminis are made of…a few years back i went to a “Gemini” party. there were at least 10 Geminis present (around 50 persons altogether)…it was a “hoot”…we even took a picture for the future…still haven´t got it….we´ll have to repeat…wishing everybody a great summer/winter and of course all the best to my fellow Geminis

  7. My brothers are both Gemini, 4 yrs apart in birth but and born on the same day
    Interestingly, one has a Cancer Rising and the other has a Capricorn Rising!
    They had contrived their own language as kids.
    Loveable. And… complex. Extroverted/Introverted
    Gemini should come with a warning.

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