Through the weekend and into the Gemini New Moon on Wednesday, May 28, the Sun is applying in a square to Neptune. Any Neptune aspects call for clarity, even the most impeccable trine. Yet when the Sun is applying in a square to Neptune, that’s an invitation to be honest with yourself — especially when the signs involved are Gemini and Pisces. That’s because these are the two most dualistic signs of the zodiac, having two distinctly different sides. Toss Neptune into the mix and we can have a hot mess of denial. Of course, denial is useful. Nobody could eat a hamburger or chicken wings without it. But denial of oneself, one’s true thoughts and of one’s understanding of ethics — that can be a problem, the more so if alcohol or substances are clouding one’s perception; fogging the mirror, as it were. Yet the Sun leaning into Neptune, about to be met by the Moon in a perfect 90-degree right angle Moon-Sun to Neptune on May 28, is saying dream big. Give yourself a push, and visualize what you want to do; literally see a vision for yourself. The Gemini factor here is about mental clarity. The Pisces factor is abundant creativity. The mutable factor of both signs says that the combinations are exponential. Take nothing for granted. Check every fact. Focus your awareness and make sure you really consult yourself. Keep cleaning the glass. Translate your ideas into words, again and again, until you get them tuned to the point that you actually understand what you’re saying to yourself, or to others. It’s possible to have clarity under a Neptune square, though it takes the conscious choice to focus your mind. The Sun is currently applying in a conjunction (the most powerful aspect) to a centaur called Asbolus — and that is one image of focus, in particular of intuition, in a way much more specific than Neptune. This is exciting astrology, as long as you keep your ears on and your mind’s eye in focus.
The Gemini birthday reading will be ready Monday. It’s still available for the pre-order price of $24.95, which lasts through Saturday. Then it will go up to $29.95 and once published it’ll be $39.95. Fortunately we will have an unlimited quantity in stock, because they are going fast. You can listen to your free audio preview of your 2014 reading by clicking the link. You can also suggest topics for me to cover by writing to once you’ve signed up. By the way — there will be a live question and response session for all purchasers once the reading comes out, and I will dialog with you about your astrology.
Amanda – Grok. In fact, I just made myself a new rule “Do not read Facebook while eating lunch. Just don’t.” I don’t need to ingest all those horrible things.
maeve & carecare — there was a lot of discussion behind the scenes in PW emails (i was offline all weekend due to other commitments, and have only caught up with the thread over the last couple days). my sense is that because the various issues brought up by the shooting are so intense, intertwined, and pointing to broad discussion, eric is taking his time with this stuff. i’m not 100% sure if it will show up in the friday issue or not, but it is definitely being weighed, investigated and parsed.
you wouldn’t believe how much energy (psychic and otherwise) it takes (by eric and anyone working with him) to respond quickly to events like a shooting of this sort. which does not, by any means, mean that others cannot bring it up for discussion on the blog. but if you were wondering about commentary by PW writers, that’s the situation at present.
this shit is exhausting. personally, i am glad that i was too busy to hear or read anything about it until two days after the fact. sometimes being at the mercy of the real-time news and FB posts is just too draining.
carecare7 – I admit I was surprised no coverage of the recent killings (there were more Saturday, different circumstance, still women targeted and killed as I understand (I haven’t dug into it, to maintain what remains of my sanity (empath plus specific triggers)). I would really like to see something here, as I expect it may be a more civil discussion here than I’ve seen elsewhere. What you’ve excerpted are some great points.
♥ to you jere! more ♫ than havoc these daze & def old school, embracing the cha☮s … 😉
This one as well:
All and more coming up on my FB feed yesterday and today like crazy.
Is anyone here going to talk about the shooting/stabbing that happened Friday and the #yesallwomen Twitters that have exploded from women and on facebook in response to the #notallmen Tweets?
By Jim C. Hines:
“Five minutes on my news feed brings up multiple conversations about the recent misogynistic hate crime here in the U.S. Almost every one of those conversations gets derailed by comments like:
“I’m just playing devil’s advocate, but…”
“One man did this, not MEN. You can’t lump all of us together…”
“Because of the actions of one man, I am told to sit down, shut up, and solve this problem…”
“The issue of inequality in our society is discrimination against men which is unacknowledged…”
A man went on a killing spree to punish women for daring to refuse to let him screw them. Countless women are speaking out about their own experiences of being threatened, harassed, stalked, intimidated, and assaulted by men for the “crime” of saying no. And you as a guy want to make the conversation about your hurt feelings?
First off, before you start up with your “not all men!” crap, please pay attention to the fact that pretty much nobody is saying “all men” in the first place. And second, the fact that you’re more worried about your hurt feelings than you are about the very real epidemic of physical and emotional violence committed by men against women? That the murder of women is less important than your bruised ego?
This is not going to go away.
Does anyone want to do the chart on the shootings or get one for the shooter?
The shooter made videos spewing his hatred of women. They are on Youtube under the killer’s name.
This has opened a huge conversation about this issue.
Focusing at a time when Gemini Sun squares Pisces Neptune is like swimming against the tide since Gemini rarely – if ever, and then only briefly – focuses on a single subject, and Pisces is the very essence of releasing focus. Any focusing at this New Moon will have to come from the efforts of Scorpio Saturn whose participation in a grand water trine is like a 3-legged stool; steady. Saturn at 18+ Scorpio will also exactly oppose transiting Juno in solid-as-the-earth Taurus as the transiting Sun squares Neptune. This father-daughter team exemplify an ability to focus and what they focus on is societal order, hierarchy and established rules.
Wednesday’s New Moon within one of the mutable signs signals a shifting or transition from a fixed (stable) mode to a cardinal (action) mode, and will now compound that transition with a square from Neptune (anything but stable) in another mutable sign. The gods and goddesses would have us loose as a goose it seems; not so much to upend us but to make our minds (Gemini) and emotions (Pisces) most permeable. Permeable for the changes flowing through the grand water trine between the societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, and the healer planet Chiron. This is a time of personal and collective re-alignment, all in free-fall. It’s best not to be unconscious now, just loose.
It’s true, astrologers hedge when it comes to predicting how and when Uranus energy will manifest, but manifest it will in the U.S. as this square will engage the U.S. Sibly natal Uranus at 8+ Gemini as well as the PROGRESSED version of natal Uranus, now at 7+ Gemini. The chart for the New Moon in Gemini will also affect the PROGRESSED U.S. Sibly natal asteroid Arachne, symbolizing a web of intrigue as well as a Binding Together Bits & Pieces effect, also at 18+ Taurus. That is where transiting Juno will be at this New Moon, opposite transiting Saturn in Scorpio who is in a grand water trine with Jupiter in Cancer and Chiron in Pisces.
Compounding the effect of this transit of Juno (conjunct U.S. PROG. Arachne, opposite trans. Saturn) will be the U.S. (Sibly) natal Vesta (think of what you personally are invested in) only 1 degree ahead of transiting Juno. U.S. Vesta is at 19+ Taurus which is the sign of personal wealth, comfort and appreciation of the welfare and value of Earth herself. Then recall that the U.S. natal Uranus squares the U.S. natal Ceres who is considered Earth Mother in myth and astrology. Know that transiting Saturn has already opposed the U.S. Vesta (I’m thinking Keystone pipeline) and will again in September, and that transiting Juno will exactly conjunct her 48 hours after the Gemini New Moon. Remember that Saturn and Juno represent the stability of societal order and they will be seeking balance as they oppose one another.
One advance notice of that coming societal change has been delivered through the 3rd and most recent exact trine between Saturn and Jupiter; news of a televised interview the evening of the New Moon (10 PM NBC) of Edward Snowden, the Gemini Sun man who is both (dual) hero and traitor by reputation. Most directly affected by the symbolism of an Ed Snowden are U.S. citizens, but in fact, all citizens of the world who have access to phones, computers and the like are touched by this Gemini’s actions and values.
We don’t have to be swept away by the lack of stability implied in this Gemini New Moon; faith in (and belief in) the Process must serve as our unified psyche’s anchor until the shores of cardinal Cancer are reached. Seek out bedrock firmness in lasting values and shared resources if you feel the urge to head for the hills. The boat may be rocking but it’s not leaking by goddess! We are being asked to relax our notions of right and wrong, good and bad, and keep an open mind and heart and don’t numb and dumb down. Dream big. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?
Tangent note, been listening to Johnny Rivers and Roy Orbison lately. Interesting times.
“In one of our long conversations somewhere, Rob told me he just did not understand Chiron. Here is how he said it. He would track it in his clients consistently, and it always came with “intense times” and often with other transits, but he could not distinguish the influence as an independent factor. He could not tune into it, so he stopped using it.”
Way back, in 1984, my astrology teacher, Beth Underwood, said this about Chiron:
“Chiron is like the shot you get to get better, the painful surgery that save your life, the things that may seem to be harmful but turn out to be the best thing for you later on.”
I have seen that in my chart and others’ charts. It does work better with other planets because it is a subtle energy. She (Beth Underwood) often said she felt Chiron was the rightful ruler of Virgo. I can’t speak to that because I haven’t enough experience doing astrology.
..This place is funny as all hell sometimes. I was chattin’ with a buddy about Julie Andrews a few days ago. I busted out Floyd’s Fearless (some say echoes, but I prefer fearless, definitely not San Tropez) a couple a weeks ago.
“Havok the street” (Stormi),.. the landscapes are beautiful, the music is rich. Don’t take me wrong here, I can’t help but feel that you are a righteous person. Your power and beauty are palpable through your writing.
Thank you all,
As odd as all oddness can be,
Hoo boy. Neptune squares are rough for me.
My chart is very Neptune strong. I feel as though Neptune was so easy to wrangle as a child- I did not have to worry about reality; I was free to dream and draw. It was only when I became an adult and had to face harsh realities that Neptune’s escapist tendencies became apparent.
I think Neptune transits can be welcome to those who are more hard edged in their natal charts but for an outer planet person like me it can become much too much.
The best way to deal with it is to seek out its higher expressions actively (music, meditation, art, film, etc.) lest it come about any way it pleases!
I think I got the memo a little too late today because I was awash in some serious confusion today 🙁
Originally released in October 1963, “You’ll Never Walk Alone” was reissued in September 1965, right before the first of the three exact stations of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction.
Gerry and the Pacemakers, “You’ll Never Walk Alone” (1965)
“You’ll Never Walk Alone” is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel.
In the United Kingdom, the song’s most successful cover was released by Gerry and the Pacemakers in 1963, after the band’s producer George Martin suggested that they record it as a follow up to their hit “I Like It,” peaking at number one in the singles chart for four consecutive weeks.
The song quickly became the anthem of Liverpool Football Club and is invariably sung by its supporters moments before the start of each home game. The words “You’ll Never Walk Alone” also feature in the club crest and on the Shankly Gate entrance to Anfield, their home stadium.
Progressive rock group Pink Floyd took a recording by the Liverpool Kop choir, and “interpolated” it into their own song, “Fearless”, on their 1971 album Meddle.
The song has been recorded by many artists, with notable hit versions made by Roy Hamilton, Mahalia Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, The Righteous Brothers, Elvis Presley, Andy Williams, Doris Day, and Susan Boyle. From 1964 through 2010, Jerry Lewis concluded the annual Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon by singing the song. Barbra Streisand sang this song in a surprise appearance at the close of the 2001 Emmy Awards, in honor of the victims of the September 11th, 2001 attacks.
According to Queen guitarist Brian May, after the end of a concert by the rock group, the audience spontaneously sang this song, and this helped to inspire the creation of their songs “We Are the Champions” and “We Will Rock You”.
In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the onboard computer Eddie sings this song in an attempt to calm the crew of the Heart of Gold as their imminent destruction approaches in the form of a missile.
there’s still something in my heart
that can find a way
to make the start
turn up the signal
wipe out the noise
Peter Gabriel (with vocals by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan)
“Signal To Noise: from Growing Up Live (2003) DVD
LOL wondering if I should now link to The Sound of Music for sheer comic effect… 😀
Nah, I’ll be nice. Have this instead
And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.
And you and I reach over the sun for the river.
And you and I climb, clearer, towards the movement.
And you and I called over valleys of endless seas.
– Yes, “And You and I” from the Union Live (1991) DVD
Neptune recently crossed my Ascendant. That was quite an experience–still ongoing with Neptune slowly moving through my first house. Yes, there was a lot of denial with that. I was in a relationship that I knew wasn’t right for me, for my path, yet I chose to stay in that Neptunian fog for a bit, until I could no longer stand deluding myself. I think Neptune, like all slower moving planets, represents a process of unfolding. With Neptune, that process is getting clear, seeing past the lies we tell ourselves and allow others to tell us–to ultimately perceive the larger truth, often beyond words, simply a profound knowing that’s difficult to describe. When we really surrender to Neptune, when we let those illusions melt away, let the tears fall, we awaken to the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. Yes, we’re spiritual beings, but we’re human. That raw perception of our innate humanity can be such a rich and beautiful sight when we see it through renewed vision. Thank you for reminding us of this planet’s higher intention, Eric. It’s such a wonderful gift from the Gods.
Neptune is placed on my IC and along with my rising Saturn is involved in two aspect patterns. It is at least part of the basis of my intuition, such as it is. I am used to the sense of confusion as well as that of direct inspiration, but very often the latter seems to be denied through the obsessive realism of Saturn. It’s not the easiest of placements, and I have only recently learned to respect this part of myself.
Chiron, meanwhile, is currently hovering on my Sun/Moon midpoint, which is…interesting.
Ooh, I like that idea, Amanda. And I expect Neptune can go either way on that. We are encouraged to adopt our value systems on a kind of “$1 a bag,” “Goodwill-store” plan. And it gets confusing when some of those values resonate with us, but others don’t. It is worth taking everything out of the bag & checking out their qualities, one by one, tho. Personally, with my own Neptune at 2 Sag, I like to lean on its spiritual potential as I do my investigations. It’ll be a good weekend’s work.
” … being impeccable in our integrity to our own values means that all rules put forth by others need to be weighed against our inner value system.”
absolutely — though it’s amazing in a very sad way how many people do not take the time to truly consider their values, including where (from whom) they came from and whether they contradict other professed values. it takes work — genuine inner work — and there are oh-so-many distractions (and reasons to avoid it — like fear of having to change if we discover we’re off-track somehow).
i suspect the gemini sun could make any such inner contradictions more obvious; the question then is whether neptune obfuscates them or lends us some idealism toward reconciling them.
Oh, just noticed Neptune transit in Pisces is also exact opposition natal Uranus at 7.31 + degrees.
Sounds great Eric is the same with me, appreciating though all the senses nature, creative expression and art for sure.
With what little experience I have in tracking Neptune’s influence, from the several that have been mentioned here and have been aware of over the last two years, I have actually come to really appreciate the aspects when they come around. Neptune to me is such a slippery, foggy and dreamy feeling that comes over me, yet at the same time feels extremely intuitive in that everything is in such Divine connectivity and open flow in me. I absolutely love this, it feels so creative relaxed and at peaceful. Effortlessly, causes me to let it go. I can’t quite get a grasp of it, but that is how I know it is doing its work in me.
With Neptune just coming into Pisces, of my natal Chiron at 18 degrees and with Chiron transit also conjunct as well, should be interesting..
The City of Portland, Oregon issued a boil water notice after finding three positive instances of e coli in our drinking water in three days.
I’m wondering if this kind of water is Neptune. The Oregonian reported it at 10:51 am Pacific, which puts Neptune and Chiron in the 8th house.
Well I appreciate that, Eric, but I’m a hunter. I kill and field-dress my own deer, I know exactly where my venison comes from & as the pastureland buts up against national forest, I have a good idea of what it’s been eating throughout its life. I’m teasing you a little, because I get what you mean about fast food burgers, but I just want to point out that being impeccable in our integrity to our own values means that all rules put forth by others need to be weighed against our inner value system. And I will enjoy the hell out of my burger 😉
Vis a vis Neptune, it helps to have Chiron.
In one of our long conversations somewhere, Rob told me he just did not understand Chiron. Here is how he said it. He would track it in his clients consistently, and it always came with “intense times” and often with other transits, but he could not distinguish the influence as an independent factor. He could not tune into it, so he stopped using it.
Re the hamburger, well, 1,000 cows in a McDonald’s burger…”shit in the meat” as Fast Food Nation reveals…pink slime…GMOs…even the pasture-fed burger requires some suspension of awareness since I personally probably could not kill a cow, and I don’t know many people who could.
I’m still kind of baffled: why do I have to be in denial to eat a hamburger? Cheez-Wiz, yes. But a hamburger? I’m going to go make one right now to check my denial levels 😉
Eric: Thank you so very much. Robert Hand has appropriately referred to Neptune as “one of the most difficult planetary influences to handle.” Even for astrologers, it’s often difficult to even get a clue, much less a grasp of of Neptune. With this installment of your new “Daily Astrology” format, you have given us a concise and accessible grasp at the best possible time. Your proficiency is truly profound, and we are grateful.
Landed in Newark yesterday and drove right past you Eric on my way to a family wedding this holiday weekend. (That was quite a hail storm!) From the moment my feet touched the moist fertile soil I felt the pull of my roots, so much for the arid detachment my desert abode provides. Creativity for me was a run in the rain first thing this morning. I snapped a few photos with my phone and plan on returning with my camera. Neptune energy is obsequious here, both with family and the weather. I allowed today’s daily astrology to sink in deep as I sat on a bridge, overlooking a stream, allowing my feelings to process. Thank you for this insight, I am sure I will be “cleaning the glass” from time to time as this aspect perfects.
Good advice to fine tune one’s words. That’s the “what you say” – a nice segue from Len’s advice yesterday to pay attention on “how we say”.
Thank you for showing a choice for the holiday weekend. Instead of being consumed with household busyness and forced social encounters, I’m looking forward to dreaming big, motivating to push myself, visualizing to see a clear vision and find the answer to the lingering Mars question posed by Amanda yesterday: “what do I want?”
Clarity and creativity, exponentially combining. Ooo whoo! Bring it on!
For me that vision includes assigning a modest 40 hours per week to Planet Waves and spending the rest of my creative time doing art, music and nature. These days, especially music — Chiron conjunct my natal Mercury is turning the key to that in a way I never dreamed possible. If you live in the Hudson Valley of New York and that sounds appealing, look me up — I am easy to find. There is plenty of space in my life.