Planet Waves FM on the Gaza Humanitarian Crisis — and the Aquarius Full Moon

Does the Aquarius Full Moon suggest that an end to the Gaza crisis is in store? I am not sure, but I explain the ways to work with Full Moon energy to break a deadlock or get out of an impasse. Then I speak with Karen Pardini, who describes the humanitarian situation in Gaza and why what’s been happening for the past month is genocide.

I may have more to say about Wednesday’s astrology, though for now — good night.

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4 thoughts on “Planet Waves FM on the Gaza Humanitarian Crisis — and the Aquarius Full Moon”

  1. Yes. Lovely words Pam – I know from my own experience that one taps into ones deepest inner strength and courage when one is able to overcome such feelings of discouragement and despair.
    Yesterday I saw my Somali friends. One of them had written about his exodus out of his country – 48 days in the Sudan desert, trying to keep out of the way of the fighting – where they ran out of water towards the end and feared they would die (one of them died on the way), then to Libya where they were received with violence and hostility. He hadn’t written about the most gangerous journey of all, across the sea to Lampedusa, hiundreds of them in broken down boats. Find it hard to imagine such total hell.
    Haven’t had the chance to listen yet. Hope to do so asap!

  2. Eric maybe with Sila-Nunam as a bridge there is a possibility. Your friend David said the Palestinian conflict would enter a new phase by october didn’t he.

    And the changing astrology – Salacia is still conjunct my sun (calm seas) and I am hoping this sense of stability will be ‘fixed’ by the move from the mutabletrines. I cetrainly feel it – that something is more bedrock than I have ever known it. last week I felt such discouragement and despair and just suddenly realised that it is irrelevant beside sbeing not helpful. What is relevant is to put your best foot forward always and hold as constructive a space as you know/are. ie come hell or highwater give of the best that you are. All ways.

    And as has been said on these pages. More/much kindness.

  3. “Overwhelmed and paralyzed.”

    Yup. Thanks for letting us hear this conversation, though. I am so lost when it comes to what is going on with this crisis, and I feel like I have a little tiny bit stronger grasp on it now.

  4. A 9-year-old said his toys disappeared. And his mommy disappeared.

    That made my knees weak and my heart weep.

    It’s always worth my hour or so listening to you, Eric, but tonight’s interview with Karen Pardini reached in and grabbed my heart and soul. The children. For fuck’s sake, the children!! I’m stunned that people around me are so completely oblivious to the genocide – ethnic cleansing – happening in Gaza.

    Why are Americans so friggin’ blind to Israel’s absolutism? Makes me furious. Karen is right: Politics and religion be damned. The humanitarian crisis must be acknowledged and responded to immediately.

    Innocent people should not suffer because of the hatred and greed of zealots. I’m calling my Maryland representatives in the morning.

    Thanks so much for all you do – and share!

    Lesley (Scorpio w/ Moon&Pluto@19° Leo. Love it.)

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