Odd Factors Add Up, with Betelgeuse

betelgeuseThursday June 19 could be a big day. Several odd factors look like they add up to something unusual. The first is one of my favorite routine aspects — Mercury conjunct the Sun, or properly stated, Mercury combust the Sun. The alignment is exact at 6:50 pm EDT in the next-to-last degree of Gemini. This is a weird degree, which is why I like it. While on one level a diversity of unfortunate things have occurred with important points in this degree of the zodiac, for me as a journalist it’s been like a beacon that has helped me string them together and step-by-step discover the truth. There’s also a fixed star back there, called Betelgeuse. This is the star of the distinct advantage or the sudden stroke of fortune. Yet this is not self-activating — you must take the initiative, and take a risk. It’s an invitation to stand in your strength and the strength of your message, and to think quickly and efficiently. At the moment that Mercury, the Sun and Betelgeuse align, they will be opposite the Galactic Core, which adds depth, a balancing element and a touch of the impossible. And as this happens, the Moon is in the first degree of the zodiac, on the Aries Point, the junction of the personal and the collective, which provides some information about the sense of scale that’s involved in whatever these aspect signify. This is the day to remember that astrology is not something that happens to you. It’s about what you do, why you do it and, finally, when. Such as right now.

9 thoughts on “Odd Factors Add Up, with Betelgeuse”

  1. My Birth-Day! The return of my Sun! Now… if only if I could figure out what it means to have my Sun on this Star Betelgeuse and my Jupiter on Sirius my life might be much easier!! In the meanwhile, I’ll continue to “Stand In My Strength!”… 😉

  2. Thanks Eric for this analysis of the alignment of Betelgeuse with the Sun and mercury, I’ll follow the movement.

    This make you falls into my house 2 and I’d look at where exactly was how the fixed star

    good weekend to all ♡♡♡ 😀

  3. Betelgeuse is near my south node. Perhaps that shines some light on how when I get over my family’s fears of traveling far from the nest, or more specifically traveling beyond the family’s belief system and culture I tend to find exactly what I need just when I need it. It’s a great help in learning to navigate the alien territory of my north node.

  4. Speaking of taking the initiative, Initiative is something attributed to Mars. Usually we dwell on his aggressiveness, or lack of thinking before taking action, or his brutality, but without Mars we would all be vegetables. Thank you for being there for us Mars! Without you we would never rise from our beds in the morning.

    Today transiting Mars conjuncts the U.S. Sibly Saturn. Something(s) will get initiated of a Libran nature but how far it goes depends on willpower. Transiting Mars (and the U.S. Sibly Saturn) are sextile the Great Attractor so there would be a great deal of “gravity” associated with any initiative and gravity, in the sense of “seriousness”, is a characteristic of Saturn.

    So, whatever Betelgeuse has to offer the Mercury-Sun conjunction, Mars supports it with initiative and the U.S. Saturn supplies gravity, as does the GA, making it very attractive. There are other aspects transiting in the 14+ range of signs (Mars at 14+ Libra and the GA at 14+ Sagittarius), but I’m recalling that on September 11, 2001, transiting Saturn was at 14+ Gemini, so it would trine today’s transiting Mars (and the U.S. Saturn) while opposing the GA.

    With the 9/11 Saturn drawing a line in the sand at 14+ Gemini, and the GA calling us to follow at 14+ Sagittarius, and transiting Mars at 14+ Libra (+ U.S. Saturn) in sync with both, it is Beetlejuice, er, Betelgeuse who may hold the trump card. However, one present day transit might make a difference and her name is Minerva, and she’s a negotiator extraordinaire.

    Transiting asteroid Minerva (aka Pallas-Athena in another lifetime) sits at the apex point of a yod with the sextile between trans. Mars (+ U.S. Saturn) and the GA. Those who sit at the apex point of a yod (in this case Minerva at 14+ Taurus) are required to make adjustments. These are the rules of Yoddom. In Taurus, that will be difficult.

    However, transiting Venus is also in Taurus and she rules Taurus, as well as Libra where Mars and U.S Saturn reside. Venus is in somewhat of a yod pickle point herself, what with being quincunx the transiting north node in Libra and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. Is this a stalemate? Would a “breakthrough” help?

    Next Wednesday, early in the morning, trans. Mars will oppose trans Uranus (breakthroughs) and later that same day transiting retrograde Mercury will semisextile Jupiter (the long and the short of it). Trans. Mars – in Libra – conjunct U.S. Saturn – must now stall, or negotiate in the Libra style of indecision. Also next Wednesday, transiting Sun will be nearing a conjunction with the U.S. Venus in Cancer which happens 2 days later at the New Moon, and then we will have a whole new ball game.

    Do you sometimes feel we are just pawns in this whole evolutionary process? The GC opposite Sun and Mercury, the GA sextile Mars, according to what the wise ones tell us, they provide guidance and support rather than directives. As Eric says, “astrology is not something that happens to you. It’s about what you do, why you do it, and finally, when. Looking forward to news re: Hobby Lobby Shelly!

  5. The Iris asteroid involvement (currently at 26.53 degrees Gemini) with this stellium of Sun, Mercury retrograde and Betelgeuse to me speaks of something – the Truth – being very brightly illuminated, as if under a spotlight, and possibly quite suddenly and even forcefully. Things may take a turn on a dime today.

  6. Thanks, Elizabeth. That was a helpful elaboration. And as far as the weirdness factor, I don’t search too hard because it’s easy enough to encounter all the time, every day.

    Thanks, Eric, as well for the clarification.

  7. Fixed stars, slow movers, aspect pattrens and other elements can be activated or focused by a powerful solar, lunar or planetary event. That brings it into the human dimension.

  8. Shelley, I love you for referencing Beetlejuice in this discussion. (Ok, I’m a cheeseball pre-adolescent of the 80’s).

    I do love the advice to stand in our strength, though. Maybe with the Sun/Mercury conjunction, it’s not just a matter of being honest with others– but a moment of clarity within ourselves? I’ve been around a lot of people who are constantly blaming and projecting… maybe this point, wherever it lies in our own personal natal chart, is a moment of time alone with a very honest mirror into our own minds? I know a lot of people are wondering where the “weirdness” factor will come in– but I find that when I search too hard, I tend to miss things. I appreciate the advice to be active in this energy, and I think it implies being alert to it, being aware that there is momentum, so aim it wisely, and be honest with what you aiming for. Maybe we can cut out some of the superficiality out of our lives, and focus what we want a bit more accurately. That’s what I’m working towards, anyway. (The Sun/Mercury conjunction will be trining my natal Mercury rising. I feel overwhelmed by my thought patterns. Trying to shake it off and not let them control me. Lots of yoga tomorrow.)

    Still, you can bet I will be saying Beetlejuice three times in a row and looking for Michael Keaton to come out of the woodwork. 🙂

  9. Eric, since Betelgeuse is a fixed star, we all have it in that weird Gemini degree in our natal charts. We all have the Galactic Core within three degrees of an opposition to it as well. So is “the distinct advantage” in opposition to “depth, a balancing element and a touch of the impossible” something hanging around all the time, but that is just super-activated because of the Sun, Moon and Mercury or would you read it differently?

    In other words, should we all look where it’s at in our charts for a bit of this kind of potential in general? Maybe if we say Betelgeuse (or Beetlejuice) three times in a row while standing in our strength it will it manifest more strongly ☺

    Also, it’s crazy that the Hobby Lobby decision may be tomorrow in the midst of all of that!

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