The Moon ingresses Virgo Monday at 11:37 pm EDT (Tuesday 03:37 UTC). At that moment, it enters the opposition of Nessus and Transpluto. What I love about the Nessus-Transpluto opposition is that, besides the issue on which it comments, I am probably the only astrologer who has come within punting distancing of noticing it (OK I can think of one other). It’s a slowly-developing alignment associated with centaur Nessus (discovered 1993) changing signs from Aquarius to Pisces, and hypothetical, as in nonexistent, planet Transpluto (hypothesized some time in the early 20th century) making its excruciatingly slow sign-change from Leo to Virgo.
The two are now aligned in an opposition along 1 Virgo to 1 Pisces within microns (two arc minutes or 1/30th of a degree). The Moon gets in there just before midnight EDT and makes that opposition palpable, visceral, real. And what is it about? The relationship between self-criticism and abuse patterns — a problem so rampant hardly anyone notices it. They mirror one another, feed one another, in a sense support one another, and who knows, they may even cancel one another out; that would be nice.
This is a long-lasting opposition, so we get to experiment with it for another year or so — but at the moment, it comes into tangible focus so we can feel this paradox that keep so many miserable for so long. The Moon then moves onto an opposition with Neptune exact at 1:46 pm EDT (17:46 UTC), which is more like looking into the mirror and seeing whatever you want to see.
Tuesday morning we will be delivering the Planet Waves Tuesday letter, which includes my Inner Space readings for all 12 signs and rising signs. If you read your astrology regularly here, try a Planet Waves subscription and get all this other cool stuff, and help feed the tree that is Planet Waves. Support what you love. Support what feeds you. It’s a sign of strong values and healthy self-esteem.
Laura, I don’t think these aspects are here to annoy or harass. I believe, and practice, the ways in which they point out what is now available to resolve. Anyway you’ve been living with this all year. So what progress have you made on these themes? What have you noticed?
Proserpina’s sneaking in there too, next to Nessus, and both are retrograde (it’s personal now). Could she be adding her Divine Feminine trip through the Underworld experience to the Nessus/Transpluto abuse and self-criticism mind fuck? Or maybe offering her feminine perspective to the conversation? Women (especially Proserpina/Persephone) and women’s issues are definitely being discussed more lately. Orcus has been stuck at 4VIR for a while too, adding that to the mix. Hmmm…
Great. Those are on my nodal axis (NN 2PIS). Guess I get to explore the abuse/self-criticism relationship for the next year or so…
photo makes me so sad … how we work so hard to see ourselves in other.
Oky-dokey, conjuncting my Jupiter no less. Interesting. Just a thought Mr Francis, sir, have your ever considered branching out to Youtube. I say this because astrology is a pretty strong topic over there. A couple of channels maintain over 1,000 views form a single video. People seem to take it seriously over there. Your voice would be a welcome addition. Some of the people who make the video’s are not the fluffy variety, they are dedicated people. For example, on Youtube, look up a man called Steve Judd. He sounds like the British version of you sometimes. I know from the amount of people who frequently view their shows that you will be welcomed wholeheartedly.
Constellation Scorpio, Saturn, Mars, and Spica… east coast U.S. should be able to see it right now. West coast has a couple more hours to go. Southern hemisphere,.. place a mirror in front of your computer screen and read this again,.. or, go outside, stand on your head, and look down 😛 .
(Alright, I’ll quit with my star-gazing peer pressure,… for now.)
Infinite Skies,