A creative approach to Sun opposite Pluto

“If Judge Zweibel, Cyrus Vance or Michael Bloomberg set out to make an example out of me to dissuade dissent, this has had exact opposite impact. I am absolutely and further committed to fighting for rights and freedoms that I did not even realize had been eroded to the extent they had.”

— Cecily McMillan, Occupy activist released from Riker’s Island on Wednesday.

As mentioned yesterday, the Sun opposes Pluto Friday and begins a square to Uranus that is exact Tuesday, July 8. Said another way, the Sun is moving through the Uranus-Pluto square, evoking our experience of the cardinal grand cross that has been following us around for the past few seasons. While it’s necessary to look at this as one aspect, it’s also helpful to take it in parts, and Sun-Pluto is one of them. Notably, this aspect is present in the solar return (birthday) chart for the United States, covered in the current Planet Waves FM toward the end.

If you look this aspect up in astrology textbooks as a natal aspect or Pluto opposite the Sun transit, you won’t like it much. The reason it’s associated with power struggles, waged as if life or death were on the line, is that most people need to be told what to do. You can hardly blame them — it’s the only thing we’re rewarded for in school, starting in nursery school and for many people, continuing through menial jobs and extending all the way through advanced degrees where you must do the dance or not get your reward at the end. Yet really we humans crave more self-direction than that, and so a power struggle is the seemingly ‘natural’ result.

It is for this reason that Pluto transits (and transits of other potent slow-movers like Chiron) must be read along with the evolutionary condition of the person or entity involved. The upcoming Sun-Pluto opposition is asking, how autonomous are you? How self-motivated, self-organized and self-aware are you? How well are you able to respond to your environment and function in a way that is both appropriate and expressive? We’re all aware of the “tell me what to do / what to think” phenomenon. We have all seen others give away their power and then have it used against them — and most of us have experienced this directly. The Sun-Pluto contact will serve as a demonstration of where you’re at with these things. It’s also a great opportunity to discover and focus your creative power — even if some apparently outer circumstance seems to compel you to do it.

Daily Astrology will resume Sunday evening. Tonight’s edition of Planet Waves will be published to our subscribers and members Thursday at about 5 pm EDT / 22:00 UTC.

The Cancer birthday reading has now published. You may get instant access here (included with All-Access Pass memberships). Speaking of, we are currently offering a six-month All-Access Pass (the buy everything option) for half price.

And speaking of reduced-price readings, The Mars Effect (12 signs of audio and written astrology, for Sun and rising sign) is currently available for half the one-year price till Friday (but it retains its full value, as the readings are every bit as relevant now as they were back in January).

3 thoughts on “A creative approach to Sun opposite Pluto”

  1. ” It’s also a great opportunity to discover and focus your creative power β€” even if some apparently outer circumstance seems to compel you to do it.”

    Gah. Discovering and focusing my creative power was precisely what I wanted for this long weekend. But alas, I feel raw and empty and desperate to just have space to let things settle. HOWEVER. I’m going to look to this posting several times throughout the weekend in hopes that at some point it will indeed compel me to do it.

    As always – thanks πŸ™‚

  2. Ah, the Pluto-Sun opposition and I go way back…to my birth….that one is PI/Vi axis. For this loverly one, Pluto continues to transit natal Mars -and the transiting astroid that’s my namesake is conj the opposing Sun. An opposition with my name on it, so to speak. (lol)

    I could further the discussion with everything else happening in my chart, but it’s so on-going and intense that silence and contemplation seem the best response. (PS progressed Pluto has backed up into Leo and trines progressed Sun in Aries. Perhaps some tensions reconciled.)

    Thanks for the astro update, E. Splendid, as always.

  3. As always, I read your posts Eric and I try it on for size, to check for a same experience in my life, to confirm, to validate, or to shelve for another day. Today’s post about Sun – Pluto not only confirmed but it help me see the evolutionary impulses I’ve experienced along the way. I have a prominent Sun – Pluto aspect in my natal chart (pluto in 7th on descending) and I come to appreciate my own MO of sailing under the radar until I’m armed with my own measure of self-awareness as brute/brawn wasn’t available.

    Independence, indeed.

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