Waiting for someone or something…

Waiting for someone or something, on a corner of the Champs Elysees, Paris. Photo by Dani Voirin.
Waiting for someone or something, on a corner of the Champs Elysees, Paris. Photo by Dani Voirin.

15 thoughts on “Waiting for someone or something…”

  1. dani – I doubt the woman would have accepted an invitation to dinner under that premise from a stranger (though I, perhaps foolishly, do harbor hope that she might), but I wish with all my heart that your family member would and does, and does often.

  2. whew, well i’m relieved this didn’t pass by without comment.

    i was watching this girl, we were both waiting for something or someone. she was standing right in the middle of the pedestrian traffic.

    i took only one photo. i felt she was hyper aware of others’ gaze upon her and possibly very sensitive to it.

    i see her skinnyness as nothing less than tragic. i have a family member with a history of eating disorders, she is probably the most significant factor in why i have a psychology degree.

    while i watched this girl, i wanted to save her, give her some support, tell her “you’re beautiful, let’s go have a healthy dinner, my treat.”

  3. OK…”normal” it is!

    The whole “clinging to youth” can be sad. Just live healthy, body, mind and spirit…can you imagine spending your whole life trying to be something you’re not? And I mean “spending” in a literal sense…it costs big bucks for the nips and tucks.

    I was hoping that we left the “You can never be too rich or too thin” ideal back in the 80’s (or was it the 90’s?!)

    Who remembers that ad campaign for a hair color company: “You, Only Better. ” (or something like that.) One shade lighter, one shade darker (doesn’t matter that your original shade is perfect for that person who is already a bit lighter or darker than you currently are)…you can be BETTER if you change your hair color. This always seemed sad to me.

  4. I think the other people look ‘normal’ if that helps. i worked with women like hairpin lady. One in particular stands out in memory because her vacations were always timed to attend various beauty contests. She had a life-long obsession with her looks, and went through various plastic surgeries. Plastic is how I would describe them, more than ‘hairpin’. Anyway the sales people know how to spot people who are careless with credit cards. Two women in my office in particular would sit and discuss their agonizing surgeries and the rest of us were like, ‘why?!?!?’ They started out as real beauties, but the one ended up with that lioness look that so many of them get from having too many eye and forehead and nose surgeries. Ugly is what I call it.

  5. I’m not going to agree with the comment, “Everyone else looks frumpy and fat.”
    But, I do agree with Mystes: every time I look at the photo I wonder what the hell is down that street…

  6. I doth protest.

    Some of the comments about the lady are a little crass, and as a woman who has been about that thin before I can assure you that she probably has a very warped view of herself (physical certainly) and that warped view is probably validated and encouraged by others (“wow, you look great”; “wish i was that thin”; “how do you stay so thin”), not even to mention the culture of thin-is-in.

    She’d be very fortunate if one person in her sphere of family and friends was concerned and actually talked with her about it. But, she’d probably reject and probably wouldn’t listen anyway…

    My point is, she doesn’t know any better.

    The photo is interesting.

    What was Dani thinking?


  7. This reminds me of the song by Eric Clapton “All By Myself”. It seems that she is looking for something or someone (hopefully to bring her some food) to notice her. There are two other females close by but none of them are making eye contact. It’s a feeling of being alone in a crowd. It’s sad especially when she went to sooo much trouble to be noticed.

  8. She looks like a Paris Hilton wannabee. Everyone else looks frumpy and fat. They are catching a glimpse of the sale ad in the window. Hairpin girl is the serious customer, and by now she is wearing shorter hair since this is an old photo.

    If all three women enter the store, hairpin girl will be the one who will receive assistance, along with free samples.

  9. Dear Eyes,

    Mmm… it’s not about the waif.

    Three women, looking in the same direction (to the right) while the sidewalkstreet angles away to the left. The hairpin girl is just the accent on the angle. The walkers-away are a brilliant catch.

    The framing on this image is subtle and splendid; the slight tilt is also excellence-collecting-excellence (as the poet has said).


  10. I am sure the point is not lost on Dani. She notices everything. But I’ll have to ask her what she was thinking. She’s actually in Buenos Aires right now. These Paris pictures are from her abundant supply…

  11. e.:

    I was about to say the very same thing. I get kind of anxious looking at people that skinny. Its watching the walking fragility–skin so close to the bone.

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