Tell it to Sklyer!

Skyler the psychological service dog, and his master Dr. Linda Simon, a school psychologist in Gardenia, CA. Skyler takes part in conflict resolution among elementary school students. When students come into her office with a conflict, she tells them to “Tell it to Skyler.”
Skyler the psychological service dog, and his master Dr. Linda Simon, a school psychologist in Gardenia, CA. Skyler takes part in conflict resolution among elementary school students. When students come into her office with a conflict, she tells them to “Tell it to Skyler.” I found the duo on the trade show floor of the American Psychological Associaiton (APA) conference in Toronto on Sunday.

1 thought on “Tell it to Sklyer!”

  1. Dogs are angels. 🙂
    I have 4- 2 are shelties. They are spiritual gifts.
    They listen and don’t judge. I wouldn’t want to find
    out what it would be like to be dogless.

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