My mom Camille Cacciatore, second from right (Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon,Virgo rising), days before I was born (then age 21), with my father Joe Coppolino (then age 23, Aquarius Sun and Moon, Libra rising), who also looks pregnant. At the right is my aunt Joan (a Fish). At left is my great grandfather Mario Cacciatore, who was my godfather. I am going to guess that the photographer was Anthony Mazza (a Virgo who became a proud Tennessee redneck), who my aunt would later marry, or my grandfather Jim Cacciatore (Scorpio Sun). I only say that because my grandma Mary (Capricorn Sun) had a knack for cutting people's heads off in photographs, and this picture is nicely composed (you can see everyone's feet, for instance). But boy could she sew, and cook, and love. Both my mother's and my aunt's outfits are handmade, as were nearly all of my grandfather's clothes and many of mine and my brother's. The photo is taken in my grandparents' house in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. Photo provided by Joan Mazza, who now lives in Virginia, where shes connected with the Twin Oaks intentional community.
Thank you – what a beautiful insight.
Wow, in your smile, you really take after your mom, while the upper half of your head is kind of your dad.
Amazing the traits we keep…