Grandmother Land, July 4

Late afternoon on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
Late afternoon on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.

8 thoughts on “Grandmother Land, July 4”

  1. Hey bk,

    Thank you soooo much for your insights. Your comment about my day job and north node in Cancer gave me some much needed clarity. Simple and powerful.

    with much gratitude,

  2. nance. . . so sorry I’m late getting back, but, you’re right; this eclipse IS a doozy! At least for some of us anyway; several astrologers are shrugging this one and the August one off as being light-weight. Lucky them!

    So the farmhouse and countryside in your dream were reminiscent of your earlier years. The unconscious hangs on to the GOOD memories as well as the bad. But it doesn’t always communicate (to me anyway) so clearly as yours did in this dream. Keep listening for more clues from it in your travel down the path. Don’t be shy about sharing your concerns and suggestions with us too. Nice to talk to you! be

  3. Hi bk,

    Thanks so much for your insights. You are spot on and help me gain a deeper understanding. I noticed this with last weeks comments, I was feeling a sense of community here, enjoying this exploratory space that feels safe and accepting.

    The old farmhouse was not familiar in the sense of dreamscapes – I have some recurring dream spaces. I grew up in the midwest and the farmhouse in my dream last week had that midwestern farmhouse kind of feel – a rambling old house with forested and pastured spaces around it.

    The kitchen space felt safe, where I met with Eric. As more people arrived, there was a sense of ‘arrival chaos’ in other parts of the house, which is when I woke up. Eric was the only person I ‘recognized’ in the dream.

    Whew, it is 4am pdt and this eclipse is a doozy! I’m feeling a need for Temperance – from Tarot – moving/blending/releasing energies, or at least trying not to get stuck in them!

  4. nance, I agree with your interpretation and would add that the well, as opposed to a stream, lake, river or ocean, would add the Pluto influence in that the water is forced to come up (become conscious). As it passes through the layers of earth (matter) it runs the risk of contamination I suppose. I think your day job(s) are well suited to your north node!

    Since this means that your south node is in the earth sign Capricorn, it could be that Pluto is the main tool for becoming aware of toxic emotions by pushing through the earth to the surface (consciousness). You have the knowledge and experience to deal with clearing out the contamination, not just for yourself but for a community of like-minded individuals, as the well water would be a vital necessity for a growing community.

    I’m guessing your dream is encouraging you to keep participating in the dialogues that Eric provides and that, as others have something unique to offer, you also have special insights and knowledge that will benefit everyone. I am curious about the “old” farmhouse out in the country. Is this an image that makes you feel safe? Did it look familiar in your dream?

  5. Hi bk,

    my north node is in Cancer and I have Uranus in Virgo.

    I am a water resources ecologist (during the daytime, when I have work).
    The element water is about emotions so I was wondering about a metaphor re: processing (filtering) toxic emotions (deep underlying ones, like deep in a well).

    Also wondering about lots of people arriving, as if into a ‘psychic space’ as Eric puts it. It was vivid enough to feel like if I described my dream to someone else they might say ‘hey, I was there too’!

    Thanks for pondering with me!


  6. nance,

    I wonder. .do you have a planet in your natal chart in Cancer that would be opposite transiting Pluto right now? Or perhaps something in Virgo that would trine him? The “contamination in the well water” sounds like Cancer (water) and a job for Pluto. Virgo would be who I would choose to “help” with the filter system.

  7. I had a dream, last week. In my dream I met with Eric Frances at an old farmhouse out in the country (Grandmother Land?). I am there to help with a water filter system, because there is contamination in the well water. While I am there, more and more people arrive, as if to begin living there. It seemed like we all had a role to play there.


    Your photo reminded me of the dream.

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