Xochiquetzal – White Flower Maiden

By Carlos Cedillo

There are some pretty big Earth changes going on all around us today, 11 Earthquake. We are also changing our minds, releasing old programming from previous ages. I am beginning to wonder if the previous cycles of the tzolkin, the Maya calendar, are still having the effect they had from the previous Baktun (144,000 days).


There are not very many Mayan prophecies that deal with what comes after 2012; we have to make it up as we go along. What is abundantly clear is that humanity cannot function as it has during the last century without destroying the planet. Perhaps Mother Gaia has other plans that we are not privy to.

Thursday is a day of reflection and of cutting out negative energies. 12 Tijax is a ‘crystal mirror’ day. One issue we should all reflect upon is the glaring wealth inequality that plagues the world.

I’m sure glad to be an American, that’s for sure! I’m definitely glad to live off the sacrifices my parents and ancestors made for me to have a roof over my head, but I try to live as simply as I possibly can for the sake of humanity.

There are many of us who believe that we are powerless to make the needed changes. I disagree, but I have no clue how we can reach the billions of minds that are obscured in ignorance and ego. Do we really own the Earth, or does the Earth own us?

Friday, 13 Rainstorm, brings a day for community and Cosmic teachings. 13 Rainstorm (Kawok) may not be the strongest energy; you want days numbered 5 and 8 for that. 13 numbered days are an evolutionary shift. What began on 1 Deer day — Jan. 12, 2014 — comes to fruition on Friday. 1 Deer represents the energy of the Buddha’s compassion; now that is what the wealth hoarders of the world need to learn.

This weekend we reach 1 Ahau, the day of the Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal. It will have been 40 days since a federal judge first declared the NSA’s activities of collecting so-called metadata from phone companies unconstitutional. 40 days in the Maya system is a “step” up the evolutionary ladder.It’s a sure bet many more such activities are unconstitutional. I’m beginning to wonder if that document is even valid anymore.

If you have not been feeling much energy, it could be because this uinal (20-day cycle) ending Saturday, Jan. 25, is ruled by the number 1 energy, which is like a dormant seed. The previous 1 Ahau cycle ended on the New Moon of May 10, 2013. For the Aztecs, this was a period of rest and was ruled by the god of the Earth, Tlaltecuhtli (don’t worry about pronouncing it, this will not be on the test!). This also begins a new trecena (13-day cycle) that ends when we meet our Cosmic Destiny on 13 Road – Feb. 6, 2014.

Sunday brings a bit of a dichotomy with 2 Crocodile (Imix). Crocodile is the day of the Hypnotist. Do we pave over Mother Nature’s beauty for our own profit? Can we leap off the treadmill of want, want, want, gotta have, gotta have, gotta have, and know we are what we give to the world?

This begins a new uinal cycle that ends on 8 Ahau, the Full Moon on Valentine’s Day! Someone’s getting lucky for sure this year!

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com.

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