Winds shifting for the better

By Carlos Cedillo

Finally we can begin to emerge from the dark Moon eclipse cycle of the past few weeks. Spring is back and Mother Nature is filling us up with her divine goodness once again.


Today, May 7, is 12 Ik/Wind; yesterday was 11 Crocodile, the start of a new uinal that will last until May 25, 2014. That will be 4 Ahau, the same energy that was present Dec. 21, 2012. So you see the sacred calendar never ends, nor do the ripple effects of what we do on those days that make them matter so much.

If you have been a diligent Light-worker, you can begin to work on what your passion was many years ago before this whole Shift of Ages took our attention away. For me it is classical guitar that I studied during the 1990s. Now that I have done the ceremonies, achieved the vision I had gone on a quest for, helped others to get on the Light path and transmuted my inner demons into cute little bunny angels, I can enjoy my innermost passion — which is playing classical guitar like Andres Segovia, my musical ancestor.

This Thursday is 13 Akbal, the Night and the time for dreaming the future. It is also a time for moving into a new house or clearing your house and your cosmic dreamspace.

Friday, May 9, begins a new trecena of 1 Lizard, or Net. “Billions of years of evolution can’t be wrong!” The first email ever sent over the Internet happened on a 1 Lizard day. Gather abundance now like corn in a basket. This trecena lasts until May 21, 2014, when those connections we make convert into cosmic wisdom, 13 Ajamac/owl.

There are plenty of great energy days coming up: May 11 is 3 Death, Mother’s day and my Gregorian calendar birthday! May 13 is 5 Rabbit, another great abundance day; just don’t do too much of a good thing! May 14 is the Full Moon on 6 Toj/water, a day to heal with gratitude. May 16 is 8 Monkey, sometimes known as Mayan New Year, but really it is a peak of tzolkin shaman daykeeping energy.

Enjoy the renewal!
Blessings and Peace

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at

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6 thoughts on “Winds shifting for the better”

  1. Carlos, Happy Birthday today. A friend shared that today, 5/11 is a “change the dream” day. I came back to your article to see if you said anything that resonated with that message for today. You changed the collective dream by being born! 3 Death you say. Does that speak to you of “changing the dream?” It reminds me of what the people told the Pachamama Alliance founders. The North must change its dream, because the current dream is destroying the earth.

  2. “This Thursday is 13 Akbal, the Night and the time for dreaming the future. It is also a time for moving into a new house or clearing your house and your cosmic dreamspace.” I’ve been moving in dreamtime for the last week or more, and last night I did it all with majik at my fingertips, literally. I don’t know about literal “moving,” but I’m more than ready to move into increased power, manifestation and plenty. Thanks, jaguar, for the encouragement and signposts!

  3. A Maya Calendar reading can help you find your true inner passion and move you more into your Lightworker path as well as transmuting any remaining dark energies into the violet flame. It will also pinpoint your power days and most important life cycle shifts.

    Email me at

    Carlos aka Cosmicjaguar

  4. It better be getting better soon. I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this!

  5. Carlos,

    Thank you for the reading. Yeah for 4 Ahau, Dec. 21, 2012, particularly and the couple months following, was one of the most spiritual and mystical times of receiving, and appreciation for me.

    Love the transmuted demons into cute little bunny angels. I can’t grasp a visual, so mine must still be in morph-mode, I guess. Still this year has been about moving into more joy for sure.

    Happy Birthday to you!

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