Mars Effect sample from Virgo

The Mars Effect sketch for the sign Virgo and Virgo rising.
The Mars Effect sketch for the sign Virgo and Virgo rising.

THE MARS EFFECT Virgo reading is submitted to our editors, and after a pause to write the weekly horoscope, I will proceed to Leo — four signs left to go. These readings include a double audio presentation, an extended written reading, the sketch, the chart and additional materials for each sign. The readings apply to Sun, Moon and rising signs. These are detailed, carefully researched astrology readings. They walk the line between a very good prepared report and a personal consultation. The cost is $29 per sign or $79 for all 12 signs if you call us at (877) 453-8365 and request a free trial membership.

Here is a sample from Virgo, commenting about new influences on the mutable cross:

The first new influence is ingressing Pisces, your relationship angle. Let’s consider that first. That would be Nessus, the third-ever discovered centaur (discovered in 1993, and the first planet ever named in consultation with astrologers).

I will not go so far as to predict how this will feel, but I have enough experience with Nessus to describe some of the necessities that it describes. Nessus above all is about accountability. It is therefore essential that you take a pragmatic approach to your relationships and your philosophy of relationships and factor this in.

Nessus can also represent a factor from the past that is entering your life for the purpose of resolution. It may concern a situation from this lifetime or another one; in any event, what you will have in operation is the law of cause and effect. Just to keep things interesting, Nessus makes its first ingress to Pisces in more than a century on April Fool’s Day, so keep your sense of humor.

It returns to Aquarius for one final visit starting in early August, and makes its final ingress to Pisces on Feb. 7, 2015. I will keep you up to date about developments in the Friday editions of Planet Waves.

One last comment. Nobody alive has natal Nessus in Pisces; nobody alive has ever experienced it, since Nessus has an orbit of just over 122 years. It has, I believe, the potential for some genuinely interesting and different relationship experiences for you — encounters with people you would never have met, circumstances you would never have discovered otherwise, and states of mind that are totally new and unusual to you.

Remember, though, that you’re in centaur territory — the land of light and shadows; the bare essence revealed of what it means to be human.

9 thoughts on “Mars Effect sample from Virgo”

  1. Wow. Where have I been? Your post/sample has uncovered quite a revelation: Nessus has been sitting on my anaretic Aquarius Ascendant! What a way to get to know this fascinating centaur as it fuses with my persona/identity in this (incredible) moment I currently enjoy.

    Len: Thank you for your insights into Nessus. In reading your response I so profoundly resonated with all you had to say. “Disguised blessings” is a precisely fitting description of my most recent life experiences. I can honestly say, as well, that this is has been the best time of my life. Despite some seemingly undesirable circumstances I’ve had to endure, I can truly say that this is absolutely true for me too.

    Accountability has equally been the name of the game. I’ve found myself “stepping up” more than I have in my entire life. With a fast approaching Saturn return aside, I now see how Nessus has had much to do with this sense of overwhelming realism that has imbued my life. I look forward to its onward journey through Pisces and by extension my first house. I’m sure we all will….in hindsight 😉

  2. Gee whiz, I had hoped I had sorted through a lot of my excess karmic baggage while Saturn clogged through my 12th house these past few years. Now I have Nessus conjoining the South Node in Pisces to look forward to. Come on out skeletons….

    I am learning to appreciate those planets that demand accountability. The benefits of their lessons are built to last. I know you’ve mentioned before that Nessus speaks to the conclusion of a karmic cycle. That sounds liberating, in the long run.

    Looking forward to Mars Effect!

  3. Go Nessus. My Virgoan sister needs you to lead her out of her unsorted past that she so neatly stores in her basement – her foundation. Not good. And as for my estranged Virgo Rising (justified) soulmate, may Nessus help you remember things you once knew. I wonder how Nessus in Pisces is going to affect your Pisces Moon. Eric will know. I’m staying tuned.

  4. Eric: Thank you for posting a copy of your horoscope work in progress. It is an education in itself, revealing the fundamentals that make your horoscope more thorough and authentic that those of any other astrologer in the world.

    A personal note to those of solar pisces tribe: Fear not Nessus. Rather, prepare for the best of disguised blessings. After over 8 years of transiting Nessus in my natal Sun sign (which included Nessus transits of my natal Mercury and lunar north node, as well as my natal Sun), i can say without reservation it has been the best time of my life. Not “best time” in the sense of having a party, rather the best use of my time as a mortal being. The Nessus Years have included my time of writing for Planet Waves – the greatest privilege of my life. It has not always been easy.

    Like all centaur objects, the interpretation of Nessus is complex and nuanced. Like centaur object Chiron (as described by the late, great Al Morrison) Nessus often corresponds to an “inconvenient” form of blessing, understood only in retrospect, but a blessing it has been. Making the transit of Nessus a blessing for you begins with awareness, which is how you can make this 2014 best year of your life with best bargain of your life: “The Mars Effect”. With an investment of less than $5. a month, you can avail yourself of the best astrology anywhere and change your life for the better just when you need that to happen.

  5. Definitely feeling this already. Lots of inner conversations on relationships: what do I need (as in desperately), and seeking the ultimate solutions to long and complex psychological issues. How do I make everyone happy without sacrificing either my integrity or my self-development. And learning to ask all this without feeling guilt and shame.

  6. re this chart – many of the extra glyphs are for centaurs, asteroids or bits out by Pluto (kuiper objects). I also use a couple of hypotheticals (basically, pretend planets that don’t exist). One is called Transpluto, which is in the first degree of Virgo at the time the sun arrives there, so it’s got a special place in the chart.

    this style chart is the basic summary of what I’ve determined will be part of the narrative for any given sign. other things may slip in as part of the story line. I consider different factors for different signs, and emphasize the major factors differently. there are some signs where the mars-jupiter-uranus-pluto grand cross factors more significantly into the reading and some where it’s in the background.

    with Virgo i chose to focus on mars rx in libra/2nd house and pluto in cap/5th house – the series of squares between them, and their relationship between self-value/respect (mars), and being more creatively and erotically daring (pluto).

  7. I like the idea of meeting people I would not have otherwise met, experiencing states of mind I find new and unusual, having interesting and different relationship experiences. As an idea, it’s interesting, I wonder what it will actually be like though.

  8. oy. you got me on this one. a recent experience so brought up some past relations and accountability and has seriously been challenging my philosophy of relating (and possible fast breaking – pragmatically speaking of course). knew it was a test in resolution as it’s a 3rd time. yet only 2nd time my fire’s been sparked so much by another (unless my vibrations are confused?). one thing is clear – in that the moment it happened i was right below a frame with art stating ‘a child of light and darkness’. blessed territory we be …

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