When MurdochGate Met ClimateGate

By Keith Olbermann for Daily Kos

I’m cross-posting this from our Current website because, well, because.

And because the Murdoch Phone-Hacking Scandal may have just metastasized.

Arctic Slush: glaciers melting at the Arctic Circle. Photo courtesy of CItizens for Global Solutions.

The so-called “Climate-Gate” controversy – in which e-mails about Global Warming were stolen from researchers at Britain’s University of East Anglia in November, 2009 – now turns out to bear the stamp of Neil Wallis, one of the key figures in Murdoch’s hacking of the phones, voicemails, and other electronic communications of thousands of people.

Wallis is unique in this scandal. He had been the Executive Editor of Murdoch’s “News Of The World” when hacking was at its peak. Yet in 2009 he wound up being hired by the police as a public relations consultant, while the police investigated the hacking scandal – and he wound up spying for Murdoch’s people on what Scotland Yard was investigating.

Wallis was, as the New York Times put it:

“…reporting back to News International while he was working for the police on the hacking case.”
More over, while Wallis was keeping Murdoch’s organization apprized of what and whom the police were investigating, the police were trying to convince other news organizations not to cover the story – a suppression of evidence that benefited both the police and Rupert Murdoch.

As the British newspaper The Guardian reported last Friday:

“Scotland Yard’s most senior officers tried to convince the Guardian during two private meetings that its coverage of phone hacking was exaggerated and incorrect without revealing they had hired Neil Wallis…”
It was neither exaggerated nor incorrect. Last Thursday, Neil Wallis was arrested.

Last night, it was revealed that while acting as a double-agent for Scotland Yard and Murdoch, Wallis was also consulting Conservative Party Leader David Cameron during the 2010 election that saw Cameron rise to become the nation’s Prime Minister.

Now, as chronicled by the good work of Joe Romm at Climate Progress, bobbing up to the surface through this vast ocean of ethical filth, comes Neil Wallis’s role in “Climate-Gate.”

On November 20th, 2009, somebody broke into a computer server at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, and stole thousands of emails and computer files. The documents were, of course, leaked to Climate Change Deniers, and although exhaustive analysis later proved that the emails merely revealed scientists’ anxiety that Climate Data and Research were being properly handled and studied, The Deniers have treated those emails as if they were a kind of Holy Grail of fraud.

They claim the emails not only disproved all of Climate Change, but also that they proved that scientists had doctored data in order to exaggerate the urgency of an international conference on climate change coming up the next month in Copenhagen in Denmark.

As the corporations and lobbyists who sought to feed the myth that there is no man-made Climate Change, disseminated, exploited and deliberately misinterpreted the stolen e-mails – and used Fox News and other Murdoch enterprises as their principle venues – the victims, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, decided they’d better hire a Public Relations Pro to help them fight back.

They hired Neil Wallis.

The Murdoch Editor who had supervised electronic hacking at “The News Of The World,” but then went to work for Scotland Yard, but then spied on the Scotland Yard hacking investigation for Murdoch’s men, but then tried to suppress media coverage of the Scotland Yard hacking investigation, now found himself in exactly the same kind of Candy Store over Climate Change Denial. And in the new Candy Store he was the chief kid!

As it was phrased in a gushing review last year in “Music Week Magazine” of Neil Wallis and his P-R firm “Outside Organization”:

Wallis led on the University of East Anglia’s ‘climategate’ job, when Outside was drafted in to help the university’s Climatic Research Unit defend itself against charges of scientific misconduct.
Climate Change Scientists and outside experts agree that with Neil Wallis at the helm, the Climatic Research Unit couldn’t have done a worse job defending itself. The myth that its emails “disprove” Global Warming persists today.

In the Murdoch Hacking Scandal, Wallis has already been shown to have been undermining the efforts of the people for whom he’d been hired to work – the Police. In the Murdoch Hacking Scandal, Wallis has already been shown to have been feeding information from the investigators, to those being investigated. In the Murdoch Hacking Scandal, Wallis has already been shown to have been working for Rupert Murdoch, long after he claimed he wasn’t working for Rupert Murdoch. And in the Murdoch Hacking Scandal, Wallis was an Executive Editor in charge of having people illegally hack phones, voicemails, and other electronic communications, and then publicizing the data and details that the hacking had produced.

And yet it was to him that Climate Scientists turned to defend themselves against hackers.

What, if anything, Neil Wallis had to do with the original hacking of the Climate emails at the University of East Anglia, is still speculative…just as whether or not he was a double-agent for Murdoch in this hacking case, just as he had been a double-agent for Murdoch during Scotland Yard’s hacking investigation.

But it may not be speculative for long. There is the news tonight from The Financial Times of Frank Lautenberg’s letter requesting an FBI-DOJ investigation of a Murdoch subsidiary hacking the computers of a business rival.

And earlier today, PC World Magazine reported that while we’ve all been working with a number of 3,870 hacking victims in the Murdoch Scandal, data released by Britain’s Home Affairs Committee suggests the number may actually be as high as 12,800.

Only 170 of the victims have yet been notified. If any of the others among the “Hacked 12,000” turn out to be scientists at the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, Rupert Murdoch may be in a lot bigger trouble than he is, even tonight.

For he may be the man ultimately responsible for the illegal and inaccurate attempt to dismiss Climate Change as a scientific fraud.

11 thoughts on “When MurdochGate Met ClimateGate”

  1. Thanks zerosity, hope my cable co. will get that channel in the near future, but just knowing he’s out there helps.

    As to your question, I think the poo cleanup in the US is getting started now. My guess is that it will not be a big attention getter, as in cable tv news coverage, but a more behind-the-scenes activity, like the Osama operation. A lot of factors (charts) would have to be studied to get an in-depth understanding, but take a look at the US Solar Return for some revealing clues.

    Set for Washington DC, the chart has early Libra rising. Hear that sucking sound like a vacuum cleaner? It is where a cluster of black holes is located, like M-87, and that will be the mode of operation for this year. Methodical hard-working Saturn is near the asc. at 10+ Libra and trines assertive & energetic Mars in the 9th house of foreign stuff and networking and in Gemini, so my guess is this combination will play out through correspondence with foreign partners. Pallas, the planner completes a grand trine with these two from her position in Aquarius, and in the 5th house of creativity. We have here the makings of a creative plan that benefits ‘mankind’ through methodical, yet assertive teamwork.

    The Moon is in cleanly Virgo and in the 12th house of behind-the-scene activity and secrets and hidden enemies. She squares assertive Mars so I’m thinking that means she needles him (she’s in Virgo) while he pushes her. Moon trines Jupiter in the 8th house (secretive and yet sharing) and Pluto on the nadir/4th house cusp (powerful secrets at home) and since she’s sextile to the Sun in the 10th house, the President is privy to the secret plans, if not the instigator.

    Personally, I’m excited about the yod created by the sextile between Pluto in Cap and Chiron (conj. Neptune) in Pisces both quincunx Mercury in Leo on the cusp of the 11th house. In this position he (Mercury) sextiles both Mars and the Moon and monitors (if you will) the interaction between them. Sometimes duality is a good thing. He’s primed to transmit through and to friends and associates of the Sun (ruler of the 11th house) any plans or news ready for broadcast thanks to the power of the sextile team of Pluto and Chiron/Neptune.

    As a gift from the Universe, the U.S. solar return chart for this year has Uranus on the cusp of the 7th house in Aries and trine Mercury, while squaring Pluto. This could be tricky but could also work to the advantage of our country, as sometimes angry mobs produce needed breakthroughs. In any case Chiron and Neptune are sextile Pluto and therefore act as a safety valve in case that bad boy gets too rough.

    One other point to be aware of in the SR chart is the midheaven at 4+ Cancer. This is the degree between the U.S. natal Sibly chart’s Venus and Jupiter, and also the SR Venus at 1+ Cancer. It is also very near the Uranian point of Hades at 0+ Cancer, which, being something unpleasant, ugly and distasteful, is right up there where nobody can miss it. Technically, it’s in the house of foreign countries but so close to the MH it spills into our house of reputation. With natal and SR Venus involved it screams financial ‘poo’ and with 9th house and natal Jupiter it screams foreign ‘poo’. That covers a lot of ground and with aspects from Uranus (square), Jupiter (sextile) Chiron and Neptune (trine) and Pluto (opposition), there’s a lot of interaction from the outer planets with Venus and her nasty poopy mess on our most visable spot.

    If we study the transits as well as progressions with this chart, we should be able to find the windows of opportunity, growth and transformation during the next 11 1/2 months, or we could just call it chaos and flounder around all year. I know I’ll be watching!

  2. be, Keith Olberman’s “Countdown” is on the Current TV channel on cable. In a press release back in February of this year, Keith said he intended this to be a stronger version of his MSNBC show. The new show runs at 8:00 pm EDT, with five reruns through the next day. Good to see KO back at it. Enjoy!
    – – – – – – –
    In light of the recent blog posts (mainly mine) about following threads, I can only say that this ain’t no tapestry. More like a sticky, tangled web. Or a large fishing net with big weights.

    The question I have is when is this poo going to finally hit the fan in the US? Does the US have the balls to break free of the corporate tyranny that is holding us (US and the rest of the world) hostage? The same corporate tyranny that controls government, media and all aspects of our lives, motivated and ruled only by profit at any expense??? Just asking. And I sure would appreciate any astrological insights.

    Must be time for me to dust off and read “Life Inc – How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back” by Douglas Rushkoff.


  3. There is something about this duplicitous behavior surrounding Neil Wallis that is evocative of a really septic trine (or succession of them). So far, can’t deconstruct that.

  4. F is the 6th letter in the Alphabet.

    O is the 15th.

    X is the 24th.

    F: 6 = 6
    O: 15 -> 1 + 5 = 6
    X: 24 -> 2 + 4 = 6

    FOX News IS THE 666 News Network.

    Numbers don’t lie …

    Is my analysis FAIR and BALANCED?


  5. News International dropped by Olympics partner after hacking scandal
    Murdoch’s British newspapers lose Team GB deal

    Associated Press
    guardian.co.uk, Thursday 21 July 2011 13.45 BST

    Rupert Murdoch’s British newspapers are set to lose exclusive access to British athletes ahead of the 2012 London Olympics after the phone hacking scandal that led to the News of the World’s closure.

    Team 2012, the Visa-backed project supporting potential British Olympians, had signed up News International as its official partner.

    But Team 2012 has said in a statement that “as a result of the closure of News of the World the contract can no longer be fulfilled as originally envisaged”.

    News International’s remaining publications – the Sun, the Times and the Sunday Times – would have been able to use the slogan “Official Newspaper of Team 2012”, but Team 2012 says it is now looking for potential new media partners.

  6. Keith says this hacking took place the month before the UN Climate Change Conference which was held on December 7, 2009. On that date Mercury was exactly conjunct Pluto at 2+ Capricorn. In addition, Chiron and Jupiter were also conjunct in the degree of 21 Aquarius (Chiron at 56 minutes, Jupiter at 53 minutes) and Neptune was at 23 Aquarius 59. All three were squared by Ceres in Scorpio and Sedna in Taurus, both of whom symbolize the planet’s concerns regarding climate change.

    In less than 3 weeks Nessus will be back in the same degree where Jupiter and Chiron were on 12/7/09, as he continues in his retrograde movement. In turn, he himself was at 14 of Aquarius at the time of the conference and opposing Mars. Just last month Pallas passed over this degree in retrograde, as Vesta will do before the end of this month. There is no doubt in my mind that the goddesses who represent the suppressed feminine energy are involved and actively doing their part to raise the consciousness of the world in restoring balance for our planet.

    One other positive note regarding transiting Mars is that where he opposed Nessus at the time of the Copenhagen Conference, he now approaches the degree where the Sun was during last month’s lunar eclipse, 24+ Gemini. It is interesting that Mars was in that same degree when Pluto ingressed into Capricorn in January 2008, and at that time he was trine Mercury, Neptune and the north node in Aquarius. I think this whole brou-haha will turn out to be a very good thing in the end.

  7. Oh my word, this is incredible. Can’t wait for the movie to come out. . possible title to be “Follow the Yellow (journalism) Brick Road”. Thanks for bringing it light Amanda, and don’t I miss Mr. O on tv every weeknight.

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