Dioxin: The coverup is the story

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s been a while since we covered dioxin at Planet Waves but today seemed like a good day to resume (see story below). Dioxin was my last major gig before becoming an astrologer, and in many ways the lack of concern over such a truly crucial issue is what led me to become an astrologer. There is only so much you can stand people not caring; finding every reason to deny the dangers of something that is a profound source of both hormonal damage, and emotional stress.

To sum it up, with dioxin, the coverup is the story. If you are interested in learning a little more, I would point you to three articles published on our sister website, Dioxin Dorms.

The first is one of my favorite articles ever written, called See No Evil by Vicky Monks. it appeared in the June 1993 edition of American Journalism Review. This article tells you most of why you don’t hear about dioxin in the news; and why the public is so ignorant to the reality of the situation.

Next is called Dioxin Critic Sued, which I wrote the next year for a journal called Lies of our Times. This is officially the hardest article I ever wrote: sorting out these issues and doing my best to make them clear. It took months to research and write — and I knew what I was doing at the time, having been immersed in the issues for more than two years, every day.

Last, here is a piece from the very early days of my involvement with chlorine issues, called Safe or Sorry? From this you can see that the lies, denial and conscious confusion of the issue is as normal as insecticide on a golf course. It’s always the same thing. A contamination incident happens and then someone official comes out and says how safe it is. But if it’s so safe, why are they recalling the pigs?

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

1 thought on “Dioxin: The coverup is the story”

  1. No amount of dioxin is safe. Dioxin stays in the fat cells FOREVER.

    Like its evil partner DDT (the bug killer), dioxin NEVER disappears or breaks down. DDT is still in our good earth and waterways. It will ALWAYS be with us. So will dioxin!

    There are some ways to chelate heavy metals, such as by oil pulling but I don’t know if it works for dioxin.
    Here is a link to the earth clinic: http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/dioxin_poisoning.html with a few ideas that might work. They don’t have any suggestions for PCBs but I would bet on oil-pulling.

    I am sick about this.

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