Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, June 13, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo monthly for June 5, 2006

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

Your sign is reputed to be the hardcore brainpower department of astrology, and to a large extent it’s true. But few understand the extent to which you struggle with words, because they always seem to slip and strain for real meaning. You can, however, take advantage of some unusual astrology under which more people than you’re accustomed to really do understand what you’re getting at, and can share your vision of life. You may need to be the one who dares to start the conversation, and you’ll need to put your idealistic views out there for others to hear — but it’s a chance worth taking.

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12 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, June 13, 2014”

  1. thank you Lizzy! their last flight here was cancelled on their way (shocking during mercrx), i pick them up this morning. it will be what it needs to be, eh? so i choose it to be blessed and beautiful catching up and reconnecting with an old soul friend.

    i’m glad your dream makes more sense to you as you shared it. to me it’s like being concerned about how others see/receive us (external validation/acceptance) is distracting and we’re not paying attention to what it’s really about (internal validation/acceptance), which as you know, “it ain’t easy”. but it is possible. 🙂 so, good for you, fuck it! ♥☮♫

    “But don’t be satisfied with stories,
    how things have gone with others.
    Unfold your own myth,
    without complicated explanation
    so everyone will understand
    the passage, *We have opened You*.”

  2. Hmm writing about the dream here – has helped me to see it a bit, seems to be about the huge pressure to conform to other people’s expectations – except that it’s becoming more and more difficult for me to do, which is creating great stress in me as I resist it (am sure that other are experiencing this) – and think that that’s why I threw the switch as in fuck it1 I’m not playing this game any more. Thank you my dears! xxxx

  3. Hope it went well with your friends, dear Stormi. But even if it didn’t – think this is such a powerful time for all this stuff to come up. I’m finding myself in lots of social situations at work (e.g. surprise retirement party thrown for colleague yesterday at my older job), and all the old demons are coming up to hit me one. Indeed, last night I dreamed I was at work ( a large office, and not where I work), and I distractedly turned off the mains switch, so all the computers etc went off – causing mayhem and huge hostility towards me. Am trying to open up to it and let it in – but it ain’t easy! Daniel’s words helped me too. Look forward to checking out all the great music posted here.

    Ps Hi Geoff! hope all well…

  4. awesome Jere, and thank you thank You too for your ♥Being here! i’m glad you came back. enjoy the eargasm! 😉

  5. thanks Daniel! How cool too, have been listening to this one lately – – and I actually have the word on Wikipedia bookmarked I love it so. 🙂

    Here’s what I started to write yesterday as well, but ran out of words… 😉
    “I have (no) fear of rejection because I (don’t) fear my own power, of asserting myself and making enemies (friends) by taking leadership – which is not always neat and tidy (but always productive).”

    Thank you for shining this Daniel (and Lizzy), it’s a great visual for me of the rebraintraining I’m doing in my head to get through my own issues on it. Been deep in it on my own for awhile now, and some blessed friends are visiting me Friday that I’ve been worried will be catalytic, but ultimately in a good way (meaning I have actually grown in the years since we’ve spent time together). J’espère. Awareness helps immensely.

    so happy to read your words, thanks Love!

    Always happy to share aural pleasure Geoff, enjoy!

  6. Just downloaded “Richest Man in Babylon”,.. brilliant!

    Thank you all, You guys freakin’ rock!

    (Stormi, you’re beyond freakin’ cool! Your words, music, being, has always gladdened my heart. Thank you.)



  7. Just have to thank both of you for introducing me to two delicious sources of new-to-me music. Muy yum!

  8. oy, as much as i love love love language, words, well … i’ve lost count of how many responses i’ve written to post here (and elsewhere) and never done so because of such. a good reminder that no matter, my words, and I, do matter. 😉

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