Astrology Today: The Oracle for Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly of Nov. 1, 20019

The Oracle.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

God is not mad at you, and won’t ask you to sacrifice your favorite cow, your ideas or your ass. One scourge of institutional religion is that we’re all infected with a concept of “god,” supposedly the ultimate and original creative force, who has limited powers, who is stingy and worst of all, vengeful. If god = love, then love = revenge. This god-concept, which then runs our minds, is not real; the whole phenomenon is internal, but it doesn’t help that millions of other people fall for it, and that a mean world is used as substantiation for the existence of a mean cosmic intelligence. While this particular issue seems to be nagging you lately, you’re headed for a rare moment of clarity on the true nature of your higher being and its relationship to the universal creative force. The process involves not remembering anything, but rather forgetting. Can we consciously choose to forget something? I don’t know, but some strange astrology coming your way suggests you’ll have lots of help if you try.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. The Oracle is a divination tool like tarot cards, and also can be used to research any horoscope for the past 10 years. It is available to subscribers of Planet Waves Astrology News in all its working glory. This is a brilliant piece of programming combined with a full decade of Eric’s writing — when you have a question, it really works (as long as you’re sincere), and we know that you’ll love it. Sign up to discover how and why. Or enjoy one selection free here every day.)

9 thoughts on “Astrology Today: The Oracle for Sunday, April 12, 2009”

  1. re: Fey rings… (on my way out the door so have to make this quick!); natural Fey are found when you espy circles of stones, from a foot to several feet in diameter. If you find such an arrangement, note carefully the contents (both within and above) to see who might live there or use it as a portal. Bring what seems missing as a gift.

    The other way is to *make* such a ring. Near wood and water is best, if not both then one or the other. You’ll need to take several walks, with your intention loose, elsewhere, while scanning the ground for special rocks. Rocks that are flower, heart, star, tree-shaped, or some other figure that is yours alone. That can happen on a single walk, but usually takes several. Once you’ve made this collection, take them to a place where three of four elements converge. Think of shadow as another ‘element’ (the *other* air). Trance yourself with childhood rhymes – iambic pentameter works nicely (and links the Fey up to the oracle traditions). Fashion the ring.

    I’ll tell you what to put inside privately. Or you can just use your imagination and literature.



  2. Mysti says – My neighborhood has fairies out the . . . hmmm. . . yeah. Alot of вЂ?em. Over the last three days I’ve found myself giving impromptu workshops on finding and/or building fairy rings. I seem to have appeared on the 7-year-old girl radar this week. Must be the hair.

    Hey Mysti – my (inner) 7 year old is often in charge and would love to know more about fairy rings. What am I looking for…?


  3. lorin – yeah i hear you, that would made me quite bitter about the subject 🙁

    mystes – wow, that sounds really interesting! my best friend told me recently about an experience he had as a kid with fairies and that was the first i’ve ever heard of a first hand story. i was actually the first person he ever told b/c he was afraid no one else would have believed him…

  4. Shape says: “i think the Easter events though (as well as X-Mas) for kids are really good though b/c they allow the kids to experience that fantasy of mystical/magical beings as a reality.”

    My neighborhood has fairies out the . . . hmmm. . . yeah. Alot of ’em. Over the last three days I’ve found myself giving impromptu workshops on finding and/or building fairy rings. I seem to have appeared on the 7-year-old girl radar this week. Must be the hair.

  5. shape, i totally understand what you are saying about the magical nature of these things, and i want to instill that in my child, for sure.

    i think what you are hearing from me is a lot about location, location, location. i live in Memphis, TN, the “buckle” of the Bible Belt, and there is very little that happens here that is not wrapped up in religion. and i get cranky about that sometimes. 🙂

  6. Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly of Nov. 1, 20019

    Sitting here in 20,019….can 18,010 years really have passed since I went out Saturday night and checked out the music of the Stan Getz Quartet….featuring a seriously well equipped Roy Haines on Drums…Gary Burton on Vibes…aged 18,023….and Steve Swallow on Bass………..?? 1960s… the London School of Economics…….they played one chorus only of “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square”….and this was so completely transcendent….that 5000 years passed as if in 7 minutes…..!!

    No doubt about it…..there is a maturity about the understanding of Intimacy….. and its implications…..that gives a greater cautionary approach to the functions of the net….. now that could indeed be a freudian slip……for only when each of us does indeed know our true self….and has glimpsed the potential for growth and maturity….can each of us then give….unconditionally…!!

    Ones relationship with a great novel….or a musical work… in fact a mirror of ones understanding…..emotional depth……..pleasure and pain thresholds…..and ability to hold themes and strategies in place.

    The internet is no different if used as a media source. I prefer it as a micro/macrocosm of my office……

    The Five Faces of Joos …however…… has been a great model for communications for me personally for nearly 30 years. It gives a structured environment to the peaks of emotion that we all experience…!!

    I first had a consultation with Eric and my chart in 2004……I can remember explaining that I could hear the screams of those killed in a particular global event….because its’ date coincided with my natal South Node……!!

    Depending on the circumstances …that one makes such a revelation…..Formal is OK……. Consultative …OK too…….but Intimate is a non-starter…….

    “Excuse me love……cant do rumpy pumpy right now…….!! Got a few voices in my head….its a bit noisy in there……a couple of thousand …just died….!!”

    The internet is a global search engine….and communications facilitator…….!!

    It will never ever fulfill the suggestive promise of realms such as 2nd Life…..!!

    I always seem to have Mr. Winston O’ Boogie playing at times like this….!!

    “God is a concept…by which we measure our own pain…”

    John Lennon….worked through his shit…..and truly loved a woman…against all odds….!!

    Another 20,000 years just flew by….!!

    I will settle for that…!!


  7. haha, totally! just before reading this i read an email i got from a friend/acquaintance saying God bless and that Jesus loves you and lives in us and others, even though i have told him in the past to keep me off his list if the topic pertains to religion. the phrase ‘God bless’ has never resonated with me and i’ve never used it personally. people cant be blessed if they are already God (or a microcosm of God), at least in the way that people imply when they use this phrase. everyone is already equally blessed – they just have to see it within them. this also implies that good fortune can only come your way if you are blessed by some external puppet master. this shows favoritism and would mean that not all of us are equal. it reminds me of a term people use to describe someone’s skills or talent: ‘gifted’ – which implies that someone or something else gave you those skills, taking away your own natural willpower to develop anything on your own. no one is gifted. people who are great at certain things have chosen to do what they feel, and what they love, instead of repressing those passions for sake of conformity or due to fear that others wont like or accept them, or that they wont be good at them.

    i think the Easter events though (as well as X-Mas) for kids are really good though b/c they allow the kids to experience that fantasy of mystical/magical beings as a reality. looking back as a kid that gave me what i look at now as being a more spiritual connection – feeling of connection to that greater reality which is not of this earth, making this earth reality much more fun, esp just coming from the spirit world before being born where the Bunny & Santa are extremely normal and mundane compared to all else that exists beyond our human mind’s possible comprehension =] kids dont look at those holidays as religion (unless their parents teach them that), just as a lot of fun and safe, loving adventure – that there are other beings out there beyond family and human, that love them. i think if a kid doesnt get to experience the fairytale aspects of holidays, it can really be sad and lacking on a spiritual level for the kid b/c all their friends are experiencing them – so they feel like they’re really missing out and that perhaps they are not loved by these magical beings that love every other kid. just look fwd to the wonderfully fulfilling facial expression of your kid when he finds those eggs and shows you.

  8. what a cosmic oracle, considering it is Easter.

    i woke to the realization that society is so about this Easter thing that my son feels left out if he has no easter basket, no easter egg hunt, etc. i really do not think about it because i do not celebrate it. now i feel like i have let him down, bummer.

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