Astrology Today: Oracle for Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries weekly for March 26, 1999

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

The first days of the Sun’s trip through Aries are colored with all kinds of great symbolism. Of course, the Vernal Equinox, when day and night are the same length — which was March 21 — is the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. But then there is the more esoteric level. A new astrological year begins as the Sun appears to cross the first degree of the zodiac, which is symbolized by the image of a woman emerging from the sea, and a seal waiting on the beach to embrace her. That day, March 21, is called “The Day of Clarty,” according to the fabulous book The Secret Language of Birthdays. Yet the astrology of the current year speaks of a period of careful reflection for Aries souls, of understanding the past and making contact with the nature of your deepest desires. Let it be the reflection of a new light.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light. And for your 2012 annual reading, you’ll find Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

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