Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for Sept.2, 2005

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

There’s a subtle gradual pressure to change that’s taking over your life and I suggest you ask yourself where it’s coming from. There do seem to be external sources but they’ve been there for a while and you’ve never got the message on quite the level you’re getting it now. It’s almost as if what stands outside you is just a reminder and what’s coming from inside you is the source of the energy. And it’s quite unusual. It’s true that you’ve felt the urge to progress many times but what stands out of your solar chart right now is the distinct sense that it’s inevitable.

Note, The Oracle is a random selection from the Eric Francis horoscope archives. Each day we publish one entry from among the 10,000 in our database. It’s a little slice of horoscope history — but chosen by our Oracle program, which always speaks to the present moment. New horoscopes are published each Friday plus twice a month in Planet Waves subscriber edition and Planet Waves Light. And for your 2012 annual reading, you’ll find Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.

3 thoughts on “Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012”

  1. Greetings to the new era (and the pearl fishers and Juno)

    Try this for yourself if you like – it is simple and wonderful:

    This week my piano teacher gave me a simple exercise with arpeggios, the idea is to play an octave below middle C: A A ( down to) D (up to) G (down) C (up) F (down) D E (up to) A and the next A and D etc round again and again with the left hand. So you play A and then a couple of octaves up so you have a nice round base/counter note and a much lighter/fluid arpeggio you play the A arpeggio ACEAECA and then immediately A again and the arpeggio and D and its arpeggio etc until you have one fluid cascading stream of notes going round and round. Or if you prefer: la la rei sol doh fa rei mi and La la… and la doh mi la mi doh la

    And! It is such a lovely structured and fluid fragment that you can put all your emotions into it and it holds/contains them while moving through. You can even fix ‘light’ with it. The emotion is held, heard, and the music brings soundness – which brought to mind the cellist of Sarajevo, that that Albinoni Adagio is full of grief and regret (still holding everything though) – and it is important to honour the dead and to make a statement, but (and?!) at some point this arpeggio may be more helpful – it reaches into the dark, or prevents falling completely into the dark, or stands in the dark undismayed. The counter base, the rising notes, the descending notes like an out breath, the movement to another anchoring/counter/resonating note. And you can play it firmly, or softly, or calling (both directions), or in tears or anger or depression or fear or anything. Round and round until you breathe again and have it in your heart beat or blood. A useful tool.

    The other thing my teacher said this week was to play the left hand louder – for each of my pieces she said that. She used words like open and confident and bold and sure and trust. She also said the left hand carries the music, it may also play the melody but it is as important as the right not a supporting act and you cannot play it too loudly if you step within the music. I loved that. it seemed true to me for women – or integration. I said to her (the left hand thundering in my ears) ‘ that isn’t too loud really?’ and she said no. Mezzo forte. Both hands.)

    (One of the first things to do each day is to play a fifth anywhere on the white notes of the piano and play that like a heart beat constantly, at first playing (with the right hand) the next C ( for example) and the note down from it and the C again, and the G up from it the note down from that and the G again, all the way to the top of the board and down again, and then the same thing but with the note above in each case. Listening. And then you play at random with the right hand, starting and finishing each ‘phrase’ on the C or the G. You chooose a little phrase that you can play from time to time as a reference or anchor or to return to and play at random – white or black notes as it pleases you, melodies as they come to you or not, up and down the keyboard, but putting your emotions of that day and that moment into the piano. It is an excellent exercise. You can vary it by playing two chords in a scale and then the right hand is limited in general to those notes ie F and C sharp if they are chords in D major. But anything goes).

    love Pam

  2. Truly amazing! Just so spot on. Thank you so much, dear Eric. Parting gift from my soon to be ex job is the last magazine to prepare right through the holidays, while caring for the folks back home. Would like to tell them to get stuffed, with the turkey, but can’t afford to.
    But hey folks, there’s a new energy out (and in) there. Hope others are feeling it too.
    Will be engulfed, travelling etc in the coming days – so wish you all a really Happy Christmas. Much love and thanks to you all, and season’s greetings with the voice of an angel, Kate Rusby

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