What’s Up Doctrine?

By Len Wallick

The Moon is a fast lady about now. Up to nearly 15 degrees a day, soaring back up towards the ecliptic. She starts off playing favorites by enabling (trine) Uranus and snubbing (quincunx) Neptune, who knows what sort of dues she is accumulating as she leaves them in her dust? Luna has bigger fish to fry, and we mean fry.

Porpoising out of the sign she rules before the end of the day to smack into Mars coming at her in the early second degree of Leo. Seems fast and loose, wet and hot. Can you keep up? Can you handle the ride, mister? Whoo whee, she is on a roll towards the Virgo Full Moon that will preside as February becomes March.

Meanwhile, the Sun is heading towards a another conjunction that will be concurrent with the Full Moon. This time the partner will be Jupiter. It has been said that March comes in either like a lion or a lamb (ending the opposite way). Unless Luna runs out of gas, your stalwart correspondent is leaning towards the leonine beginning. Caution could be advisable, however. Before the end of the end of today, Sol will form a square with the asteroid Hybris in Sagittarius.

Hybris is another way of saying Hubris, a rich literary tool of the ancient Greeks. The equivalent of pride before a fall. Basically it says if you get too angry, too arrogant, too confident, you will do something that will bring you back down to reality with a thud. Those consequences are referred to an Nemesis. The Sun is due to square the asteroid of that same name, just before the Pisces New Moon (on the Ides of March, yet) at about the same time Mars turns direct. So, that’s when we will find out if synchronicity is a beach or a bea-tch. Meantime, play it safe. Don’t go crusin’ if you can’t take the brusin’.

Oh yeah, to reiterate, what could be the tres formidable full Moon event just might be Chiron exacting its sextile with the Galactic Center. IF there is anything that is being concealed about that which is too big to comprehend, this will be would be the impetus to reveal it. The concurrent applying conjunction of Ceres to the Galactic Center will, if anything, assure that what we find out will be good for us once we digest it, assuming we can.

But, we aren’t there yet. So slow down and sit back while we pick up where we left off this time last week. The seven year itch is prompting Uranus to move on from Pisces to Aries this Spring. Once there it will team up with Jupiter to put the Mr. T. into the ongoing cardinal point square between Saturn and Pluto. Ah pity, ah say, ah pity the fool… who will buck that trend.

The end of the Uranus tenure in Pisces will also be the end of its mutual reception with Neptune in Aquarius. It is precisely because it has lasted so long that we have taken so long to examine it, one bite at a time. It is also because the end of this trend may very well prove to be as conversely powerful as the beginning of the new one.

We first discussed astrology on the ascendant, integral to the development of human cultures and civilizations, part of us. Then we reviewed how curious minds and clever hands can eventually open a can of worms – the invention of the telescope and the discovery of Uranus. Most recently we touched on the still unfinished process of integrating a huge amount of new data (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, etcetera) into a system that had remained unchanged for so long.

Yup, astrology had some issues to address, but it was also, at the same time under siege. It’s very survival as a system of thought was in question and still is.

Most of you reading this are a product of what we call western civilization. Maybe not your genetic component, but in your language, or your mathematics, or your style of dress or your values. Somewhere western civ got most of us by now. Following is the incomplete, short story. It began as an odd combination of the pan-Greeks who would do anything to relax, and the pan-Sumerians, who could not relax if that was all they had to do. The Roman Empire was a big part. Before them it was like little bunny foo-foo. Bop them on the head, take their stuff, move on. The Romans co-opted, they consolidated, and they brought infrastructure. Of course, if they didn’t like the way you looked they would revert to brutality instantly. Even when they fell apart, there was enough scaffold left to build on. Kings owned land, serfs farmed the land, middle management kept the serfs in line and they all had to deal with what grew on the bones when the Roman carcass decayed away — the Church.

By the thirteenth century, the Roman Catholic church was the established order in Western Europe. It had a lot of material, it had a lot of property, it was able to leverage that real estate and for want of a better word, money to do pretty much whatever it wanted. This included compelling people to read certain things and not others. Teach certain things and not others. Write about certain things and not others. Go along and you could ride the gravy train. Resist and get arrested, or worse.

One of the things that the Church was really sensitive about was the idea that the cycles of the planets and luminaries had any correspondence with earthly events. Heaven forbid, literally. This culminated with a series of condemnations that drove astrology underground, to the fringes of society, the province of outlaws and outcasts where it barely stayed alive. Of course, in other areas of the world — some yet not discovered by western civilization — astrology continued to flourish for the moment. But wait.

In attempting to refute that heathen, Aristotle, those same condemnations inadvertently opened the way for yet another attack on astrology from what would become an opposing flank. In an attempt to suppress competing doctrine the way was opened for that which was not doctrine at all – empirical skepticism.

And from there we will continue…

Offered In Service

26 thoughts on “What’s Up Doctrine?”

  1. Thanks BK….it is a bit quiet…I’ve been checking out the Astrology stuff from Eric…..nice work if you can get it….! It would seem to point to a fundamental clash between fate and free will. The philosophy of stoicism is a blast….and I’m sure Len will be back with some of that shortly.

    Meanwhile my name is Leo Mars….I’m a very backward headmaster…..and if any of you girls get caught sneaking off from my reality class to the denial sheds….its the Sarah Palin school of detention for you……!!

    Thanks again BK….I have a Saturn Virgo opposition to an Aries Sun….its the little things you notice….that give it all away…….

    here is to a fantastic w/kend to you all…..full….fuller….fullest!!


  2. Well, all are here (or have been) except for Len himself, after yesterday’s romp and I guess we all had a good night’s sleep., “judging” by the entries preceding this one.

    I read these articles by Phil Sedgwick earlier today and in view of the powerhouse of planets in Pisces, and the full moon in 2 days in Virgo, I thought it beneficial to provide links in case anyone hasn’t already read them. I love PlanetWaves too and all the folks who frequent it.

    re: Virgo

    re: Pisces
    http://www.philipsedgwick.com/ click on The Galact Times

  3. I wont blame John Cleese….or anybody else….and what I wrote reads OK this morning…….a little better than I feared it would….but as for the schoolmaster effect….. guilty as charged….. it is so difficult to find that spot…..!!

    But the ensuing comments are clealy noted…..and any due apologies clearly offered.

    The sense and balance of an age dominated by males is clearly enriched by an influx of the feminine……. thankyou all.


  4. Oh I hate when I miss things. I was ill last night and had to take to bed rather suddenly! So I just checked in here to see what’s what.

    Was this the Hybris (Hubris) playiing out? Carecare7 does something I would have had to think twice about (but well done for doing it) and goes against the flow of the astrology admiration society by admitting, ‘this time I don’t get it’. She goes on to explain further – brain full, a little tired (I know how that is, truly) and not much room for more.

    Sometimes a little helpful explanation here and there can make a penny drop – and it’s not much to ask of anyone.

    However, MM – Your post seemed (to me anyway) to show a distinct lack of curiousity about Carecare7’s initial quandry and more about your own reaction to something assumed. How can I put this – my perception was that you demonstrated the very thing you suspected Carecare7 of doing. There’s blogs for you.

    I like a lot of what you write MM – however, your post in this instance reminded me of being at school and putting my hand up (and as a kid I was nervous of doing this, of being wrong or getting it wrong) to ask the teacher to explain more as I didn’t understand.

    I know, as much as I know that it’s dangerous to apportion motivation to people’s behaviour without checking it out first, that it did not help my learning if the teacher told me it was my fault I didn’t get it, and that I should get over myself. Harrumph.

    What to say now? I think this place is great, and love the exhanges we have.

    Much love to all, H x

  5. Wow. I just love this place. It makes me think…even when I am tired and don’t want to! :::laughing:::: I am a womb-an; hear me laugh!

    Thanks everyone. I don’t come here often enough but every time I do I come away better for it.

  6. I’ll just post a clarification and the log off for the night.

    MM: I did not mention anything about taste or rightness/wrongness. What I have observed, however, is a limited perspective that silences or ignores much of what is good about the Age of Pisces. And not sure what those comments were about us wymmyn, but I can assure you I do not walk about with my Victim shirt on very often. Its ugly and heavy, and it’s no way to meet cool guys. So the comment about women in other ages was simply to point out that our “plight” did not suddenly degenerate when Christianity became the Christian Age. The observation about human evolution was not intended as a slur against men, but a general note on the consistency of human folly over the centuries: the clothes change, but people usually don’t.

    Over and out.

  7. Well listen folks, this is the most fun I’ve had on a website in weeks! Bravo Len for finding that spot. . that nerve that makes everything explode. . .that pin in the balloon. Er no, that would be carecare7. Anyway, my brother could always do that to me. .hit that nerve and out would gush every little irritation that I’d stifled, probably for days, would breach the dam. And then I’d feel better!

    And Musicman. . . thank you so much for the belly laughing episode I just finished. ( you wouldn’t be a Virgo by any chance would you?)I’m so sorry for your or shud I say THE plight of man, however dysfunctional you may think we think “you” are, you really rang my bell tonight. You are intellegent, funny and I’m sure glad you were here today.

    I guess maybe we owe it to carecare’s Chiron return, but thanks everybody for making this old girl’s evening!
    be (and by the way Len, what DO you make of Deucalion, Ceto & Poseiden hanging so tight in Scorpio .. for so long!!!!??)

  8. carecare7 – thank you for your response. Once again, it is GOOD when somebody is the pin in the balloon. Yes, i have, for the last 4 Thursdays been including a “to be continued” series looking at the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. This has beeen going on for 7 years and it will end soon. It is my opinion that this as important as any of the other long-term outer planet aspects that we are in the midst of. As to the stuffed brain syndrome, i must recuse myself on the grounds that my brain seems to have been AWOL for some time now. However, one might venture to say that you are not alone and that there is a lot going on to occupy our attention no matter our age or circumstances. In other words, you are in good company and are to be commended.

    Shanna – thank you for your response. Would not trade my time and place for any other.

  9. It is late….but let me try and answer your question Carecare7…….Len has written a piece about the current transits….a reasonable understanding of current planetary activity is kind of expected. You mention Chiron and you are 50 so I think you know that you are in your Chiron return. Painful…huh…He then moves on to a history of the last 2000 years……aka the age of Pisces….where he looks at Roman influences….. touches on the influence of the Greeks………whose pre-monoatheistic… (many Gods…not the singular idea that there is only one God) vision lead them to record a society whose major players …male and female…were elevated to the status of God/Godess…. a bit like the current practice of making successful people Lords and Ladies….except that the Greeks had integrity….and you could not bribe the government as you can now!!

    We then look at Britain as it became influenced by Catholicism. The only exciting thing for me is that we can express these views without fear of execution …torture or defamation. Perhaps…..with the internet….for the first time in 2000 years that we are not being accused of being blasphemous!!

    The Ahha moment of which you speak is something that is privy to you and your conscience. Also the mutual admiration society…..this is simply an ability to acknowledge that which you like…………that which does it for you………..or equally that which is a load of old dross. Your recognition of this afirms its existence!! An inability to express emotions of this order is not something I personally would be proud of. Yet it is one of the reasons that this site exists. To empower people to discuss their thinking with confidence and courage!!

    I suspect what is really going on here is two males….acknowledging that the male psyche has been pretty fucked for thousands of years….and observing that women have been shall we say left in the poor house……gives you nothing….ah mean nothing with which to beat us over the head…….so you have to invent something………. oh it wasn’t good enough….. oh it didnt ring my bell……….oh I didnt get the vibe………!!

    When you can admit that that is YOUR problem……….then the fucked up psycho sexually dysfunctional male who has abused this planet for 2000 years can come home……..and say to you….OK…lets try again……..!!

    and Shanna……because it is not to your taste….this does not make it wrong……..!!

    Ladies….I am not being rude……or mysogenistic….but there comes a time….when we have to start affirming what is going on in the real world……..

    I love you all….but sometimes you talk a lot of horseshit………and you most definitely do NOT need someone to make the connections for you……..woman as victim is off of the menu……you take responsibility for who you are…..starting now…….make your own connections…….your own mistakes…….and your own choices. Yes there is a support system………but woman as victim feeds the dysfunctional male psycho-sexual disaster area……talk to your sisters…….if I am wrong…….I will apologise!!

    Now that is the sensitive approach…..!!

    I am sitting here thinking….do I press send……..do I need this……but integrity demands that I do….!!

    Len….is Plato…..no pheromones with which to manipulate…..androgeny….the intellectual haven…..!!


  10. Len,

    Please do not think all your writing does this to me. I usually get what you are trying to say very well so it is not you which is why I think it is something going on with me right now. I feel like my brain is overstuffed so much it aches this week because of the extra reading and assignments I have been doing. I only asked because I need clarification because of my tired brain this week and I feel a bit bad about popping the balloon so to speak. I wonder if I should have read your previous article; this one sounds like a continuation of that one? Whatever it is, please don’t stop writing here; that would be a very bad thing indeed. Besides, it is always best to write without worrying about your audience; worrying about them will restrict the flow of your wisdom and that would be a real tragedy because sharing it is so important right now. Even if people disagree with you, it promotes dialogue and that is also important. 🙂

    My husband is 57 and is doing his student teaching right now and he is feeling brain-stuffed-syndrome too. ::::laughing::: I wish we could do purge and dump and defrag of the brain…that would help I am sure!

  11. Len, your writing speaks to lots of readers here. Sometimes all of us get a ‘hit’ and sometimes we swing wide and miss the ball altogether. I really got into your entry yesterday.

    And sometimes I just feel the need to say that the last 2000 years wasn’t all bad. It’s a perceptual bias I read all too often at astrological or New Age sites.

  12. carecare7 – Please, it is entirely right and proper for you to be the pin in the baloon. Thank you for speaking up. Don’t recall ever professing to be Eric, or in his league. If my offering of service does not connect for you it is my responsibility. One can only try to improve. Any feedback would be welcome. If you would find Planet Waves a better place for you without my service, please feel free to say so. You are important. By the way, i’m 57.

  13. Shanna – thank you for your valuable contribution. Your superior scholarship and devotion to integrity set an excellent example.

  14. Not to be the proverbial pin into the baloon of this mutual admiration society but this piece didn’t make sense to me much. I didn’t have an “ah-HA’ moment about it. The threads of info didn’t connect for me. I get what Eric writes, so why am I not getting this piece that Len wrote?

    Could it be because I am 50 and cannot purge and dump my overstuffed brain of old useless crap while I am cramming new useless stuff into it for college? Or could it be that I remember a lot less of the astrology classes I took 25 years ago (25 YEARS ago!) and all the new stuff is new to me as well? Or it could it be because at my age, Chiron is doing something (opposing? returning?) and I am jammed up mentally because of that? Can someone explain to me what this piece is trying to say? What momentous message it is containing? I am just not seeing it and I have read it twice. Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. I need someone to make the connections for me, infant that I seem to be these days.


  15. Funny, I was looking at these images just yesterday –the zodiac and the seasons as found through a variety of medieval churches throughout Europe. http://www.paradoxplace.com/Church_Stuff/Zodiacs_and_Labours.htm

    The archivolts, door jams, facade reliefs and floors of many Romanesque and Gothic churches contained reliefs, mosaics or medallions which represented either or both of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and the twelve typical activities associated with them. This material is also to be found in misericords and also stained glass, and sometimes there were also other subjects, such as illustrations (reminders ?) of the Cardinal & Christian virtues and sins. Seasonality was medieval life’s in your face reality, and most would have felt lucky surviving to another pig killing time without starving of being killed in someone else’s war.

    I’m sorry to say but today’s overview of Western history is just too broad for my taste and too skewed against Christianity –a religion/topic so complex as to defy any simple “they killed astrology” judgment. The people practiced basic astrology in the course of their everyday lives, just as they do now. Perhaps more so, for the obvious reason that they still had a direct relationship with the land. If anything killed astrology for the people, it was mechanistic materialism –or empirical skepticism– in our “age of enlightenment” that you speak of.

    Our age is no less brutal, political, or hubristic than the middle ages. And I don’t remember women doing so well under the Greek system. Or the Roman. We use zippers now and usually wash our hands more often, but that’s no proof we’ve evolved. All this Age of Pisces bashing I hear so often doesn’t help anyone. From what I know about Aquarian themes, I can think of several reasons why we should tread carefully into the Age of Aquarius.

    Blood, blood, kill, kill. It’s on all our hands. Stop pointing fingers.

  16. Musicman – Thank you, yes…do have some thoughts on things Orca and beyond. For some time now (years) there has been something brewing in astrology as regards to water as a proverbial (if not literal) element. It is elemental and it’s been a bit frustrating to watch it for so long and not be able to express the feeling as it has progressed. First, there are the water houses (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) with some obvious and not so obvious activity. Then the major planets Uranus in Pisces in this shape-shifting soul-sharing with Neptune, still don’t get it entirely, but it’s in the water, so to speak. Then the minor planets. This conjunction of Deucalion, Ceto and Poseidon in Scorpio is on my mind nearly every day and still don’t get it. The asteroid Atlantis has had some really interesting temporal synchronicities in the hoary astrology perspective – can’t pull it together so that it makes sense. Yeah, something big and wet is going on and it’s elusive (for me anyway).

  17. In order to avoid Hubris and the ensuing Nemesis in 2 weeks……we are getting a news feed here in the UK about a killer whale going rogue in Florida and killing its trainer.

    Orca is sitting at 1 degree Virgo….and has already been instrumentally involved in the very watery killer mudslide in Madeira…as the Sun transited 1 degree Pisces.

    Any thoughts on this…..??


  18. Len – so you’re an ancient geek too?!

    ‘Blessed are the geeks, they’ve had ‘elluva time…’

    Brilliant as ever dear chap, H.

  19. Hi Len,

    Think I might have had a glimpse of the Hubris/Hybris when John McCain raised his hand to speak at the “healthcare summit” today, and then proceeded to replay the campaign tape, and then Prof. Obama had to remind him, in so many words, that we were way past that and he McCain, had not won.

    Thanks Len and Musicman too for this fascinating delivery of ancient history in a very easy to swallow (not dry) way. I think Ceres to the GC might be responsible for THAT too! Look forward to the next chapter.

  20. Musicman – thank you once again for the erudite elegance of your commentary. Not sure what i “was” but since (in this lifetime) my ascendant is nearly conjunct the ascendant of the Thema Mundi, i refer to myself as an “ancient geek”. If you could see me today in my argyle sweater vest you would know it’s true.

    Sophie – Thank you for your kind and generous commentary.

  21. Yeah ….yeah….these are heady days…..it is an interesting one …Hubris……for we need to enjoy our successes….and balance out all those days of “oh no….not again….” Yet there has to be an unwinding….a calm down. There is actually a word for it in Welsh (“Mummy and Daddy are having a quiet space kids…..go and calm down”……but I have forgotten it). Unfortunately the Celts and the Gaelic Northern heathens (Scots) got fucked by the Anglo-Saxons when the the Roman scaffolding fell down!!

    Hubris and its avoidance would be akin to taking a ride on The London Eye…….or a Big Wheel at Coney Island. You are going to come down…..and leave in exactly the same spot as you arrived in…….but with the possibility of an enlightened dinner to follow!!

    Interesting….the Romans. They built Hadrians Wall……which became the English Scottish border…..and a great inspiration to the Pythons. Hadrians Wall is the first known artificial man made barrier in the UK. A gate way then gives rise to boundaries…. ownership…. control of passage…..and this then gave rise to Agrinomics. Agriculture and economic intervention……producing food for one’s family….being able to keep it safe………. orderly production…..sale of goods…..money.

    The Emperor Hadrian….obviously didnt have The Pink Floyd in mind when he put another brick in his wall……but did manage to overcome the Roman tendency to butcher and crucify everything in sight. The word decimation originates in the Roman practice of lining up all of their troops before a campaign……and beheading every tenth soldier…..in order to motivate the others…….!!!

    Their return to Rome left a vaccuum that was filled partly by Druids….who they had unsuccessfully tried to eradicate on the banks of the Island of Angelsey. The Druids really are another story…….they survive to this day as intellectual warriors and figureheads of Welsh culture. Pagan Britain must have been a complete rave…….. more akin to the hippy version of free love…than the soon to be established “moral” order of Catholicism.

    The 1st Reich….Charlemagne….Holy Roman Emperor……not just Roman Emperor…. but also Holy………. saw the 14th century establishment of the darkest period in our history……. and to my mind he was a role model for Hitler….whose “moral” ambition was never realised. Around 1450….the Borgias soon followed…….and the male psyche was immersed in a blood lust and bloodletting that co-incided with the developing skills of monks….. who chronicled the events as the creation of books and libraries followed. This genocide has been going on for a 1000 years. The 20th century saw the development of techniques that only a testosterone fuelled society…… in a race against itself to commit the most heinious of crimes…….could have envisaged.

    The male psyche…. after hundreds of years of apprenticeship….. was finally unleashed upon the development of weapons of mass destruction. It is no wonder we didnt find any at Saddam’s house….we’ve got em all. Women….forced to participate in this orgy of destruction…. have picked their way through the minefield of evolution with dignity and grace.

    The Age of Pisces….would appear to have been the scene of the greatest Psycho-Sexual malpractice…… and a truly barbaric disservice to women. Are we anywhere near better placed to start putting this planet back on its axis? Do we need to enhance the teachings of a subject that has been treated to a negative spin for too long?? The heathen Greeks may have just gone bankrupt economically…… but me thinks there is still a great deal to learn from these descendants of a Centaur!!

    As the end of the end of this day approaches…..and the Moon is about 10/11 hours off of its ingress to Leo and a hot date with a very backward man from Mars…….let us all meditate on these days of opportunity……possibilities……strategies….future plans…… and a commitment to the truth of this Aquarian age that is dawning…..!

    Len….. were you a Heathen Greek….they would have put you up there ……maybe Prometheus……. would show you around…….or maybe….he already did…..!!

    Merci…..toujours….encore…..a la prochaine…..!!


  22. Dear Len,

    LOVE IT*LOVE IT*LOVE IT! You are truly a weaver of words into story with oomph and meaning! Thank you for the morning smile today, and the ancient recognition of a yesterday I feel always part of. This day-these words were music inspiring an unwinding of coils wrapped tight…ah pity, ah say ah pity the fool…tee hee hee…who is not moved to upwardly curve the sides of their lips!

    with love and light and blessings for us- every one


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