By Len Wallick
Full Moon tomorrow. According to the United States Naval Observatory, it happens about 8:18 AM Eastern Daylight time, 5:18 AM on the west coast. A Full Moon is an opposition. Sun over here, Moon over there, us here in the middle.
What’s with the Sun and Moon lately? Seems like most every opposition (Full Moon) and every conjunction (New Moon) they got company. Tomorrow’s Full Moon at eight and a smidgen degrees Scorpio is no exception. This time we find retrograde Mercury smack dab between us and the Sun at the exact same same time we are between the Sun and Moon. Exact means just that. To the degree. There’s a lot to break down with that, but let’s take a look at the big picture for that holistic perspective Chiron in Pisces would want us to have.
Chiron in Pisces. Chiron in Pisces. Chiron in Pisces. Focus on the detail, find the whole. Focus on the whole, see yourself. Participation has never been a bad idea. The fringe benefit is the opportunity to negotiate. Now it’s no longer an option. Unless you have a spaceship there’s no place to vacate, so you might as well communicate. Next year at this time the practice will come in handy.
Cardinal point, cardinal point, cardinal point. Uranus opposing Saturn for years. Jupiter catching up with Uranus to join in for the crescendo. Pluto square all three. Put them all in the first degrees of Aries (Uranus and Jupiter there soon), Capricorn (Pluto there already) and Libra (where Saturn will return) and you have a change of season. Not your regular change of season, understand. Not your every three month oscillation between solstice and equinox. We are talking a longer cycle of seasons here: the seasons of history, the seasons of humanity.
Unlike the seasons of the Sun, the weather for the next seasons of humanity is not a given. We will create it. We are creating it right now. Every little thing you do every little day is not being written in some big book in the sky. Just like that myth every little thing counts, but this time it’s for real. This time it’s here on earth that the record of our deeds will be tallied — in history. That’s what life is worth. That’s what you are worth. See yourself as the precious resource you are. Any one of us on any given day, right about now, could make a seemingly insignificant decision that would tip the balance. Play to win, people. Play to win.
Which brings us back to Chiron in Pisces. Chiron in Pisces. Chiron in Pisces. You think three square aspects between Saturn and Pluto was a lot? You think five oppositions between Uranus and Saturn was a long road? Try seven (yup, seven) square aspects between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. One great long continuum of moving through transformation unimagined. Through metamorphosis beyond definition. And right there, hanging out in between in a fortunate sextile to one and a semi-sextile to the other, brother Chiron. Looking out for humanity by teaching us to look out for ourselves.
Back to the Full Moon, which is applying as you read this. Let’s look at retrograde Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun first. There are several perspectives. First, it’s like the eye of the hurricane when it comes to the retrograde period. The sky of the mind’s eye clears up. The air becomes calm. You can find your socks again. It would do well to remember that the eye of a hurricane is unstable. Don’t get used to it.
The next thing about the interior conjunction of Mercury is this electricity thing Eric keeps talking about. Mercury is a dynamo, albeit relatively small. Nevertheless, the imposition of Mercury between us and the Sun would see to complete a circuit of one sort or the other. That implies a flow of energy. Flows of energy can be harnessed and converted to work to move things. What would you like to move? Think about it.
Finally, it’s like Mercury is eclipsing the Sun. It may seem like a joke. Like one of us mortals trying to block the shot of a professional basketball player or trying to tackle an American football player. Nevertheless, imposed between the great star and the goal you are somebody to be aware of. Something to be dealt with. Put it all together and the interior conjunction of Mercury could well represent self-awareness with something to do. Add in retrograde to present you with one more word – memory. That’s brings us to the Moon.
More than most aspects, the Scorpio Full Moon conjures up the terms “bring it on” and “go there”. The brightest light is shining into the darkest space, then being reflected back. The timid might want to be careful what they ask for and ponder it. It’s what T.S. Eliot had in mind when he named April as the cruelest month (although the Moon opposing the Taurus Sun could just as easily take place in May).
For those bold enough to jump in with both feet, however, this is a Moon like no other. On one level, Scorpio represents the stuff we share only with accountable professionals and next of kin. Death, sex, taxes and the consequences of engagement with same. The results we can’t look at or the mystery we can’t look away from. That’s the paradox of a fixed water sign. You think that just means frozen water? Think again. On a deeper level it is the beginning of the end which makes another beginning possible. This Full Moon puts that in our face, the interior conjunction of Mercury brings the past up from behind, just in the moment of our fascination, precisely when we are most fixated.
Inconvenient? Not really. Not if we can pull off a Chiron in Pisces. Pull back for the wide angle view. Focus on the detail at the same time. Don’t lose track of the depth of field. Pass the eye drops.
Offered In Service
Well, funnily enough it’s been quiet and peaceful, almost serene since Sunday. Having a lovely time, being very creative, writing like a demon, feeling nicely connected – it would be damn fine for for it to continue. Prior to that was much consternation, doubt and fog; then it fell away. Aye, well…
Ah, Len….you have done it again. Thank you for so wonderfully explaining why things are going apeshit with the women that are trying to start a new homeschool group here. One indirectly accused me of taking over (when I was just facilitating her in the things she asked me to do) and the other indirectly accused me of rushing everyone and causing tension. My mental reaction was “WTF?” and total confusion.
I mean really…ya do what they want and be nice to them and so accommodating and they turn on you a few days later because somewhere in there they changed their minds but didn’t bother to tell you about it and now they are all upset about what you did. Can we say “fickle?” :::Laughing::::
I was just thinking of washing my hands of this bunch because of their constant reversals and suspicions and negativity and all that when I stopped by to read this and voila! I see a bit of light on the subject. I still think I should step away but I must ponder your words and sleep on it. Thanks Len!
Your words yesterday about oppositions ring so true, Len.
“Any opposition is informed by a common ground. Balance, not absolute resolution, is the imperative of the opposition.”
Full moon = opposition
Whole lotta’ balancing goin’ on….
What’s Goin’ On, What’s Goin’ On, What’s Goin’ On
This is my first time out of the proverbial closet and onto this page. Len, I’ve quoted you more than once on facebook. I love diving into the space you create here.
W/out looking around to ask why can I confess that I’m in heaven? w/ pisces sun, rising and mercury and having just passed through my natal chiron in aquarius return arse-kicking of 5 years….I’m back to enjoying, w/ full tilt curiosity, how the world is unfolding just for me….and how this contributes to the larger unfolding for all.
My mantra? gratitude and humility, gratitude and humility, gratitude and humility. I think i faced the “worst” in me and found love. This full moon adds just the right touch of passion and mystery to make these days even better. w/ love, Judy
Mystes — this is now pasted all over my everywhere:
“Back up, look casual, then kick the holymuckerfothingcrap out of it.”
Yahoo!! Yeehaa!! – unstuck is comin’ ’round the bend.
Jude: I found ya at the new place and bookmarked ya. And I’m about to try your home cooked “ant therapy” ’cause ain’t no Buddhist ants in burbank either….
Yeehaa again. (Come to think of it, I could use a good horse gallop, been too long since I’ve ridden one hard and fast across The Wide Praireeee!!)
Thanks! and xoxo’s
Mercury! Bah humbug! My computer has forgotten who I am, purged all my passwords and is crawling along at a snails pace. The only thing that’s moving quickly in my world is the ants who continue to press forward in their assault on my kitchen. Then WordPress locked me out of my new blog and issued a replacement password that only Einstein could remember — I’m counting blessings I got on here without a challenge. The belt on the drier is screaming and I’d say I’m next, but … strangely … for a woman whose natal Pluto will be conjuncted by passing Mars tomorrow, I’m pretty calm and haven’t bitten the head off anyone/thing.
In that spirit, Happy Wesak everybody. Maybe that’s the key for the moment — detach, detach, detach. Hugs all around.
The wheel’s just a little stuck, Linda. You know what to do. Back up, look casual, then kick the holymuckerfothingcrap out of it.
Halfway between the Moon (5:18 a) & Interior Merc. (3:25 p.) Burn it up, baby.
Notes from school BTW for anyone interested —
I LOVED my final project for Moderism (Art History)– this is WAY abbreviated outline of my project which was to “curate” a show using the art/literature we had studied..
I called my “show” “Goddess Obscura” and went through the past hundred years plus with
“Man’s Ideal Goddes ; The myth of Perfect Order”
“Unveiling the Myth: Revealing the Truth”
1) through Questioning
2)through Nature and Light
3) through Self Actulization
“Suppression: The Geometry of Power” (Hitler vs. Thomas Mann)
“A Smoldering Fire: The Aftermath of Death and Destruction (WWII)”
“REBIRTH A place in the world to reconnect to the Devine”
(The Womb of Barnett Newman and Verner Panton)
Passage to New Begninings – The Birthing Tunnel
To leave my “exhibit” one must Choose a Door
The Back Door, The Theatre Curtain or The Revolving Door…use your imagination to consider what these doors may have been in my project 😉
Well, fun fun fun! It IS just time for this shift, isn’t it?!!
xoxoxo (is that 3? LOL!)
Thanks again to everyone at PW – you have been my emotional support, FER SURE!
hahah. Everything here is “working” and nothing is working and so it goes for this pig-n-mud.
My co-signer disappeared and so the student loans I needed to pay the other half of tuition didn’t appear. And so I’m through one term and at a dead-end. Oops oh well – it was the best time I’ve had since I tried art college 1976-77 in NYC and just couldn’t conjur up the – ahem – resources to continue.
And I’d been planning to purchase a little scooter to get to and from school (I still don’t know how my car actually kept going the whole term, well, a few rides from friends, but mostly it actually kept running with only a – ahem again – few weeks total in the shop for more bandages – almost 165,000 original miles….how’s THAT for amazing fer sure)
With the loan/s not gone through, no transportation either, but a brand-new little scooter – which is what I had planned on purchasing with some of that student loan $$ – parked in my parking space at apartment/home the past two weeks, no one riding it – someone must have purchased and now waiting for registration or such…but it is taunting me just like school did. So funny all this stuff. So funny.
Oh and PS I’m pretty sure I got straight “A”s on my 18 credit hours/6 courses first term which is pretty amazing for what the grading system is worth. Did some amazing stuff – really proud. Couldn’t believe when financial aid came back at me and said I didn’t qualify for a scholarship for next term – you know, you have to be financially needy? So what that if not well below poverty line and the single parent of two kids? Maybe I just need to come back another life with wealthy (and emotionally supportive) parents?
So there’s my little ditty. It’s not a rant. No rage, no anger – nope, left that behind a long long long (3 long’s, Len! 😉 time ago….. I don’t get it – this little game the universe has been playing — not one little bit. But I just shrug and laugh at myself and at god and keep on keepin’ on as it were. There is FER SURE another interesting twist around the next bend.
xo to my very bestest family ever,
Seriously, please see the quote below from the USNO website:
“The times of various events, particularly astronomical and weather phenomena, are often given in “Universal Time” (abbreviated UT) which is sometimes referred to, now colloquially, as “Greenwich Mean Time” (abbreviated GMT). The two terms are often used loosely to refer to time kept on the Greenwich meridian (longitude zero), five hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.”
12:18 UTC is the time shown for the Full Moon. subtract five hours for Eastern STANDARD Time then add one hour (“spring ahead”) for Eastern DAYLIGHT time to make it 8:18.
Right so far?
To get Pacific Daylight Time subtract three hours for 5:18 am, right?
Anybody see a problem with these numbers? Maybe the IO Sprite is still on Standard? Maybe i’m dyslexic?
wandering_yeti: we better call the Marines.
My IO Sprite says Luna is full at 4:18am PDT, not 5.
Hey kids,
Almost every year for the Scorp full I go into retreat. 2008 had *2* full Moons in Scorp, so it was double the fun. That year I got busy on some nasty political situations, and kept a hot eye trained on them through the period of both retreats. (They worked out rather nicely – see the autozoegraphy for details).
Last year -2009- I didn’t dive quickly enough and lost my ID the day before the Full Moon retreat. This took me on the adventure of sitting next to a young Iraq war vet in the DPS, and listening to (while quietly disposing of) his incredible tale. There we were, the burning Moon overhead, as he told me story after story of people he had superglued, stitched, bound and held together. He was 21, had served 3 tours, was given six weeks of Medic training, then thrown into the field. Amazing.
This year I am going to take a deep breath and ride the Phoenix Moon across the nightsky. It’ll be short, but intense. Len, thank you so much for the Mercury-alert.
Oh yeah, speaking of Mercury… (He showed up at Eeyore’s Birthday Party this weekend; yes, I did ask him why he wasn’t walking backward).
Happy Lunating,
be – Thank you for your perspective and kind comments. The water thing sounds like Uranus in Pisces more than any other synchrony. Need to give the “Hades effect” some thought.
Morgana – Thank you for your perspective as well. Depending on your occupation “work related” might be more synchronous with retrograde Mercury than retrograde Saturn. A lot would depend on the house arrangement in your natal chart.
All’s quiet on the home front, but I can’t seem to get it together at work. I thought things would be a little easier when Saturn retrograded back into Virgo. Maybe it’s just a case of short-timer-itis.
What the heck is going on Len? I mean we/I read and study astrology every day and observe the happenings in our lives and the big picture. . .and every, well almost every little thing that happens can be explained by astrology. And yet. .
Yesterday I was scared. It started when my tub wouldn’t drain and it was full of water the color of coffee, no cream. (My condo is connected to the same water supply as 30+ other condos and when one gets the water turned off for work, we all lose our water supply. When it gets turned on again it’s nasty for a while!) Finally, I called for help. While waiting for the plumber I read an article on Hades the trans neptunian POINT(or Uranian point, whatever) and how it would affect the astrology now and the next couple of years. That’s when I got seriously scared.
The plumber fixed the problem, but destroyed my washcloth and towel in the process and it all took about 15 minutes. $85 for the plumber, $25 for a new towel set; I couldn’t seem to see the blessing in the repaired drain, the speed in which I got the plumber and he did his thing. All I could see was the unexpected $110 expenditure, and wonder if I had done a really stupid thing.
My girlfriend is moving to another state to take care of her parents and was talking about the drudgery of packing up everything and getting rid of stuff she wasn’t taking. I said it was a Saturn thing; compacting all of “you” into as small a space as possible. What I was doing was Saturnian too. Saturn in opposition to Uranus anyway.
Transiting Uranus is in my 1st house and usually it is experienced as “speed thinking” along with a case of the shakes. My friend pointed out that Uranus opposite Saturn was why I was scared. Sure ‘nuf, absorbing all those scary predictions about the Hades effect, blowing over $100 in a matter of minutes(the Uranus part of the opposition), scared the Saturn part of the opposition, the effect being a sense of smallness, helplessness, vulnerablity and queasiness. (Or maybe it was my own Saturn quincunx transiting Saturn)
It wasn’t until I read this report of your Len, that I see a bigger picture. If Chiron is saying focus on the detail but see the whole, and if the cardinal point and Pluto and all that jazz means I’m creating a big fat season for humanity, well I just hope it wasn’t a bad thing . . calling the plumber. Maybe it was an early Full Moon in Scorpio. . all that nasty hot-water tank yuck, maybe I’m expressing Chiron’s teaching; learning how to better “look out” for myself. What a really super article this was. What a keen and thoughtful master you are.
But enough about me. . . .how’s it going for you guys?