What if we could see back to the beginning of the universe?

JKCS041: Farthest Galaxy Cluster Yet Measured Credit: X-ray: NASA, CXC, INAF, S. Andreon et al.; Optical: DSS, ESO/VLT.
JKCS041: Farthest Galaxy Cluster Yet Measured Credit: X-ray: NASA, CXC, INAF, S. Andreon et al.; Optical: DSS, ESO/VLT.

3 thoughts on “What if we could see back to the beginning of the universe?”

  1. is anatoly an astronomer? loving all these beautiful star and galaxy pics. brings me back to getting stoned with friends in high school. and my grade school astronomy teacher 🙂

  2. I have pondered this idea before. Hopefully telescopes will one day enable us to view this beginning state of infintely dense, unimaginably bright mass of matter and energy, as well as time and space itself. The end would be quite a sight too i’d imagine. We can peer into the past using our eyes. Just looking up at the night sky you are seeing light from the past. If only we could see into the future. With more definite clarity anyway. Imagine the possibilities? Keep evolving astrology.

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