Welcome to Town Hall

Ookie I’m going to try to stay awake for the whole debate. That’s my first blog. I can’t stand John McCain’s patronizing tone, when he starts to whisper imitating George Bush and talks to you like you’re his dog. Refresh this page; I’ll keep all my comments on one link.


McCain has made a campaign promise of more nuclear power. I’ve now heard it twice. And he’s worried about a projector in a planetarium when the government just threw nearly a trillion dollars into the black hole of Wall Street. We’re going build a whole bunch of nuclear power planets. Oh really? That’s the answer?


If I hear him say “my friends” one more time, I’m gonna turn to channel 3 and put in my DVDs of Mr Roger’s Neighborhood.


Now I get it. He reminds me of Uncle Chester the Molester.


Too many lobbyists workin’ there. Fix it. Let’s come together.


Okay he said “my friends” six more times. That’s it — I’m watching the Neighborhood of Makebelieve.


Nuclear power is safe and it’s clean! Ya! Tell that to the Ukraine and Belarus. Tell it to Harrisburg and Detroit.


Did I mention that after watching McCain speak a few times, I rented Night of the Living Dead from Netflix?


We’ve gone to the four corners of the Earth and shed blood — therefore we are peace makers. I see, I see.


C’mon everyone, stay awake! This is important. (We don’t have time for on the job training, my friends.)


Oh, skipping back…Mr McCain keeps talking about pork barrel spending…to the tune of $18 billion a year. That is money that comes back to communities. We are spending that much in less than two months of the Iraq war. JUST that one war, ongoing apparently in perpetuity…based on a lie…


He said “my friends” again. I hope he keeps saying it, it is so obviously so fake.


Wow! I didn’t know McCain had served in the military. His little-known opponent, Joad Cressbeckler, served in the Spanish-American War.


Why to they pronounce it Tolly Bon?


“We have nothing to fear except fear itself” was on the cover of the New York Post today. And John McCain quoted Teddy Roosevelt about “speaking softly and carrying a big stick.” I am having flashbacks to 4th grade.


Wow! I didn’t now that McCain served in the military.


I’m still awake. Are you? I’ve written THIS IS IMPORTANT in Sharpie on my monitor.


We will succeed and bring our troops home in honor and dignity and not in defeat — just like he came home from Vietnam. I think that his victory trip re Iraq involves making up for the horrendous US defeat in Vietnam, after 25 years. These peeps can make really serious mistakes that can go on for decades.


Still awake…I need to watch the part where Wolf Blitzer explains what I just saw. Let’s see, the headline will be, “Candidates differ on Iraq, healthcare; no knockout punches.”


When is the debate between Sarah Palin and John McCain?


Wow, McCain was in the military? How haven’t I heard this?


I’m glad McCain would bomb Iran if Iran bombs Israel. My father just bought a condo outside Jerusalem that has a bomb-proof room — I’m eager to see whether it works.


Obama said he would talk to our enemies? That’s it, I’m voting for Joad Cressbeckler.


Our last question is from Sedona, Arizona. It has a Zen-like quality. How are you not going to think of chocolate cake?


McCain was in the military? What?


And one last bonus question for both candidates: what is your email address?


Now I’ll tell you what you just saw: a person debating a ghoul.

4 thoughts on “Welcome to Town Hall”

  1. As someone who was literally asleep during the debate (wrong timezone), this post is a hoot! I can picture the whole encounter in my head without having to go to Youtube. Thank you!!

  2. If McCain wins it will be a LONG 4 years.

    I’ll have to vote for Obama since I’m in a state that is usually red. Even my 82 year old mama is registering to vote this year so she can vote for Obama.

  3. However. My household had a hootin’ hi-5 moment when the *single* mouthful of truth appeared in the room : that Musharraf was an effing dictator and we had no business propping him up, much less paying his as well as we did. To hear any serious Presidential contender actually *state* something that controversial was like April in Paris, (my friends). I was also please that B. did *not* take the Chicago telescope bait – which was an attempt to drain his time.

    And the Boyo counted 14 ‘my friends’ – but Obama said : ‘Ummm’ about twice that often. One word: Kennedy.

    Senator John seemed ready to ram through a New McCain in the first answer; I daresay it sounded like he’d heard the question before the debate. Naaaah, that couldn’t happen. I do wish Brokaw had just published a book about Privileged White Guys getting the Oval Office. Then he would have had the same constraints as Gwen Iffel. Darn.

    Our Man looked tired. He sounded tired. Michelle looks stressed. Can we get ’em both a weekend in Cozumel?

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