Welcome to Scorpio, Welcome (soon) to Pluto in Capricorn

Editor’s Note: This is Eric’s intro to the monthly horoscopes, which were published to our subscribers today. This edition, November 2008, covers the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn for each of the signs, a monumental juncture in astrology and in our lifetimes. The horoscopes are included for all subscribers to Small World Stories and Planet Waves Astrology News. Subscription information is at left.

Dear Friend and Reader:

WELCOME TO SCORPIO and the time of Days of the Dead. We are in that strange and beautiful extended moment when the worlds — our current, seemingly alive one, and the ‘after’ one — merge into one place, at least slightly. Scorpio is a sign that relates many complex emotions, most of which wee people would rather not admit: fear lacking a name or a concept, jealousy unbecoming of love, yearning unbecoming of a lady.

Heather Fae at Old Tongore Cemetery, October 2008. Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.
Heather Fae at Old Tongore Cemetery, October 2008. Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.

November is a month of extraordinary events — in the world and in astrology — beginning with the opposition of Saturn and Uranus on the 4th, on Election Day. This rare aspect has not happened since the mid-1960s (notably, in Pisces and Virgo that time as well, but with Uranus in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces — opposite what is happening now). As I mentioned last time and as warrants mentioning again, when Saturn opposes an outer planet, a new chapter of history begins.

The one that begins now takes us directly into the 2012 phase; we could say that as of November 2008, the 2012 era has begun. The entry of Pluto into Capricorn late in the month is the true harbinger of this — another message of sweeping changes to society and of making our relationship to the “big world” personal, practical and driven by necessity more than by belief. November’s Full Moon is on the 13th in Taurus, opposite Mars. Once again, earth energy, value and values are evoked powerfully, by the Moon-Mars contact via Taurus. The Sagittarius New Moon is on the 27th (the day after Pluto enters Capricorn to stay), with the Moon and Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars and this thing probably you may not have heard of called Pholus (a centaur planet). Once we see the far-reaching results of this particular New Moon (one lunar month from now), you’ll likely want to find Pholus in your natal chart, if he hasn’t already found you.

Speaking of the New Moon, today (Oct. 28, 2008) is the Scorpio New Moon. It is closely conjunct three minor planets: Ceto (also called Cetus or Cetea), a sea monster; Echeclus, a centaur/comet; and Deucalion, the Greek equivalent of Noah. Ceto is described as “the personification of the dangers of the sea, unknown terrors and bizarre creatures.” It’s also the root of the word cetations, which include dolphins and whales. I’m not going to take this literally as a comet signifying flooding and monsters (or Flipper), but rather a surge of awareness and the fear that awareness will bring consciousness of what we don’t want to know. That is one of the risks of waking up and paying attention, isn’t it? And one of the most viable arguments against erotic awakening? In Scorpio, we have plenty of material just under the surface. It is the sign of “how we really feel about people, despite ourselves.” The truth is often deeper than we want to know, more passionate than we care to admit, and more complex than we can explain in a text message.

Eric Francis

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