It’s been a weird Mercury retrograde since right around Christmas, though considering it came with a lunar eclipse and the beginning of Mars retrograde, it’s been pretty mellow, at least in public life. Most of the drama — and it is simply drama — has surrounded the Underwear Bomber and related investigations and revelations — though this would have another, more defeatist flavor of Flight 253 had gone down.
And, given the good fortune that those people lived and that we had a holiday with news of a failed attack rather than a successful one, we can afford to reflect a little. This whole incident is mellow enough that we can afford to assess our maturity level as a country dealing with these kinds of problems. And we can consider how we are responding as a world; this is the problem of no one country. The whole western world is involved; and a good bit of the rest of the world.
I know that Barack Obama is not the most popular guy right now, and I chalk a lot of that up to plain immaturity and disrespect for leadership. If we as Americans or as a world are going to expect Big Daddy to come and clean up the mess that we made and that we allowed to happen, we might show some reverence for how hard a job that is. I would refer back to my article on Obama just before the election of 2008, which looked at the position of the planet Damocles in Obama’s chart.
Better yet, we might want to take some responsibility of our own, rather than whine that things are not going well. This is really, really basic. I don’t envy the position that Obama is in: for way too many people, such as people who can clap their hands and get on television, he can do absolutely no right. Particularly given the astrological circumstances of the past couple of weeks, he’s doing great and things are going really, really well. I know there are some pretty serious points of sell-out: the banking issue for example, and that may be serious. But frankly nobody in particular is standing up and speaking about that issue. Obama cannot get tough on the banks because he’ll be crucified and we, the people, are not backing him up.
And as for wee, the people — this is the time to take it a little easier on ourselves rather than a little harder — in preparation for the challenges to come. I say this to myself as well as to you; I’m looking at this huge deadline for Cosmic Confidential coming up in about one week and it’s taking all of my experience, skill and patience in myself to pace out my work and stay cool and get it done. I am aware and would pass onto you that the sense of pressure — not the actual pressure — might well be going up next week as Mercury slows down and the focal power of the solar eclipse works itself to an edge. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen these two events happen on the same day.
I think it’s reasonable to have minimal expectations and be grateful that things are going as well as they are. Both eclipses and Mercury stationing direct have that little caveat of: don’t push too hard; spending your time avoiding issues rather than causing them or solving them; and move through the energy gently. I really mean it: if your life is functioning and you’re in a safe place and you have money for food and heat, be grateful of that, pay attention for who around you needs assistance, and take your life one day at a time.
If you ask me, we are a brutally competitive culture, and fools for it. We waste so much time being competitive that we rarely ever have the experience or even a clue what it’s like to be fully cooperative. That’s the spirit we need right now.
Yours & truly,
Re: Linda’s computer — I’m in. Will drop the check in the mail tomorrow/Monday. This is making me smile a big one!
And the idea about a rent payment program….well, that’s just fabulous.
I’m grateful for being able to earn money, stay warm & sheltered & fed, and for being employed (with health insurance). And for a couple of communities I’m a part of, including PW. Oh, and for my Mac and internet access. Sheesh, I guess I really DO have a lot to be thankful for. Passing some of it on to members of my communities really fills my heart.
Thanks efc for coordinating. love to all, cinzia
I love this! I’m experiencing a similar connectivity and community here at home and it is so very powerful. I can help with the computer. Again, I am very grateful for the community here at planet waves. You all rock!
It would be fun to have a program of paying someone’s rent every month.
Storm — discounts always help! EFC, I raise you and your $100.00 donation. Linda, I’m not one to predict things, but I think you can have one of those little neat white Mac books by next week!
i’m in the same boat as mystes, but as an educator, can get a 10% (usually about $100) discount on macs if that helps.
Say, can we pay my rent next?
Just kidding.
All $$ in this household are going to my very patient landlord; unlike PT I am living on borrowed air. But I will pass along whatever I make in my next hour on Mechanical Turk (doubt it will be 10$ though).
Re Linda’s computer – I will pony up $100 and volunteer Chelsea to coordinate. Hi Chelsea! We can do the payments by card or by check. If we raise $1000 we can get Linda a MacBook. That should be easy. Those white MacBooks are the best bargain going for laptop computers.
Call Chelsea to donate by card: (877) 453-8265 (please call Monday). Or by check, made out to Planet Waves, with the word Linda in the “memo” field, so she knows what’s what:
Planet Waves
PO Box 350039
Palm Coast, FL 32135-0039
Here are easy donation forms:
$10 donation
$100 donation
$1000 donation
I love this idea. Planet Waves has put a good few computers into peoples’ hands, where they belong — in the tradition of Aunt Josie making sure I could get one, way back in 1989.
Can we send the money to planetwaves paypal for you to redirect to Linda? Marked as a ‘gift’ there shouldn’t be a fee assessed (I think). Any overage could be held for another need. Just a thought.
Linda I enjoy your comment thoroughly. You are a lovely lady.
nance, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Talk to us anytime, any day.
Eric, I too would like to contribute to a computer for Linda. Where to send check?
Nance, my 55 year old nephew cured himself of rectal cancer. It had even spread to all of the lymph nodes. He envisioned all of the cancer draining out of his body through the temporary opening (colostomy). He did all the chemical treatment and had surgery too. His body functions are all normal now, and there has been no sign of cancer for two years. Many, many people prayed for him.
Be well and be safe. We are praying for you!
Nance – sending love, strength and healing your way.
Laptop a go-go. Currently existing on thin air, however I’m up for it.
Hazel x
Linda – if the paypal button is set up, i’ll chip in for sure. Your supportive comments have enriched me beyond anything material.
Nance – Laks and mystes are the real deal – follow up with them and you can’t go wrong. You came to the right place for the love you made.
ginblossom wrote: “Computer. I’m in, I’ll go, let’s do an experiment. Set up a paypal button, run it front, it can manifest entirely online, harvest and out the door by 12 PM cst today.”
I don’t post much, but I’m always here, and I suspect I’m not alone. Paypal would be a simple and easy way for us to contribute to this, if it would work from a PW “business” standpoint.
Computer. I’m in, I’ll go, let’s do an experiment. Set up a paypal button, run it front, it can manifest entirely online, harvest and out the door by 12 PM cst today.
I am a two time (recent) cancer survivor and a great resource from anything and everything from basic gathering facts, treatment options, patient rights, hand knit headscarfs & pencil eyebrows, insurance fraud, etc….. This is all a tough process that I am still dealing with; but if you have ANY questions or just need to vent. I am 100% very much here, and I ain’t leaving yet…. For a young person, I have a pretty decent backround in both eastern and western medicine. Please feel free to contact me whenever about whatever. Hang in there, you already seem like your mind is in the right place; thats a terrific start. Sending heat your way….
Nance, (Luv ya cat!), check out work by Max Gerson,.. he’s an old school dude who did a lot of work with cancers. (I don’t know where to find working models, other than books.. right now.)
Luck and LOVE, babe!
Hey, Thanks all for thoughts and kindness. I realized on my way to get a CT scan that I am having my personal ‘underwear bomb’! The cancer is rectal, and hopefully, like the underwear bomber, a warning sign. I find inspiration from the likes of Lance Armstrong, and know there is power and hope and healing.
I am finding my life is full of moments guided by spirit, and am paying attention and staying aware.
Shebear says “I have never felt braver or more honest in my life. I am looking my truth head on and am not blinded by its enormity nor its light. All the trials and tribulations that have nearly done me in my past seem to have given me a depth of fortitude that I could only dream about, yet here it is, deep within. A well I drink deeply from for sustenance of my soul.”
I resonate fully with this.
Nancy writes: “I have just been diagnosed with cancer and am suddenly feeling the sucking action of the ‘cancer conveyor belt’ as dealt by western medicine.”
I hear ya… and survival rates are much, much higher than a decade ago, in no small part due to the auxiliary supports brought in via holistic medicine.
If you want to talk, you can reach me at I might have a useful idea or two.
Steady as she blows…
RE: Linda’s laptop. I think I can manage something. Money is tight this week, but can I send you a check in the mail. Would that work?
I chip in for the computer.
Why don’t we chip in and get Linda a computer?
Among us we could raise enough money for a friendly laptop in about 20 minutes.
“So I vote to leave Virgo out for a week, and finish up Cosmic Confidential on time for the rest of us. At this point virgo is most used to sacrifice. ”
Patty: LOL!!
Hey Eric, as a fellow Pisces I was about to say – take a break. It’s ok if you delay the Pisces reading a week or so. Then I read for Pisces this week and it said I don’t have to sacrifice so much anymore. So I vote to leave Virgo out for a week, and finish up Cosmic Confidential on time for the rest of us. At this point virgo is most used to sacrifice.
Nance, what kind of cancer? A lot of people will put their good thoughts to healing if they know what to concentrate on.
Oh my darling beautiful lovely and loving friends, I am in a Merc Retro moment; I have emmersed myself in getting my film school application finished (tooo many essays to write) and submitted; and low and behold in the 11th hour I see that the requirements for one of the essays has subtly changed.
I laughed out loud and pushed the “submit” button on the darn electronic form anyway – we will see what comes out the other end.
Once again I’m at the end of my timer on the library computer.
Love and Peace-fullness to All – and looking forward to reading PW daily again at least for a week or two.
nance –I was taken aback by your news. Wow. I am wishing you good hunting on your research phase. May the Mercury retrograde offer up hidden wisdom (financial/medical/spiritual) for you and those who support you.
Yes, Fe, the government is running him. He needs to take control and let tough actions back up his words. Even so, he became President at one of the worst times this country has seen
And Eric, thank you for your post. It is only my basic understanding of astrology and the retrogrades that have kept me from attempting to force an issue that needs no forcing, and to look outside my desires to even try to understand that time (and it’s restrictions-Saturn) is my friend. Apparently I need to experience this lesson over and over looking at Saturn’s position in my chart, but that’s a whole ‘nother topic. We are iced in here in Atlanta, and even though the amount of snow on the ground is miniscule compared to what I experienced in Newburgh over the holidays (and meant to get to Kingston to see if it is as cute in the winter as it is in the summer!), the weather is helping to keep me at home and still. I am tending to the activities that must be done to keep home a pleasant place to be, and I am counting my blessings.
Nance — My heart goes out to you in your time of trial. I think of you and the distress you must be experiencing and I wish you comfort and awareness and courage.
Sadly my life too has been rocked this past month by a chronic problem, and i feel turned inside out and upside down — again — and YET, I have never felt braver or more honest in my life. I am looking my truth head on and am not blinded by its enormity nor its light. All the trials and tribulations that have nearly done me in my past seem to have given me a depth of fortitude that I could only dream about, yet here it is, deep within. A well I drink deeply from for sustenance of my soul.
Your article today Eric lifted me right up. It vibrated with the necessary wisdom, guidance and truth that gives me such comfort. There is no other time but now, no other path but this one and we are all dealt our cards and we must play them, beginning with a sense of surrender and acceptance.
It is what it is.
To those Americans who want a damn perfect leader, I ask them: “If not Obama, then who?” Feel free to swap him if you want with our so-called leader Mr. Harper, who has shut down our Parliament TWICE in one year because he wasn’t getting his way? Shut. it. down. As my son pointed out, that wouldn’t happen in the US of A. Yep, you should all count yourselves lucky and pray everyday that Mr. Obama continues to demonstrate incredible strength as he carries the heaviest of loads. That he actually stands up there, day in and day out, head and shoulders above all the crap surrounding him with such equanimity and good humour. I use him an example of what it is to be a spiritual warrior in this day and age. He’s only going to get better if you let him. Find some trust within — and throw some his way while you’re at it.
What about if your life is not functioning?
I have just been diagnosed with cancer and am suddenly feeling the sucking action of the ‘cancer conveyor belt’ as dealt by western medicine.
I am letting go of alot, but am having trouble avoiding the issue. Definitely still in the info gathering stage, so not really trying to ‘solve’ it, aside from keeping a flow of positive, healing energy in my body.
I’ve always been a bit of a news hound, but I think when I met Eric, the ability to pattern-recognize became more pronounced. We vibrate that together on PW, in that I found a kindred spirit in a form of news research and analysis that I was interested in. A few years of political blogging and moderation on campaign websites and progressive and moderate blogs also didn’t hurt.
I also need to cite the good sources that I have come to trust: Talking Points Memo, Andrew Sullivan’s “Daily Dish”, Juan Cole’s “Informed Comment”, and as a means to garner trends, “Daily Kos”.
Len remember, I’m a member of government, so I know how the beast operates, and I am a theater artist, with a perspective that doesn’t take the beast so seriously, and recognizes the well-worn paths of CYA. Politics is theater. That adage is so true, and therefore that makes me the “Spy in the House of Love”, so to speak. I hope that works for what Planet Waves needs, at least in covering politics.
Thank you. Reading your blog today is like having a weight lifted, a balm applied, a hand up.
i’m no expert in journalism but your cumulative work on this underwear bomber incident has simply got to be of a level worthy of some form of professional recognition.
Thank you for this lovely message, and I mean all of it. It does seem that there is a “swimming upstream” pressure, especially if one is trying to stay true to promises made, to others or to oneself. I pretty much made up my mind that the universe was telling me to stop, relax, enjoy, and back away from pressure. Thinking seems to work okay as long as it isn’t competitive, as you say. I believe this so because we will be hard-pressed and nose-to-the-grindstone soon enough. Best to be physically and psychologically ready when that time comes. Think that is why the world is getting so much snow. But no, so many of us go out and fight the elements when we don’t really need to drive to the mall or Aunt Sarah’s. .. .not really.
Thanks too for encouraging Americans who whine about their situations and don’t give the President the support and admiration he deserves. At least give him the benefit of the doubt, huh? Aren’t we glad he’s so “fixed” and determined to make the best of the bad situations? My goodness, I am really proud of him. And you too!
This is another piece from Andrew Sullivan’s blog, “The Daily Dish”.
Andrew is a moderate conservative whose writing and opinion, though at times we disagree, I largely respect. This is a piece on the Obama Admin’s response to the intelligence failures leading to the Xmas event.
What’s key in this criticism of Obama’s handling of the Underwear Bomber is not the lack of connecting the dots, but the last line of his comment. Quite revealing.