Wednesday: Taurus Full Moon; Venus enters Capricorn

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

Dear Friend and Moon-gazer,

HAVE YOU EVER noticed that when the Moon is full, you can turn all of the lights off and this silvery light will come in through the windows and fill your house with its aura? Everything is different in the light of the Moon. Colors are blanched from surfaces, textures are a combination of shadow and not shadow. It seems to me on nights like that, that the Moon is a living entity visiting us from above, peeking in all the windows to find a way in.

Tonight’s Full Moon will be in Taurus, which is interesting for a few reasons. Have you ever looked at the symbol of Taurus? It looks like a circle with a curve at the top. It is very easy to think that the curve is the horns of the bull, the Taurean mascot.

But looked at another way, the curve is the crescent Moon. The Moon is exalted in Taurus. What a coincidence! It reminds me of the Goddess Hathor from Egypt. She’s a personification of the Divine Mother, pictured as a cow-headed woman, or as a full woman with the Moon held up between the curving cow horns on her head.

The feeling, intuitive side of our natures is further highlighted by the conjunction of Venus and Pluto. As mentioned in yesterday’s aspect, Pluto is making his way slowly towards Capricorn. Venus has just scooted by on her run around the zodiac. This transit has the feeling of a hot, passionate, drive-by kiss that shakes the very core of your being and makes you hunger for another embrace like that one. It does not last long, but the feelings that it invokes will stay for a long time.

Also, the Sun is trine an astral body called Varuna. In the Vedic tradition, Varuna was the god of the sky. He was responsible for holding the horizon and making sure that everything stayed the way it was supposed to. Without Varuna, the world would have been plunged into a dark chaos. In astrology, Varuna is Truth, or the defining moment. With the Sun in a harmonious relationship with Varuna, honesty may come natural to you. The world, it seems, has enough illusions in it already without any more needing to be added. Sun trine Varuna suggests an alignment with the truth that will be beneficial to all involved.

Yours & truly,


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