
When a child, certain skies sharpened my vision: all their characters were reflected in my face. The Phenomena were roused. – At present, the eternal inflection of moments and the infinity of mathematics drives me through this world where I meet with every civil honor, respected by strange children and prodigious affections. – I dream of a War of right and of might, of unlooked-for logic.

It is as simple as a musical phrase.

— Arthur Rimbaud

3 thoughts on “War”

  1. Instead of “I dream of a War of right and of might”

    it can say ” dream of me”.

    Dream of me in a War; of Right, and of Might.


  2. Eric, your poetic musing does not fall on deaf ears.

    For me, good poetry like good myths move with me. Their meaning changes as I change. And then there are the different levels of understanding that are sparked as I run the words.

    My nephew is of the runescape generation. They are driven little keypunchers focussed on moving to the the next level. I haven’t gone into the game with him. I would take him to the library on days off from school and he would sit in one of the rows of computers alongside other runescapers. The kids are obsessed with this game.

    He’s an intuitive little guy, and was at a stage where he was flexing his powerful knowing to push all kinds of buttons we didn’t even know we had. I confronted him about his behaviour in a particular situation and a light bulb went on and he said in his dreamy piscean way “I was on a different level.”

    From my understanding runescape has hundreds of levels, that’s alot, but I think he’s boiling it down. And has a better respect for the power he has and how he uses it.

    This level thing can cause me much blurring as I stumble through the physical world. I am reminded once again of the the physicist Lisa Randall’s take on science. “It can drive you nuts, but it is fun.”

    I think about the musical phrases as I try this on and realize that I may just well be working toward orchestrating the phrases into a song called my life.

    That this may become something called logic, which is subject to become hardfast and then go through the pains of breakdown again makes me relish these crazy times of creating something new.

    Maybe PWs very own Tinkerbell (and I say that with all do respect, after all what’s a natal mars uranus conjunctio to do), mystes, is right that our artwork is never completed. The song goes on.

  3. The Sabian Symbols:

    Cap 01 An Indian chief is standing before the assembled pow-wow of tribes and demands recognition, coldly and regally. (Sounds like everyone in the Middle East to me but it also fits all displaced people everywhere)

    Cap 02 Three stained glass windows in an old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by bombardment. (Speaks for itself)

    Cap 03 The human soul is visualized as hovering spirit eager and receptive to the lessons to be learned from life.

    Perhaps by the time Pluto moves toward Cap 3, something in our awareness will change. Mars, currently at Capricorn 3 is already giving pause, but Pluto will be going forwards and backwards all year. Within a day or two, the bombing should stop, but only realistic ownership of fault by all parties can bring about the healing that is needed. Love is needed, not fault-finding, not lying, not setting a brother up for martyrdom. Own your sins and make right.

    I gave this link yesterday at a different post. For anyone not familiar with the history of Palestine (carved out of the Ottoman Empire after WW1) this is a must read. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewarticle.cfm/1948–israel–and-the-palestinians-br–the-true-story-11355. The article is documented (look at the annotated version).

    The original framework for Palestine (Israel) called for equality of leadership: “…Eleven years later, Jabotinsky presided over the drafting of a constitution for Jewish Palestine. According to its provisions, Arabs and Jews were to share both the prerogatives and the duties of statehood, including most notably military and civil service. Hebrew and Arabic were to enjoy the same legal standing, and “in every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab and vice-versa.”’

    For people to think that all the Jews should now pack up and leave Israel is ludicrous at a minimum. We could say that to ourselves, that we all trot back over to England, France and Germany and leave the USA to the aboriginals, and all the Swedes in England go back to Sweden, and so on and so forth.

    What we have here is a Cap 01 problem that needs to be dealt with – finally – once and for all.

    1. Recognition for all who feel harmed – (pies and gifts, per Mystes, and apologies too)
    2. Repatriation – that goes for aboriginals too, in all parts of the world, including descendents of slaves in the USA, land grants and mineral rights where appropriate and where desired by the offended
    3. Equality for women around the world
    4. Abolishment of slavery around the world
    5. Enjoyment of same legal standing for all members of each country
    6. Abolishment of kingdoms everywhere – no figureheads
    7. Constitional government for each sovereign nation which will hopefully include articles on freedom of speech, press, religion, and other pursuits that lead to happiness

    Yeah baby, dream on. Mars is conjunct my Chiron today at 2 Plus – interpreted as Cap 3 on the sabian symbol scales. So the above is my offering for peaceful coexistence and recognition of fellow travelers through the coming years.

    Grace and peace to each of you this New Year’s Eve.

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