Venus on my face

Priya Kale bilocational blogging — on Planet Waves and on her own website.

Dear Friend and Reader:

WE’RE ABOUT to wrap up the Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, and it is a hot one. Sometimes the editions I have the most doubts about turn out to be my favorites. This week we go over, through and around the new planet Eris. Just about everyone waking around the planet today has Eris in Aries, and so right now the Sun is going over the natal Eris of everyone. If you recall, Eris is the planet that forced the reorganization of the solar system and the supposed “demotion” of Pluto.

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The editor and the astrologer in me said this was a good time to write about Eris. I remembered Tracy from casually mentioning to me a few months ago that there had been a Chiron-Eris conjunction back 1971-72. Chiron in an aspect like this is an excellent candidate to bring out the reality of what another planet is about.

We started with the charts and biographies of several women born during this era: Sofia Coppola, Leisha Hailey, Carmen Electra and one you may not have heard of — Samantha Reed Smith. She was the little girl who wrote to the Kremlin in the early 1980s and got invited to the USSR.

She died in an airplane crash in 1985. All of them are really exciting, interesting women. But something more compelling got me to set that leg of the project behind — we may come back to it later in the Aries cycle.

As a lifelong Women’s Studies major, I also knew that these were intense years in the history of feminism. So working with a researcher and my cellphone (which I will use for any excuse whatsoever to call Betty Dodson) I put together a history of that era. And it turned out to be a stunning revelation of what Eris can do when you bring her power out into the open. I think this is about my fifth major article on Eris — and it is by far my favorite. Here is the link.

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But today I’m here to talk about something even more fun — the current conjunction of Venus and Uranus. I summed this up last night as “life and live free.” Venus is passion, pleasure, sex, value, admiration and sex. Uranus is revolution, liberation, freedom, true group awareness. Pisces is YUM: dreamy, watery, boundless, imaginative and knows what he or she wants. True, the world is not usually that sweet. People tend to have many devotions to things other than art and pleasure. However, sometimes the world turns ON. Let’s see if anyone besides a reader of this blog notices.

When I see and feel this conjunction, I don’t know whether to ask you if you are free, or remind you it’s okay to be free. Either way. But I suggest you notice your state of being. Can you say YES to life, love and sex? Can you really? So glad to hear that! Then go do it! Save yourself and the world a lot of trouble and go for it!

Wrap your head around this: Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Vesta, Orpheus, and Ophelia are all conjunct in Pisces right now, very precisely, with Venus and Uranus in their exact moment. All of these planets are about saying yes except for two concerns: Orpheus is about sad music, reminding us that love can be a sad story. Orpheus is also the poet laureate of the gods, and the perfecter of the lyre. Therefore, bring music and poetry into your erotic expressions.

Ophelia is that moment of doubt and hearbreak — the thing that says, “don’t take the risk.” Or she gets weak, over-emotional, dependent. (She drowns in a stream.)

Yet one cannot spend one’s life in regret, in love with someone who is not there, doubting whether there is such a thing as true love or idealizing it out of existence. Well, you can, but it’s (what used to be) called neurotic — living a dead script. It is clearly time to live NO script, that is, to simply live. Drown in that stream! Pour on the water of life! And in that spirit, Venus is cordially invited to sit on my face today.

And tomorrow for that matter and a bunch more tomorrows after that.

Below are the full aspects for the day.

All hail Venus conjunct Uranus! Catch you soon — and check your inbox for Planet Waves in a little while. I’ve got it in the queue to go out in about three minutes. For instant access, sign up here.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

Friday 28 March 2008

Mercury (20+ Pisces) sextile Sedna (20+ Taurus)
Pallas (8+ Aries) semisquare Admetos (23+ Taurus)
Mercury (20+ Pisces) opposite Logos (20+ Virgo Rx)
Venus (18+ Pisces) square Quaoar (18+ Sagittarius Rx)
Hidalgo (16+ Scorpio Rx) semisquare M87 (1+ Libra)
Sun (8+ Aries) septile Ceres (29+ Taurus)
Sun (8+ Aries) semisquare Neptune (23+ Aquarius)
Vesta (19+ Pisces) sextile Jupiter (19+ Capricorn)
Vesta (19+ Pisces) conjunct Uranus (19+ Pisces)
Eros (26+ Aries) trine Galactic Center (26+ Sagittarius)
Sisyphus (28+ Libra Rx) sextile Juno (28+ Sagittarius)
Venus (19+ Pisces) sextile Jupiter (19+ Capricorn)
Venus (19+ Pisces) conjunct Uranus (19+ Pisces)

Oracle: Apr. 30, 1999 – GEMINI – Weekly

In the past 24 hours, I’ve spoken with two clients about their “Slut vs. Nun Complex.” A supposed struggle between two aspects of the feminine, the alleged virgin, and the alleged whore, it drives some women to the heights of madness trying to resolve which they really are; which is more divine. Dig this: you have many other options. The Slut-Nun complex is just the adult version of a line told to many kids — В­ the one that says either you’re absolutely chaste and pure, or you’re dirt. It’s a blatant, scalding lie. In reality, sluts are merely the people who admit they like sex, and thus threaten the people who feel they must repress themselves. As for all the the nuns in the reading audience — this is a survey. Sincere question: do you masturbate?

1 thought on “Venus on my face”

  1. Great thoughts for my birthday tomorrow, well now it’s today.
    Look for possible blog “Eris Speaking”



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