Venus and Mars, on a move

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Moon is in Gemini and the Sun is in Aquarius today, so we have a very airy day. Good luck getting anything done, as people keep plunging into your mind via email, IM, text message, cellular call, Fed Ex teleconference and personally showing up in your cubicle to show you their cool new dancing BlackBerry.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

Today’s aspects deserve more time than I have to give them right now, so consider this a warmup for Friday’s edition — thought is really is part of a continuing story. As of this writing Wednesday morning, Mars is about to ingress Aquarius (exact at 10:55 am EST), adding some fire to that particular pot. ANY time a traditional planet or big player among the minor planets changes signs — a rare enough event — this is significant.

Aquarius is where the spotlight is: Mars joins Jupiter, Nessus, Chiron and Neptune, and Mercury has stationed direct in Capricorn and is also heading for Aquarius now. We have just had a solar elcipse there as well, so the Aquarius energy is hot and getting hotter.

The Sun is making a series of conjunctions this week, yesterday to Nessus, then to Chiron (at the moment of the lunar eclipse on Feb. 9) and then to Neptune. This will be a rough ride for some; for those attuned to the high-frequency energy of Aquarius, it will turn the world into a living experiment.

Mars close to Chiron means that we’re heading for a conjunction of these two planets, exact March 5. This is always a significant aspect, because it brings two of the most tangible elements of male warrior energy together in one idea. In the same vicinity we will of course see Mars conjunctions to many ponits and planets, so today’s move of Mars in to Aquarius really does begin a major story.

Today Venus makes a move as well. She has ingressed Aries as of earlier this week, and is now making an exact square to Pluto. This will be a common story: any planet entering one of the Cardinal signs will make a quadrature aspect to Pluto (the old term for that is “hard aspect” which is not really appealing, and by this I mean conjunction, square or opposition).

To me Venus square Pluto feels like a question more than a statement; it’s a question of feminine identity, consciously asked. It’s a question of sexual identity because Pluto always brings in a sexual dimension. This is about letting an old internally-guarded idea (a square) of female identity (Venus in Aries) die and become somethig else be born (Pluto’s role is generally a birthing process).

Tomorrow is the second of five exact oppositions of Saturn and Uranus. The first sinceВ  1967, if you recall, was on Election Day. (The last series spaned the Sixties, from April 1, 1965 to Jan. 6, 1967; and Chiron in Pisces was in the mix. The current Saturn-Uranus aspect strcuture is a direct throwback to the Sixties and many other similar historical times. If things don’t seem so hot now, remember that the spring of 1965 was not really that groovy uness you were at the Fillmore in San Francico, or at a Beatles concert.)

More tomorrow.

Eric Francis

3 thoughts on “Venus and Mars, on a move”

  1. I travelled with neighbor, pooch in toe, 150 miles for hip xrays. I smell puppies. That could take me to Canada, pooch in toe for breeding. Basically, blew the day off in the air of travel.

    Oh man the beatles, my teenage sister and friends travelled to Milwaukee to see the hard days night movie (although I think that may have been a year or so before), the gals were passing out in excitement at the movie. Is that like “the vapors”?

    Me I was nine in 65, how telling. Values are supposedly shaped between the ages of 9 and 11. Ye gads, I’d deliberate on that, but I think tomorrow is calling.

  2. Hmmm… as 40% of my chart is in air (not bad for a watersign), the day actually felt dangerously close to *normal,* ~ I got more done than I have in weeks.

  3. man that first paragraph was so accurate for me today. i really got nothing done due to those types of examples you mentioned

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